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"You have to go, Bunny," Jen declared, "If you don't, who will i be with? Why would my best friend in the whole wide world not go to a party with me? What's changed? We used to do it all the time. And we used to have fun doing it too, if i say so myself ."

"Fine but only if you promise that I won't have to play those stupid party games," I countered quick and stern. I saw her frown but just as easily as she frowned, she began to laugh. 

"I love you, Bunny. You're all I got; I wouldn't dare make you do something you didn't want to do." She folded her clothes neatly into her gym bag. "How are things going with Lucian?'

I sighed..

"Is that a 'I'm tired' sigh or is that a 'It's complicated' sigh?" She rose a brow at me. Which would i decide? 

She pried, "Are you in love with him or do you just like him a little bit?"

"I don't know Jen," I replied.

"Liar," she scoffed, "You were smiling so hard the other day when he was talking to you.' She zipped the bag. Before she could ask me something else, I asked her about that family trip.

"Ugh, don't get me started or I won't stop,' she begged. She took a moment of silence before screaming, "Those damn idiots!" 

"Ah there it is. I knew it was coming," I giggled, pulling snacks from my pocket, casually sharing them with her. We both sank into my bed; I listened to her rant.

"My uncle Joe brought his new girlfriend," She started. Uh-oh.. "She was a fucking thief, Bunny. She stole all of Jordan's money from his piggybank and she stole the tv. I truly don't know what kind of drugs she was on, but whatever drug it was, I totally hope it was worth it. And my fucking stepdad almost got me kicked out of the house. He told my mom I was the one that stole Jordan's money and i stole it to buy alcohol because surprise-- I was drinking. Why wouldn't I be when I have a family like that?" She looked at me for an answer and for the first time, I think I understood how my dad felt. I could see some of my dad in Jen; the way you could see the desperation in her eyes; the way you could hear her plea in her voice for comfort. 

"Hey, Periwinkle, you really shouldn't drink so much," I said quietly.

"OH, you're going to lecture me too? What kind of bullshit is this?" She flew up from the bed and grabbed her gym bag "I thought you'd understand." She made her way to the door.

"I do understand and i'm not bashing or judging you for it, Jen! I'm just saying drinking is bad for your health. You shouldn't drink so much."

"If i wanna drink, that's my choice."

"I know.. I'm just looking out for you, Jen. What kind of friend would i be if i let you drink yourself to death and we're still young like this? "

She yelled from the door, "The kind that supports me? The kind that knows what i go through at home?" Her hand gripped the knob so tightly and her face was red with threatening tears and disheveled hair.

"Sorry, not sorry Periwinkle," I said as i gave her a sad smile. She left and I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so mad. I actually cared for her. I didn't want her to go down the same path as my dad. Her rushed footsteps on the staircase and the slam of the door brought me back to my senses.

I showered and went to school. Noelle asked if I was okay and i reassured her many times that I was. I asked her if she would be attending the Halloween party and she told me she'd think about it. Rick retrieved his girlfriend and Lucian replaced Noelle's company. He instantly made me laugh and asked me about ideas for the next 'outing.' I guess he didn't want to officially call it a date. and i could see why, after all he already told me I'm not his type. This was just him living up to the deal. Which made me question how long this would be going on because i didn't specify and neither did he.

"no best friend today?" he asked

"we kinda had a fight this morning. im not too thrilled about it. She took it the wrong way and she stormed off. I was just trying to help her," I shrugged, "But who knows? maybe I'll see her later and we'll make up." I inwardly prayed for that. She was my other half. I never wanted to fight with her.  

"You're a good friend," Lucian stated. He pat me on the shoulder and we went our parting ways. To library I go. When i got there, Jennifer and Jason were talking by the door. When she saw me, she left. I must've really hit a nerve, huh. 

"Don't worry about it. She'll get over it," Jason assured me. "She's always like that. Trust me, she'll give in by the end of the day." Switching the subject, he ventured to Halloween. "Are you going to the party?"

I answered, "Yes but i'm not going anywhere near party games." He laughed at me and we went inside to our seats, playfully joking before class started. Jane Eyre was the pick of the day; it was a gothic romance and I couldn't stop myself from laughing when Jason rolled his eyes at the book, saying it was corny. I couldn't focus because he was constantly making me laugh with his critical remarks.

Throughout the day, I didn't see Jen. I decided to go to the cheer room and pop up on her. of course, she was getting her things together and putting them back into her bag. 

"Alright, I'll be the bigger person Periwinkle," I started. She didn't even turn around to face me. "I'm not sorry."

"Then why are you here?" she asked in an agitated voice.

"Because I never said anything wrong Jen! You know just as well as I do that I wasn't judging you." I took a step closer. "You know that Jen." I said softly.

"You gave me those eyes. I don't like when you look at me like that."

"Like what, Peri?" I was confused.

She whipped her head around and I saw the tears running all down her face, her puppy dog eyes begging me. "Like I need help; like I have a problem." She paused to wipe her nose and she sniffled continuously while talking. "I have problems at home and that's how I deal with them. At least it's not drugs. I just need you to understand."

"Jen," I rubbed her shoulder before taking a seat next to her. I lay my head on her shoulder and soon she lay her head to the side on top of mine. "But what if it does become a problem?"

"Then you can judge, but before that, just hold my hand," she held her hand out for me to take and so I did.

"You can't drink yourself to death Jen. What about Jordan?" I reminded her.

"I'm sorry, Bunny," she apologized, "I never meant to avoid you or make you feel bad. Forgive me, hm?"

"You're forgiven. Now dry your face so we can get the hell out of here," I laughed. She laughed and we both jumped to our feet, hand in hand.

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