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"It's fucking huge," my mouth hung agape before we even walked inside of the gate. The luxurious estate was lined in speckles of gray and white paint and easily rose well over 4 stories. The teeming greenlife lined the house in a scattered pattern; the trees were trimmed along the concrete path. Some shrubs were cut into figurines and you could hear the loud music blasting all the way down the street. Cars were everywhere and I suddenly got nervous.

"Jen," I fumbled with my words, "How in the hell can they afford this?" I was so shocked.

Jen just laughed. "I'm serious, Periwinkle. Whose house is this?"

She grabbed my hand and we headed inside. We were greeted by a boy who I assumed was the host. His blonde hair and his smile to match were blinding. He seemed to give off that he was the life of the party. Jen and the guy had a brief conversation before she introduced us.

He gave me his hand to shake so I took it. "I'm Brax," he pointed at his buddies and said their names in a flurry, to which they all responded with a raised hand, "and I hope you enjoy the party. Don't hesitate to approach." He gave me a head nod and pointed us to the alcohol.

"Hey doc, you got a thermometer?"

"Why? Need mommy to take your temp?" I quipped.

"Ah man," his bros shoved him playfully, "she's lit."

"No, I was gonna suggest you take your own. You're pretty damn hot." He smirked before he took a few steps toward me. "I feel the heat way over here. It's getting unbearable." He fanned himself while dishing out funny remarks. I had no choice but to laugh.

"All right, you got me," I admitted. I licked a finger and touched my skin. "Ah, you're right," I said to him. "I am hot. In fact, I'm too hot to handle." We both shook our heads lightly and chuckled.

"I'm Kareem."

"I'm Isabelle."

"Well, Isabelle you're the first to ever have some flame against my fire. And I gotta say, it was good," he took a few more steps and gently whispered in my ear, " I have to go up my game and maybe when I come back, you'll still be here and I can sweep you off your pretty little feet tonight." He left before I could say something.

"You're on fire with the boys tonight. I don't know what it is but it really doesn't matter. I told you there was nothing to worry about," Jen reassured me again. She gave me a cup and then there was a crowd and then another cup. Next, a dance floor and sweat and hair everywhere. Then, I couldn't find Jen and ventured into at least half a million rooms until I finally found the bathroom. Another cup found its way to me and I found myself outside.

A pool glistened under the moonlight and there were people around it cheering and people with drinks shouting for someone to jump. He canon-balled into the pool from a balcony and I couldn't help but cheer too.

"Yeah that's right, whewww," someone said to me. I kept walking after the guy came up for air. I bet the air felt awesome. I walked and stumbled upon a garden. When I looked back, I didn't see anyone.

I shrugged. I took another sip of my cup. There was a pond and fireflies and to me, it felt like dreamlike.. almost picturesque— like it came directly from a painting. I let the wind blow through my hair. It was so quiet here. I couldn't hear the music. I couldn't hear the people.

I could only feel my heart pounding as the wind kissed me. I ran around with the fireflies and danced by the pond. The trees swayed with me; I felt like I was on top of the world.
I dipped my toes into the pond while humming what must have been a childhood song because I couldn't remember the words.

I returned to my shoes and sat in the grass taking light sips of my cup. The light from the fireflies shone upon the pond, as it graced nature with beauty.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I heard a voice.
I turned to see him.

"You know, you could just sit and enjoy nature with me. Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it make you want to just stay here forever?"

"Eventually, the fireflies will leave. The sun will come up. The wind will stop blowing," He said.
"Yeah, but it'll happen again. It's meant to be," I said with certainty.

"You like nature?" Lucian asked as he sat next to me.
"I love it," I replied with my eyes closed, letting the wind kiss me again.

"It's way too cold so hold me tonight
Will you be there to hold me tight?
If I offer you a drink will you stay?
Never go away, always be my light.
Never let me go. Hold me tight."

I never knew something so tranquil could exist in the same place where there was a wild party.

"That's a nice tune," Lucian commented.
"Isn't it though," I agreed. I finished my cup of alcohol in one swig.

"Whoa doc," Lucian cautioned.
"I'm fine," I said. Before I knew it, words were spilling from my mouth about bugs and water and mountains-- many trivial facts that no one could possibly care about. I rambled to him about this trip my mom and dad took me on when I was kid and how it was the peak of my summer youth.

"My mom had this surfboard she bought but she never actually learned how to actually surf. Maybe I'll carry on her wish," I finished and we sat in silence.

"You think I could steal their pond and take it home with me?" I smiled as I looked at Lucian.

He suddenly burst into a fit and stared at me again. He actually laughed.. he looked so precious when he laughed. Why aren't you like this more??..

He shook his head and he smiled again. We both laughed soon after.
He said, "I think you're drunk, Bella."
"So what?" I shooed. I tucked a few strays behind my ear before sloppily rising from the ground with Lucian's help.

"Thanks," I said. His hand was so warm and my mind felt so fuzzy and my stomach had the butterflies. I looked at him and he was still smiling, being the perfect gentleman to me.

I sighed, caressing his cheek. "Why can't it be like this all the time? You're so fucking sexy when you smile."

His luscious pink lips beckoned me forward and I couldn't resist .. I didn't want to. The drop of the cup didn't bother me. His moist lips and his warm tongue were graceful but wildly fierce. His hand began to wander and I could feel a rush of heat.

But I don't know.. I ended up in a bush. The world was blurry and I kept stumbling. I found the party and someone handed me another cup but before I could finish it, there was Lucian.
"That's enough," he warned.
"There's two of you," I said.

There were goodbyes and there was a car door slam and then I fell and then I fell again into something way more comfortable with just the right amount of warmth and wind.

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