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Chapter 21: A Game of Cat & Mouse?

Lucian's POV

When she made it to the front door, her hand grazed the door knob. Just as I was about to turn and leave, she shouted, "Your story telling sucks! Goodnight!"

How dare she!?

Confident she'd hear me through the door, I shouted back, "Good night, Bella! See you tomorrow morning & don't forget to tell your parents about us!"

I then ran away back to the park and swiftly delved behind the greenery, opening a plane to get back home.

But in the midst of my travels, something told me to check on my local house. So I did as my instincts told me and went to my house.

I found the door ajar and muddy prints leading inside; mud was a pet peeve of mine & I absolutely despised it. Whomever decided to break into my house had a whole 'nother level of fury coming for them.

I exited my portal and slowly walked towards the late Georgian-early Victorian era house; it was rare to have a house still standing and originally built of one of those eras. I didn't want my house to be tarnished.

Man, oh man, I felt bad for this person— well, scratch that, I didn't feel any remorse for them. Don't people have morals nowadays? They should know it's wrong to break into other peoples' houses.

Furthermore, my house might have been local, but it was more on the outskirts side of town rather than the city, so that begs the question of how and why they chose this house.

I climbed the stairs of the porch, letting my feet glide on the wooden tile floor as I walked further into my house. I was disgusted at the sight of mud; did they just leave a pigsty?

Maybe I should give em a good scare? I stepped backwards and slammed the door as hard as I could. When I did that, I set up a magical barrier around the house so that the criminal couldn't escape.

When the door slammed, I heard something shatter and break. Soon after, footsteps followed. Of course, the criminal must have gotten scared.

I followed the sound of the break and footsteps, which led me upstairs. Letting my hand trail the cream-colored stair rail, I ascended the stairs without a care in the world.

My heart started to pound; I was getting a thrill. This was like a game of cat and mouse to me. Exhilaratingly exciting!

Reaching the apex of the stairs, I took a slight pause. I wondered if the culprit was hiding now. What room had the most valuables? Ah, no matter. I'll throw them on edge.

I entered the first room on the left and let the door hit the wall as I walked in. I checked underneath the bed, opened the closet, and checked for open windows.

Exiting the room, I began to whistle; I didn't close the first room's door and proceeded to walk across the hall to the room on the right. I wanted to instill as much fear as possible into the criminal.

I did the same routine for all rooms except the third room on the right. Once I reached the third room on the left, I skipped over the room on the right because I knew that's where the culprit was.

I could hear their heart pounding with each passing moment, giving me the energy to whistle louder and smile altogether in my chase. Surely, he must have known by now that I was a twisted psycho enthralled in a game of making my prey almost piss their pants.

This house had a total of ten rooms; thinking back upon this, I bought this house from a hellbound couple that used to foster abandoned kids and abuse them. I guess that's why it had so many rooms; back then, I was still in a cloud of anger. If it wasn't for a certain someone back then, I would have never freed those kids or sent that couple to hell earlier than needed.

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