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It was the last day of summer and I was saying goodbye to my friends. I hugged them all goodbye and promised to keep in touch. As I drove away, I looked back at them all standing there and knew that I would never forget the summer fun we had. I was ready to start the next chapter of my life, but I would never forget the memories I had shared with my friends. We had spent the last several weeks together, enjoying our last days of freedom before college. We had gone to the beach, watched movies, taken long drives, went to parties, and even had sleepovers. And that wasn't even all! We had done a million things. But now it was time for us to part ways and pursue our own paths.

I was excited to start college but sad to be leaving my friends. I had grown so much closer Jennifer, Jason, and Noelle over the summer. We had shared so many memories together, and I hated that I had to leave them behind. As I began packing for college, I found myself pulling out the photos from our senior trip. I smiled as I remembered the laughs and the good times we had all shared.

Even the bad, scary times. Fighting demons, fighting each other, fighting to survive just to live my own life. My fingers traced the details of the picture, I almost wanted to cry.

Lucian noticed my hesitation and suggested that I take my time with packing. "Maybe you shouldn't rush," he said. I brushed off his concern, not wanting him to worry about me. Even though I was excited for college, I was still sad to be leaving my friends. I carefully placed the picture back into the box.

"I'm not that sick," I reassured him. "I can unpack by myself. You don't have to stay."
"Why would I leave?" He was puzzled. I shrugged at his complacency.

"Well, I'll be right back," I ran off to get the rest of my belongings.

I was feeling a bit under the weather, but I didn't want Lucian to worry about me. I had just moved into my college dorm and I was determined to get my unpacking done as soon as possible.

He offered to help me, but I declined. I didn't want him to think I was weak or sickly.

As I was wandering the halls, I suddenly felt a wave of nausea and I knew I wouldn't make it to the bathroom on time. Fortunately, I spotted a restroom nearby and I quickly made my way in.

I spent the next twenty minutes in the restroom, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I had just promised Lucian that I would be okay, but here I was feeling so sick.

I placed my head into my hands and let the tears flow. I was having a small meltdown. Probably from my life changing too fast. I emerged from the stall, clutching my stomach. I splashed water from the faucet on my face. With my eyes closed I reached for a paper towel and accidentally knocked over a jar of tampons on the counter. I let out a groan as I bent down to pick up the mess I had made. It felt like a metaphor for my life - everything was constantly spiraling out of control. I quickly wiped away the remaining mixture of tears and tried to act like I hadn't just had an emotional breakdown.

Tampons. My hands glided across the pieces of paper, stuffing them back into the jar. Every tampon I stuffed made the gears in my mind churn. Finally when I sat the jar on the counter, I had a sudden fearful epiphany.

I took out my phone from my bag and texted Jen. I crossed my fingers hoping I'd get a fast reply. "911!" I texted her phone and she called quickly.

I explained everything as simple as I could.. As I was explaining, I realized I was fucked.

"You're pregnant," Jennifer's squealed from behind the phone.
"Fuck," I sighed.
"That's right," Jennifer laughed.

"Not funny Peri! Like why? I just got to college and now I'm pregnant? How am I going to tell Lucian? How am I going to break this to my parents??" I was hysterical.

I was in shock. I had no idea how this could have happened. I had been so careful.

We talked for a while and she suggested I take a pregnancy test. I was scared so I told her hell no.

"Just calm down," she tried to soothe me, "Everything will be just fine. First thing Monday morning, we'll go the clinic, okay?"

"Okay," I whispered in a hushed tone.
"I love you Bunny," Jennifer said before the call ended with the rushed beeps.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I gave myself a minute to process. I took a deep breath and told myself I'd be okay. I tucked my curls behind my ears and prepared myself to face Lucian.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the bathroom. I was a bit disoriented in the unfamiliar building, and I was starting to feel a bit lightheaded. I decided to find the dorm mother and ask her for directions.

When I finally made it back to my room, I was relieved to see that Lucian was still there, sitting on my bed unpacking my belongings. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

'I was worried about you,' he said.

I apologized for worrying him and thanked him for sticking around. We finished unpacking together and I was grateful to have such an understanding partner.

"Lucian," my voice faltered.
"Yes?" When I didn't respond, he continued, "Do you need something?"

"No I don't. I just.." I paused, hesitation danced across my mind. Should I tell him the news before it's even official? I decided not to. "Im thankful for you, that's all." I kissed his forehead.

"What's really wrong?" He took me in his arms and sat me down on the bed. I fumbled with my fingers, avoiding eye contact, unsure how to answer him.

"Monday I have an appointment," I blew a breath.
"Okay. Anddd?" He wanted me to finish.
"I might be pregnant," I revealed.

His face was stoic for a while before he embraced me. "You'll be fine. I support whatever you choose."

"What if I wanna keep it?" I gazed into his red orbs.

"Then we'll keep it," he answered. "What's wrong with you? I'm not going to leave just because you're having a pregnancy scare," he reassured me. "I promise." He kissed me tenderly, caressing my arms by drawing circles on my skin with his thumb.
My shoulders eased their tenseness.

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