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Chapter Two: Stalker

Isabelle's POV•

After my math class was over, I found Jennifer and met up with her. She was with Brad, her quarterback boyfriend, and his jock friend, Tyler Atham. Tyler was surrounded by his other stupid friends and a few school chicks. As usual.. I rolled my eyes.

Man, I hated those guys. They were so obnoxious , but I guess Brad was okay. He treated Jennifer great and he always spoiled her. He didn't act like a snob in front of Jen, but I knew he was one. I just had a gut feeling.

Tyler, on the other hand, was a known slob & snob. He slept with girls just to raise his body count. He had some game going on with the rest of the other jocks. Whoever could sleep with the most girls before they graduated would be the winner. I don't know what the prize would be, but that just disgusted me.

The crowd went a little silent when I walked up. I was used to it now. It didn't bother me. I didn't care about them or anyone else's opinions. They didn't matter. Not in this life.

I spoke to her, "Jen, I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow."

She pouted, "Why? Don't leave. Let's go home together."

"No thanks, Jen. You have plans with Brad today. I'll be okay. Have fun, hun. Be safe. Love you."

I walked off before she could drag the conversation any further. I walked from the closest parking lot to the front of the school. We had three separate parking lots; one right outside the school's exit, one behind the school, and the furthest one was literally a lot departed from the school by a field of grass. Austin Gray High School made an illogical decision regarding the lots.

I walked through that grass and bumped into Noelle along the way. We always saw each other here before we went our separate ways, literally. She became my friend too. I just never saw her too often.

She was the type of girl who was super smart. She's considered to be what people call a geek. She even fit the stereotype for it; she had nerdy glasses, freckles, braces and she had the highest GPA here.

Honestly, she was pretty. She had weird hair—no, she had unique hair. It was a curly mixture of dark auburn & blonde. She said she's never dyed it; her hair came that way. She had two deep dimples and her skin was always flawlessly creamy white; she never had acne. She stood at about five foot one and mostly wore simple clothing. Occasionally, she'd wear a dress or a pencil skirt. Either way, she was super pretty— even if she was more than intelligent.


We finally met up and chatted about our day. She filled me in about her classes and her academic clubs. She told me about her crush on Rick Merwyn. He was the tight end on our football team; we were the Austin Chargers. I would have never guessed she was into football guys.

We talked longer today, which was unusual, but I didn't complain. She finally waved goodbye to me and we split directions in the field of grass.

I proceeded to walk into the furthest lot and I literally bumped into the kid from earlier, the new guy.

I immediately spoke, "I'm sorry. I guess fate has it that we bump into each other today. I swear I'm not doing this on purpose."

He laughed at me, "It's okay. I guess if that is fate's plan then we should introduce ourselves to each other. I'm Lucian, but you can call me Luci. That name is just for you to use."

"Okay. I'm Isabelle, but people call me Belle or Bella. It's nice to meet you Luci. Sorry to keep causing you trouble."

"It's okay. Where you headed? Do you need a ride?"

I responded, "No thanks. I'm just a few blocks away. Plus, you're a stranger. How do I know you won't kidnap me and sell me to the highest bidder?"

He flashed his bright seductive smile at me and leaned onto a blue Chevy before iterating, "I'm not a kidnapper, I promise. I don't need to sell you for money. I'm already rich."

I scoffed, "Okay rich boy. Excuse me then. That explains the nice car. Thanks for the ride but I'll pass anyway. It was nice bumping into you again, I guess. See ya later."

I walked away before he could continue talking. As soon as I was out of his line of sight, I ran home. I lied to him; I didn't live a few blocks away, but the walk was to keep me fit. I didn't want to be fat like I was in my past life. I still had curves now but I just needed to keep them the exact way they are now.

I was sweaty when I finally got home. I grabbed my keys from my backpack and unlocked the door. I walked inside and immediately threw my backpack onto the floor. I locked the door and took my shoes off. I let my feet guide me to the kitchen for food and ran upstairs to my room.

I didn't hear any noise in the house so I assumed no one was home. As soon as I got upstairs, I heard a knock. Really? They waited until I was about to get comfortable to bother me. What an a-hole!

I descended the stairs and opened the door, only to find the new guy at my door step.

I gasped, "Oh my god! You're a stalker, aren't you?"

He replied meanly, "No way. I'm not a creep. I was actually being a good guy this time around and returning something of yours. Maybe next time I won't be so nice. Here. Have a nice day."

He walked off, leaving me with an open mouth and eyes gawking at this magnificent man with a nice butt. His figure receded until he got into his car. He just drove off without a second glance.

Guess what he returned? My identification. Of course, he knew where I lived. My address is on there. I'd have to apologize tomorrow. Ugh! Great start to a new friendship, I guess.

until next time..

Hi! Author here. How you like those apples? Tell me what you think readers! I think this is an actual great start to a friendship. I updated way sooner than what I planned, but it helped me sleep. I'll see you sinners next week! 😉

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