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Chapter Ten: Pain & Panic Attacks

Isabelle's POV

It was dark here & the only thing I felt was unimaginable pain. I could only grunt from the excruciating pain piercing through my lungs & heart, causing me to take a great intake of air; the more I breathed, the much worse the pain. What the hell is going on?

The unbearable pain earned itself multiple tears from me & a few bouts of intense cries, yearning for help. Where are the doctors? Why is this hospital shortcoming?

"What are you doing here?"

I swiftly dried my tears and fluttered my eyes to see where the voice came from. As I looked up, I closed my eyes again due to the increasing pain. Dammit! This pain was worse than that time I got beat after the spelling bee. I opened my eyes again, ignoring the pain and there he was. He was standing in front of me.

A handsome man; he could be the man of my dreams. Is this a dream? Is he here to take all the pain away?

"You're in pain?" He asked.
"Yes," I answered dumbfoundedly.

He came up to me and placed his soft, muscular hands against my abdomen and I pushed them upwards, unaware of what I'd just done until a few seconds after. He only smirked at me & I deemed it best not to think about the situation I'm in nor what it looked like. If anyone else saw me push his hands up to that region, they'd swear I was horny or something of that nature.

He frowned at me, "We don't use those words here. It's taboo."

"I didn't even say anything," I furrowed my brows at him. Oh god, was he actually a man that could read minds? So was the grim reaper just a fad?

"You're in my realm so I can hear everything you're thinking. Have you met Thanatos before?"

The pain was gone now and he pulled his hands away & stood up, holding his hands out to help me stand, too. I took them and thanked him when I was sure I could stand upright.

I then replied, "Who is Thanatos?"
"That's the grim reaper." He replied.
"Oh." I shrugged my shoulders.

He nodded and left me be. He vanished into thin air and I was still standing in the same spot, thinking about that beautiful man. Dirty blonde hair, chiseled jawline, muscles, wings. So se.. wait a minute!! Wings? What the he..

"I said we don't say those words here," his voice entered my mind and I instantly replied with an apology.

"How do I get out of here? Am I dead by chance? Is this heaven or something?" I asked.

I didn't get a reply so I just walked straightforwardly. I finally reached a red door; I contemplated if I should actually open it or not. Red doors are never a good sign but if this place forbids of you saying such taboo words & things, then why would a red door be here? Ah, what the frick. I opened it anyway and there was nothing there. I took a few steps inside and then the door shut automatically. I pulled the door but it didn't budge.

Was this like those horror movies where I was trapped in a room like the dumb protagonist and there was a serial killer waiting for me? Crap! I'm already here so I judged the situation rapidly and resumed on the path in happy skips. If I was going I die again, then why not be happy before I die?

I thought of all the happy things that had ever happened to me in this lifetime and my last one, bit I suddenly reached another door. This one was black and I immediately opened it. I had to get out of here somehow so I had no time to think about the symbolization of colored & painted doors.

This time I was at the room where I met that rude man in my last lifetime; He noticed me and stood up then made his way to me. This door wasn't the door I came in last time nor was it the door that I exited from last time.

"May I help you? Are you here for a deal or something; make this quick because I have things to do." He snapped just fingers and a pile of papers appeared floating in mid-air next to him.

"No. I stumbled here again. I honestly don't know how I end up; I swear I don't do it deliberately."

"Again?" He questioned.
"Forget that part. I get nervous when I talk to strangers and say stupid things."

He eyed me suspiciously and then the papers disappeared. He dragged me along with him across the room and shoved me through that red door once more. Why was he so inconsiderate & inhumane? Is he like that with everyone that comes to him or stumbles upon that room? He could be a tad bit more kind.

I wasn't greeted by the light this time, but instead I was greeted by the faint cries & sobs of my family and friends. No! Don't tell me this is me dying again? Why do I always die at times like these?

"So there's nothing you can do? Pump faster!" My mom demanded. I only ever saw her angry whenever I did something unforgivable or whenever my dad stole her Oreos; stealing my mom's Oreos were forbidden at home. She'd go berserk without them.

"Bunny, wake up, please." Jen pleaded, "Please don't leave me. Who's gonna love me as much as you? Who's gonna be my friend & keep my head on straight now? Please don't leave me, Bunny." She sobbed uncontrollably.

I wouldn't be leaving anyone; I know how they felt. I never wanted to be the cause of anyone going through the pain of grief because when my mom left me, I was more than devastated.

I did the only thing I could think of and ran ahead of me. I ran and ran and ran; my calf muscles were tired and the cries filled my the surrounding air of darkness but I kept running. I wouldn't leave you guys! I promise I won't leave you. Wait for me please!

"Wait for me please!" I yelled. I'd run a thousand miles just to see them again. I shut my eye and let a tear fall; when I opened my eyes again, I was enveloped in white light and a dizzy feeling. I thought I was gonna vomit— no, I knew I was gonna vomit.

I coughed and choked up vomit and I looked up to see the grim reaper again. He didn't try to kill me at first but then he suddenly swung his scythe at me; I think I heard the scythe laugh, but it sounded so sweet. So this would be my last memory?

My last memory.. In this place. I think I'll call it limbo. But it was no longer limbo.

I was now dead.

Sorry, but I finally updated. Don't hate me, okay? 😞

Vote & tell me what you think please ❤️❗️

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