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"Well that's not too bad," I said with a shrug.
"You think so?" Lucian questioned playfully with a devilish smirk.

Boy, was I wrong! Every time his finger collided with my skin, I felt a zap of electricity & I know for a fact that he felt it too. And I also knew he started to like it, because I also started to like it.

Days of crimson turned into weeks of needles and pins; weeks grew into months of curiosity & those months easily turned into a year. Bringing in holidays together & celebrating each other's presence throughout the tumultuous but endlessly enjoyable days of high school breaks drew us closer.

A year of dislike matured to butterflies whenever we laid eyes on each other. The pricks and prods, the constant stabs, the feeling of being used— all of it was drowned by growing happiness.

Alas, I'd went blind. I forgot about the war. The dreadful upcoming war between celestials that i'd got caught in between.

The distance between Lucian and I stretched more while he was preparing for the war. I hadn't seen him in months and when I did get a chance to catch a glimpse of him, he'd just ignore me. He confused the hell out of me. One minute we're laughing and the next we don't know each other.

"Don't let it get to you," Yuhan comforted me as he flattened the band-aid on my arm after skillfully sliding the needle out.

"You make a good nurse," I said blankly. We stared at each other in silence after my comment. I could tell he wanted to say something; I could see that he could barely keep the words from spilling from the tip of his tongue. Still, he let it go and decided to shut his mouth. He just nodded his head at me to confirm he was done with his work. I returned the nod and headed straight for my favorite place.

The walk was a breeze as usual. The red hot roses beckoned me onto the balcony. Yuhan appeared behind me saying I should just talk to him.

"You're both so stubborn," Yuhan said.
I rebutted, "How would you feel if you were me?"
He retreated, "I'm staying out of this one. Did you see where it got me last time?"

"Fine," I blew a sigh, "Just another minute to look at the flowers please." I heard him leave but he returned too quickly for my liking.

"That was too quick Yuhan. I'm not ready to speak to your king. You know I don't want to see him. Just a few more minutes please," I begged.

The next thing I know I see Lucian and we're arguing. He doesn't choose to ignore me now and I realized we were so emotionally heated that we didn't notice Yuhan had an urgent message. Apparently, it was from Above and it was a personally delivered message.

Lucian didn't spare another second on me and I went to my chambers behind Yuhan, discarding my clothes and going directly to the bath. Time passed so quickly in my rage, for I found myself getting ready for bed. Not long after I shut the lights off, the door flew open and I knew the only person who'd make a dramatic entrance was the king of hell himself.

He shouted, "I'm not letting you sleep!"
I could feel my rage welling up again. We were so close, yet we felt so far apart. So close and we were screaming at each other.

"What about those days Lucian? You act like I don't exist," I cried.
"You're all I ever think about," Lucian argued while caressing my cheek.
"You don't care about me Lucian," I asserted flicking his hand from my cheek.

He bit down on his jaw; I made him angry. He'd previously had me pinned but he soon released his hold on me and I watched him walk to the door. I watch him open the door and I closed my eyes, holding my breath and slumped into the bed one again.

I heard the door slam and I expected him to be gone. But I heard something hitting the ground. Again. Again. I opened my eyes.

Clothes were dropping. Lucian was skillfully removing his clothes in front of me, letting them hit the ground without a care in the world. My breath hitched and I felt the need to hold it. He was shirtless, pantless and almost completely nude. He climbed into my bed, never taking his eyes off me.

He took my hand and kissed them lightly, leaving a trail of hot and wet kisses, occasionally licking my skin, from my hands to my arms up to my chest and then my neck. He lightly sucked my skin and I could feel my heat pooling the more his lips connected with my skin. I was barely managing to hold in my moans, letting a few escape.

"It was pure torture for me," he kissed my right palm. "All these months. I couldn't see you, I couldn't feel you, I couldn't have you." His hands sent a tickling chill through me as they moved upwards on my thigh. Lucian stared at me in eyes deeply, almost like he was trying to read my mind to see what I was thinking.

"I don't like it when you're mad at me," he kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry." I wanted to forgive him. Those two words tugged at my heart so much. It was like my heart was literally speaking to me telling me it was okay to give in.. to forgive him. I hated how I always forgave him so easily. I was never mad at him for long.

I caved. "Truthfully, when I said I didn't want to see you, it was a lie," I confessed.
"I know," he said.  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He apologized with kisses.

"I forgive you," I said breathlessly, almost like a raspy whisper.

"I couldn't have you so I'm asking you now: Can I have you?" He asked seriously.

"Yes," I said without hesitation. I bit my lip when I saw the delight on his face. That delight soon turned into something more sinful though and I could feel the atmosphere in the room shift. His eyes changed colors before he started to move. Before I could blink, he was under the cover with me.

His soft pink lips grazed my skin, licking and sucking my thighs as he moved higher and higher. My legs spread for him unconsciously. My breath caught when he touched my nub through my underwear.

"Good girl," the husk from his voice only added to my heat. His thumb playfully made circles atop my underwear.

"You tease," I moaned.
"I won't tease you anymore then," he quickly replied.


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