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Chapter Twelve: Rising from the Dead

Lucian's POV

"You're right," Thanatos said.

It was silent now; no cries, no sobs, no words; nothing was said or done for a while until Jennifer squeezed Bella's still-warm hand and pleaded silently for her to wake up. The mom consoled Jen and let the boy lead her out of the room.

The dad stood up and followed suit, sensing what the mom wanted. She watched him walk away and then she looked at her daughter, taking in every feature of her daughter. A single tear slid down the mom's face while she kissed Bella's forehead one last time.

Suddenly, Isabelle's chest heaved and she shot straight up, puking out whatever the contents of her stomach acidated.

The mom was so surprised and full of shock, "Honey!? Are you okay? Oh my god! DOCTOR!! I NEED A DOCTOR!!" She shouted.

All of the commotion made her visitors return, crying and then turning into a mess, thanking the heavens that she was still alive.

"How is this possible?" One doctor asked.
Another commanded, "Get this cleaned up stat!"

The doctors surrounded her, pushing her family into the corner while they checked her heart and looked at her body with ultrasounds.

"May we take some tests?" The doctor asked the parents.

"Absolutely not," Isabelle replied.

Everyone was stunned, including Thanatos and I. How could someone so fragile be full of authority and furthermore, how could she even speak? She just emptied her entire stomach, yet she can still wield sound.

"Why not?" The doctor asked.
"Because if they were necessary, you wouldn't have asked. Nothing's wrong with me. Get away," she commanded.

And so they did as asked and left her alone but one doctor stayed. He came up with his stethoscope and listened to her heartbeat while she was discarding her intravenous drips.

The doctor nodded at Bella and left her with her family. The mom had her hands covering her mouth, shaking with profound tears.

"It must be a miracle," she whispered.

The one to break the peace was Jennifer. "Why'd you go & scare us like, Bunny, huh? My face is a mess; look at this mascara scarred face! You scared the living hell out of us," she screeched.

"Jennifer!" The dad said.
Jennifer replied, "I'm sorry Pop, but she's dear to me, too. She's not just your daughter."

Jennifer walked over and wrapped her hand in Bella's hand. "Don't ever scare me like that again, okay?" She then hugged Bella.

Jason pushed her out of the way and then kissed her forehead, "You almost got us there. I'll visit you soon, but I'm so glad you're okay." He hugged Bella and she embraced him, too, unlike the way she was with Jennifer.

Jason left and Jennifer bade her goodbye also, giving the family time to bond.

"I heard you," Bella whispered.
"What did you say hun? I can't understand you." The mom asked.

They walked to the side of the bed & scooted the chairs closer to her.

"I said I heard you." Bella said clearly.
"Heard me when?" the mom asked.

Bella explained, "I heard you crying out for me; I felt you kiss me one last time. I heard everyone's sobs and cries so I came back, but your cries were the loudest. The way you couldn't let go even though you knew you had to was the way to pull me back. I just so badly wanted to comfort you."

Her parents were in shock but they could sense Bella didn't want to talk about it in depth so they sat in silence, holding her hand. She fell asleep soon after and the doctor came back in.

He spoke, "We'll have to observe her for a few days. She'll be able to go home by Monday if everything goes smoothly. I still think it's a miracle that she's alive; she hit the eight minute mark."

"The eight minute mark?" The mom asked.

"Yes," he continued, "the eight minute mark is the period in which death flashes before your eyes; when the time is up or eight minutes has passed, you are physically declared deceased. Nothing is able to bring you back, unless in such a case as this, it's a miracle!"

"Well I'm glad you think so; I couldn't imagine what I'd do without her," she then whispered, "Brit & Tom would be so angry."

The dad nodded at her words.

"Hm? Did you say something?" The doctor asked.

The mom shook her head and I exited the scene; I've already wasted too much time here, but being in this plane sped time up. I looked at Thanatos and he said nothing, only giving me a knowing nod.

I returned to my kingdom and walked into my castle's royal hall; pictures of me lined the walls but I don't know why. No one ever got to see my real appearance. I climbed the stairs rapidly and entered my room.

"What the hell is going on around here lately?" I asked myself.

I kept my composure at the hospital, but I was angry that she embraced Jason, but not Jennifer. I have so many questions running about my mind and I want answers but I know that's impossible.

Leave it to my dad to meddle in my life even when he was the one that damned me. Still meddling! And I wasn't even around him! This is such a mess.

I sighed and face palmed myself. I undressed and dispelled all the magic that altered my appearance; I placed a barrier over my room and conjured a note that was placed outside my castle door. I then cut the connection between my servants & I for the night, even though it was always nighttime here.

I plopped myself onto my bed and began replaying all the scenes of my day nonstop; from beginning to end with all the details.

I only ever stopped once I realized that nothing good came from it. The only question that was now stuck in my head was the inquiry of what my father said.

What did he mean? She's my what? This befuddled me & I drifted to sleep easily.

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