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Video above: Brandy- sittin' up in my room
Movie: Waiting to Exhale

•Part two of Chapter 19: Devil's Corner
*slight profanity warning ⚠️





Isabelle's POV

"You should be!"

And with that, I stomped off but not before I received a burning tap from Lucian.

I spoke, "What? It's your locker, I get it. I was already moving."

"Great. I'm starting to think you do this deliberately, darling," he said.

"You know, in all my years of living, you are by far the most egotistical, self-centered, asshole of a stalker, I've ever met. Go to hell, Lucian!"

I was so angry that I didn't even bother to look around at the people staring at me or the bulged eyes that looked at me from behind; I was out of that school before I knew it and walking home furiously.

What kind of friend is Jen? Why wouldn't she tell me? I knew she was on a break with Brad, but I didn't expect for her to take it that far; Brad must've done something to push her to get revenge and have sex with Jason. It's very wrong of me to think that way, but that's the only logical explanation as to why she'd do such a thing.

I mean she loved Brad. She turned down Theo Jones for Brad. I don't know of any girl who'd do that! I called her crazy for choosing Brad. I even asked her to explain and the only thing she said was, "I don't know, I just choose him."

My mind was completely blown, but nevertheless, I was happy Jen finally settled for someone and stopped sleeping around. It was heartwarming to see my best friend so happy to be with one guy; it simmered my hate for mankind by a tad.

But now, I was livid! What the freak, Jen! She wasn't even going to tell me, was she? I guess she snapped after she saw how cozy Noelle and I were.

And then, there's Jason. He should've told me! Why did he hide it? Was he going to lie to me until I was in too deep to do anything about it?

Those two are more than assholes. I thought I was finally okay with boys, but this further complicates things. Why can't things ever go smoothly for me? This is such bull crap!!

On top of my situation with the grim reaper, I'm having boy troubles all while having a fight with my best friend. No one in this world deserves me.

I stopped walking, taking a deep breath of fresh air and clutching my heart. This isn't good for me to be thinking about, but I can't help it. Why does stuff like this always happen to me?


That's the answer. I hated them for a reason and this must be the innate reason why. I hate everyone, but I hate males especially. Grim reaper, Lucian, Jason, Tyler; I hate all of them. No one understands how frustrating this is.

I closed my eyes briefly, slowing my breathing and concentrating on slowing my heartbeat. I opened my eyes just to see everything passing by in slow motion. The tears were there before I knew it and the breathing exercise didn't seem to work.

I fell to the ground, watching the green trash of a city bus pass by and a cat's orange tail sling about. Where was I? Did I somehow pass my house?

I've never seen this side of town. Am I close to home at least? I looked for a street sign, but there wasn't one. I pulled my phone out and pressed the map icon, but of course, it would die as soon as I pressed a button.

"This is just great!" I exclaimed.

What a damn day! Now I'm lost while going through a mental breakdown. This is more than great. I should retrace my steps, but I'm afraid I'll get even more lost. Retracing my steps would be the most logical action right now, but there are no lamplights from behind me. I don't even know where I came from.

I hope I'd see someone I knew before I'm stuck here. My heartbeat started to increase even more and I immediately rummaged my backpack for my emergency medicine. I swallowed two pills and drank a sip of my bottle of water; I waited for the pills to kick in which took about fifteen minutes.

All while sitting there, there was no traffic at all. None! Where was everyone ? Did no one honestly come through here? Like where the hell am I?

I grabbed my things and walked ahead of me, surveying my surroundings as I went. The further I walked, the rougher this part of town became. I literally don't know where the hell I am. I don't know how much time had passed by and I don't know what time it is.

I finally came upon a boy who was standing on the curb of an abandoned house.

"Hey, excuse me," I called to get his attention.

He gave me a curious eye and then a knowing smile.

"You lost, ain't you?"
I replied, "Yes! Can you tell me how to get to Carmen? I would greatly appreciate it."

"Information ain't free. If you live on Carmen then why you all the way over here on the East side? You know it ain't friendly over here. You lucky you met me before you met anybody else," he said.

"Well thank you, but it's crazy that you want money for my safety. Can't you just be kind and tell me how to get home?"

"You being here ain't my business, smart ass. I'm not nice. I got to make a living, too. Just turn around and walk straight."

"That's very vague, you know. I might get even more lost."
"Well if you got cash, then it won't be a problem. I might even walk you home," he shrugged.

"No thanks. The last boy who had my address just doesn't stop showing up. And who just gives out their address like that? I'm not stupid."

Full of arrogance, he spoke, "You gotta be. You got lost, talked to a stranger then talked smart with the stranger who's your only help. If that's not stupid, then what is it?"

"You know what? Goodbye."

I sped past him and just kept trucking. I was violently snatched and pulled into an alleyway of torn bushes and gravel.

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