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I wiped the sleep from my eyes, with my feet fumbling around on the cold floor for my slippers until the pair slid perfectly onto my toes. I yawned and groaned while scratching my hair. The rocks flung to my window one after another. I could hear the loud bangs coming from the door downstairs.

I moved the curtains to the side to see my friends.
"What do you want?" I groaned.
"Are you seriously skipping the last few weeks of school? I won't let you," Jennifer yelled. "Open the door!"

"Ugh," I sighed as I slammed my window and bided my time carefully going down the stairs. I unlocked the door and they came in one after another.

"Never been here before," Jason muttered as he followed behind Jen.
"Okay bed head, please go get dressed." Jennifer pressed.
"No," I stifled a yawn with my hand. "I'm hungry."

I walked to the kitchen and they followed. I rambled through the refrigerator setting my eyes on a few things to make breakfast.

"I'd care for some," Jason said. I responded with a thumbs up. I took a skillet from the rack and gently rinsed it before placing it atop the stove and throwing my pancake mix in.

"What's got you so tired? It's the best day of the week! You've been tired all week," Jen pouted.

"Have you and Lucian took it that far?" Jason absentmindedly asked. Jen and I both threw our heads in his direction. "Easy, easy," Jason retreated with his hands up. "Not my business, I got it."

I flipped the pancakes and served Jason his short stack. "Thank you. Maybe Jen could take lessons from you."

"Auh," Jen gasped.
"What?" Jason said. "You can't cook for shit."
"Sorry," she said sarcastically, "not my fault I've never had a decent home cooked meal."

We all laughed. I grabbed the can of whip cream and strawberry topping to place on my pancake stack. I made sure to brown a slice of toast for Jennifer; that's all she'd ever take to go or to eat in the morn.

"Here," I wrapped the toast in a paper towel and gave it to her. I eyed my stack and dug in. I didn't even hear Jen and Jason.

"Hello??" She snapped her fingers.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You've had enough sleep and now you're fed. Go get dressed. We're already late."

"So what? We graduate in three weeks. Who cares? It's the time to do crazy things," I argued.

"Why skip when we have a skip day designated already? Go get dressed," she demanded.

"Fine," I agreed. I put the ingredients back inside the fridge.

"Cool ring," Jason complimented, which snapped Jen's attention to my finger.
"No fucking way," she screamed. And just at the moment, the ground shook and we immediately ducked and crawled under the counter. I looked to my finger and it was glowing red.

I blindly ran to my room, not caring for Jen's screams nor Jason's attempt to pull me back under. Things were falling all over the place, the ground shook under my feet and I felt like I was falling but I couldn't let myself falter. I burst through the door and searched through my drawers for the gift from the twins.

I laid my eyes on the brown satchel and put it to my heart. I didn't know I was crying until I felt water from somewhere hitting my hands. I touched my face and decided to clear my mind.

"What are you doing? Ah!" Jen yelled as the tv fell to the floor. She dodged it just in time and grabbed onto me. Jennifer was confused and distracted by the tears rolling down my face. I closed my eyes and thought of Lucian.

The air in my lungs constricted and I felt like I couldn't breathe; it felt like my soul itself was transcending through time and space just to find him. I felt a rush of warmth and the smell of iron so I opened my eyes and I stood atop a dirt cliff unable to believe my eyes. I felt like I was in a fantasy and guilt consumed me shortly before the fear and panic set in.

This was literally a war and I stood there watching it unfold. I took a breath.


He was all I could think about.

My eyes landed on a giant red and gray dragon fighting a golden-scaled, white dragon. They spat fire at each other, ducking and dodging each other's attacks. The golden dragon spat poison in the air that turned into mist; it hid in the mist to lose the opponent's eyes. The dragon slid through an opening behind the red dragon's back and hit the creature, causing it to thrash about and shriek. The red dragon set itself ablaze and the white dragon hissed, reclaiming it fangs from the other dragon's back. The red dragon spit fireballs towards the golden dragon. The fireballs set the lands ablaze and the dragons ran about the land and air fighting each other, constantly spitting fire and poison and occasional lightning. The red dragon disappeared into the golden dragon's mist and when the mist cleared, the red dragon rang supreme victory. The red dragons teeth were sunk into the golden dragon's head. Its blood cascaded down its body, flowing through the cracks of the gold, drowning the gold in crimson as it sunk deep into dirt filled land below them. The golden dragon gasped for life and then twelve angels flew to the air and pierced the red dragon from all sides. The dragon retracted its teeth from its prey as it shrilled from the pain of the angels. The crimson spilled to the ground like a blood bath of rain. The dragon shrieked and fought like hell to get loose, throwing two angels far away. But the angels were holding on far too tight. The dragon was losing its strength and they both fell to the ground creating a crater in the barren land.

I continued to look around; I spotted valkyries and pegasi against succubi and trolls. Some women were riding on winged horses, jumping off with their spears to fight the blue succubi commanding trolls from their shoulders. Some women in the winged horses fought in air and spliced through the trolls heads effortlessly with their long spears that seemed to grow everytime they slew an enemy. The trolls stepped on the horses and valkyries; the trolls grabbed them if they could and didn't hesitate to chunk them into their mouth. I almost gagged.

There was a black, four headed snake with a large distinct X scar on its third head. It was surrounded by a barrier of singing angels. The angels glowed white and the wind blew their elegant but simple white clothing. It amazes me how there was no dirt on them. The angels in the choir clasped their hands and did a slight dance in sync. The serpent was shrieking and spitting venom that never reached the angels. As the choir continued their ritual for the barrier, the invisible barrier descended from heaven and surrounded the serpent with light and fire. It gradually shrunk in the fire and the angels danced again this time and their chanting became more serious, more paced. Lightning clouds materialized just like cyclones and you could hear the lightning forming as it crackled in the clouds. I looked back down and the serpent had been completely reborn from its ashes and just as it broke the barrier with its own special attack, a vast sky of lightning struck the serpent a million times and fried its ashes. The angels in the choir still sung and danced unaffected by their victory.

I thought my blood was supposed to make them stronger. Why are they losing? I looked to my finger and it still was glowing. Lucian where are you? I searched and searched and searched with my tiny eyes to try and find him in this chaotic battlefield but I hadn't gotten any closer.

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