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"Finally joined us," Jen welcomely teased us.
Lucian and I took our seats while everyone grabbed a slice of pizza from the tray.

Jen spoke to us, "Where have you been?" she questioned as she squinted her eyes between Lucian and me.

"We went on a walk," I answered plainly.
"A nice walk," Jennifer said.
"A very nice walk indeed," Lucian agreed.
Heat rushed to my cheeks. Of course he'd say something like that. I just wanted to shove a slice of pizza in his mouth.

Tina commented, "I always knew she'd end up with you. Feisty and firm are the best pair."
Noelle burst with laughter, "Tina you're crazy."
"No," Jen shared, "you know what they say."
Tyler finished Jen's thought by saying, "Opposites attract."

"Bingo," Jason nodded.
"So I'm the only one who believes that's a myth?" Noelle asked.

"Maybe you should just wait on your opposite," Tina jested.

"Or maybe I should start thinking of cat names," Noelle reached for a napkin and pen. "What do you think of Mittens everyone?" She inked the name on the napkin and an instant fit of laughter erupted from our entire table, causing a few people to throw their eyes in our direction.

"You can't be serious," Jennifer wiped a tear from her eye. "No one in their right mind would name their cat mittens. Try Muffin. People like muffins."

I glanced to my side in the middle of our friendly banter and I finally saw Lucian smirk at a joke he didn't tell. I noticed he was unusually quiet today and he shuffled his legs.

I whispered into his ear, "What's wrong?"
He gave me a phony smile before telling me nothing was wrong. I just shoved my shoulders and grabbed another slice. The waitress came with our final round of refills. As we finished our meals, we began to reach into our wallets.

"I got it covered," Lucian stated. They asked if he was sure and he said definitely. He even left a generous tip. On the way out, we hugged each other one by one.

"It was so nice to finally get to know you a bit," Jennifer smiled.
"Yeah," everyone said in agreement. "We should do it again."
Lucian nodded and said goodbye to them before turning to me. "You have such lively friends."

"Teenage fever," I responded.
"Young and dumb," Lucian said.
"Navigating through life," I topped.
"You win," he caved.

I giggled as I went in for a hug. I inhaled his masculine scent before I refocused my attention to him. I didn't hear him calling my name.

"Yes? Got so distracted because you smell so good," I hugged him harder.
"I think it's time," he said.

I pulled away from his chest to look up up at him. "Time for what exactly?" I needed an explanation.

"Time for war," Lucian clarified. "I got word my brother is moving his troops. I have to get ready."

"You've been preparing all this time. Aren't we ready?" I asked.

"Honestly no. We need a little more time but everything is going to work in my favor in the end. I'll emerge victorious. I'll have the world in the palms of my hand."

"I know we're supposed to be serious right now but you have a villain monologue tendency."
"That's not a real thing," he debated.
"It is," I stood firm on my word.
"Whatever. I'm going to be a god."

"Is that why you want to win so bad? Is that what happens? Do you get all of this power and become the only deity? Good and bad?"

"I bet your brain is fit as a track star because it's always running a million miles. Don't you worry. You'll see."

"Can we just talk for a moment? No one that religious these days anyway." I tried.
"Really?" He mocked me. "You were just angry at the premarital sex we had. Now it's all green & cherry trees? Yeah right."

I shook my head at his ridiculous metaphor. "That wasn't religious. That was personal. Big difference. Just listen to me."

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Lucian rebutted.
"It's going to be pure chaos," I stated.
"Exactly!" Lucian smiled. He grabbed my face between his hands. "Don't you worry." He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry."

And just like that, I exhaled my worries— well majority of them. "What if we don't win?"

"Just have to make sure we win," he said in a obvious tone.
"Lucian," I nagged.
"If I lose, then I'm just going to try again."
"What about me?"
"Oh. Don't even think about it," he scoffed. "You're not going to war with me."
I refused to to him. "But I gave up my blood. Don't I get to play a part? Don't I get to see?"

"No way," he said. "You may have given blood, but I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. It's not a place for you to be. It's not safe."

"Then let me be with you," I tried to bargain.
"No. That's even more dangerous. I have to lead. I'm always a target," he dismissed my suggestion with ease.

"Why? Why can't I be in your world? I'm never included." I ranted.
"My world isn't for you, mewlisia," he sighed in frustration. "Just stay here. Where you're safe."

"Fine," I sulked. I just wanted to see what all that blood could do. I just wanted to witness that. "If I don't belong in your world, then neither does my blood. But it's there isn't it? You made a way for me to get there but now I'm unwelcome? What kind of BS is that? Now that you've gotten what you wanted, I'm not not allowed to exist anywhere in hell."

"No. It's not like that and I see what you're doing but I'm not giving in. I can't put you in danger." He shook his head as he inched forward to take my hands. "I can't imagine what I'd do without you. I'd probably go crazy from missing your soft, little hands." He kissed my hands. "Just stay here. I'll be back before you know it. I promise."

"How long is that going to be?" I questioned.
"Only as long as you think about it," he kissed my forehead again and when I opened my eyes, I was on my front porch.

"Just stay in one piece and don't get locked up," I kissed him again. I didn't even want him to leave and I didn't want to hear him say goodbye so I rushed inside after I kissed him. I held my breath as I ran upstairs to my room. I dug through my junk drawer and pulled out a small tan piece of cloth.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now