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Chapter 27: The Dance Part 2

Isabelle's POV

"They're by the corner wall. I'm sure they're waiting for you," Maggie said pointing in the direction to my hind left.

"They?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure they were looking for you earlier. Right, Tina?"

Tina replied, "Well.. yeah."
"Now run along," Maggie said, "I'd hate to ruin your night by bickering with you."

"Thanks. That's so nice of you," I mocked.

I didn't care about anything that she wanted to say afterwards. I was determined to have fun with my friend tonight.. and whomever she was with, since they couldn't have been apart of the cheer squad.

Walking in the direction Maggie point me toward, I bumped into the usual couples who were swapping saliva like there was no tomorrow & the other usual people who were grinding upon each other like it was the only thing keeping them from ripping each other's clothes off. It was disgusting.

"Get a room, people," I said.
"Get some cock, virgin," someone responded.

Well. I wasn't expecting that.

"Good one!" I said.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I bumped into someone and made them spill their punch.

"It's you! It's so nice to see you, Belle," she said.

"Noelle! How are you?"
"I'm good. Haven't seen you around in ages though. What have you been up to?" She asked.

I replied, "Eh, the usual. Where's Rick?"
"Getting us more punch. Where you headed?"

"To catch up with Jen. I was actually making my way there before I bumped into you," I said.

Her face stiffened. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Are you sure you want to go over there? I don't think you should; I think you should stay here with me. Come on, dance with me! It'll be fun," she said while reaching for my hands.

"Whoa! Wait a minute, Noelle. Tell me what's going on," I pegged but she wouldn't budge. She just shook her head and tried to get me to dance.

"Noelle, what are you hiding?" I asked seriously. At this time, Rick showed up with punch.

"Oh," he seemed surprised, "Hi, Belle. Do you like the dance?"

"It's nice. I barely made it here on time," I joked.
"You hanging with us tonight?" He asked. Noelle's eyes pleaded for a yes, but I couldn't.

"No. I don't want to be a third wheel."

"What's the diff—.." Noelle jabbed Rick in his side. "Ow babe. That hurts." She gave him the 'you-better-hush' eyes and he immediately shut his trap.

"Noe, you're being strange," I stated.
"Sorry, hun. You could just hang with us tonight. It'll be fun."

"I will. Just let me use the restroom first. I need to wash my hands. I touched a cheerleader tonight," I shuddered.

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