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Chapter Sixteen: Divulging my Secrets

Isabelle's POV

"For God's sake, you have to quit doing that!" He shouted at me.

"Well I don't do it on purpose & you don't have to shout! You're such an asshole; you were nice before school but now you have an attitude. Just stay away from me," I said.

I rushed past him to go to Jason. I searched for him but I began to panic; the bell would ring any minute and I didn't want to be late. I had one other place that I thought he might be.

And sure enough, he was there.

"I figured you were here," I came upon him sitting at my hidden spot by my favorite tree.

"Well congrats. You found me," his voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"I didn't mean it how it sounded. I was just stunned," I slid down next to him, "I've never been asked to anything like that by someone with pure intentions so it came as a shock."

"Really?" He asked.
I nodded as an answer.
"But why?"

I replied, "This is totally embarrassing to reveal to you but I'm not ashamed of it or anything so here goes," I waited for a moment before continuing  "I'm a virgin and most boys just want to be the one to say that they were my first. They'll never be able to say that because I'm saving myself so it became a competition. It's like a trophy to them so I began to ignore them and now I'm labeled as stuck up. It doesn't bother me, but that's why I couldn't respond right away after you asked; I never meant anything by it."

He looked at me with pure sorrow; I hated those looks. It triggered my past life memories and those looks angered me. They pitied me, but I didn't need pity.

"Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel a certain way; I don't want you to look at me like I'm an orphan or something."

"I'm sorry. It just made me a tad angry; they ridicule you because you're different. Just because you don't like their standards, they try to demean & belittle you. I think it's very admirable of you to keep your virginity. Most girls here aren't like you which is why I'm so drawn to you; I didn't mean to get upset with you, but I figured you would understand by now that I'm not like those other idiots," he revealed.

I shot him a look, "It's okay. Just don't breathe a word of this to Jen. Her teasing me is enough; I don't need her to know about anything I just told you."

"I swear it," he crossed his heart to show his sincerity.

"Idiot," I joked, "we're gonna be late. Let's go."

I gave him my hand to help him up and we dusted ourselves off together. But then just as we were at the entrance, he hugged me.

"You can tell me anything. Don't hide it from me," he whispered into my ear.
"Okay," I melted into his hug. I reluctantly pulled away.

He held the door open for me and let me enter first; the halls were empty and completely silent. We must be late. I looked at Jason and he shrugged with a uncaring smile.

"Ugh, this is totally your fault," I groaned.

He spoke, "My fault? Since we're already late, it doesn't matter who's to blame."

I shrugged; he was somewhat correct.
He said, "So since we're late, take this."

I looked at him to see what he trying to give me.

He latched his face onto mine and planted his lips onto mine; I was shocked so I gasped and he took the initiative to stick his tongue into my mouth.

He tasted like fresh mint so I didn't push him away like I intended to at first; instead, I pushed my tongue into his and reciprocated the actions. He was momentarily stunned, but smiled into the kiss.

He pulled away and gave me a bright smile, grabbing my hand and leading me to the office with him. Mrs. Willow was still out sick so we're still stuck with that  old hag of a substitute.

The secretary looked at us with curious eyes and a glint of disdain shown also. She gave us our tardy slips and Jason pulled me by the hand to our class.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this excited. What's wrong with you?"

"You let me kiss you; you didn't push me away, you didn't run; you let me kiss you," he grabbed my face and kissed me again.

"You have to quit doing that before someone sees us," I frowned.

He asked, "Do you want to hide me?"
I reasoned, "Why would I do that if I agreed to go to the dance with you already?"

"You may be right, but that's in the future. I'm referring to now. Do you not want people to know?"

I didn't say anything.

He lightened the mood by teasing me, "You know, to be inexperienced, you sure know how to kiss. Did you have practice or something?"

"I don't have time for this; we're standing in the middle of the hall, kissing and talking like it's the weekend. We have class, Jason," I scolded.

He laughed at me and kissed me again. This brung about a thought.

I inquired, "Was that you that slipped that note in my locker? Are you my secret admirer?"

"You have a secret admirer?" He let go of my face.
I replied, "Oh. Must not be you then. Just forget I mentioned it. We should really get going Jason."

I began walking, leaving him a little behind but he soon caught up to me and held my hand. His large hand was so warm; even though they were a tad rough, they gave me a sense of something I don't know how to describe.

We entered the library, heading for our sub to give her our tardy slips; she gave us the stink eye and told us to sit down. All eyes were on us and I couldn't help but to be frustrated. Why were they looking at us like that?

And then, I thought about it. It was more than apparent.

Guess what?

Jason was still holding my hand.

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