⚫️II- II⚫️

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•Part Two•

Isabelle's POV

Right now, beyond the balcony of Lucian's castle, I am gazing at hot, red roses as they sway gently in the breeze. I was allowed to visit only certain parts, and as such, this became one of my favorite places to visit.

I come here to think; sometimes, to escape and other times, because I'm angry. Just seeing the fiery roses calmed my nerves.

My nerves wouldn't need to be calmed if it weren't for a certain someone. Five months here off and on, and I've gotten nowhere. Except maybe now, I think I'm closer to being insane.

Time here moves extremely quick. A few minutes above ground could amount to a day here, give or take— but mostly give.

Time.. Home.. It all passed me by too quickly. I berated myself for actually coming to this place even if it was beautiful.

The sound of steps brought me out of my thoughts. I could tell who it was before they said anything.

Clearing his throat, he spoke eloquently, "It's getting cold. I think you should turn in for the night."

"I will soon. Thanks," I said.

When the footsteps didn't retreat, I turned my head slightly to the right. "Is there something else you'd like to say, Yuhan?"

Yuhan was Lucian's right hand man. He was a demon that was granted some of Lucian's power. Not only was he strong, he was reserved, kind, and intuitive. I grew to like him more than I would've imagined.

"You should just talk to him. Oh my devil, you both are so stubborn," he sighed.

I spun to face him with a smile on my face. It doesn't matter what he did or what he said, even if it was unintentional, he could always cheer me up.

"I'll talk to him when I'm ready. It seems as if you're taking up for him. How would you feel if you were me?"

"Don't do that. I answered that question for you once and I was punished like never before. I'm staying out of this one," Yuhan declared.

"Fine. Just let me have one last glance at the roses, please."

He hummed and exited from the room of the balcony to give me another minute. Shortly thereafter, the door opened again.

Without looking back, I said, "That was too quick, Yuhan. You know I don't want to see him," I sighed, "Just a few more minutes before I deal with your King."

The quick steps caught my ear and I realized too late of my mistake. Grabbing me by the waist, I was spun to look him dead in his eyes. I was too surprised to pull away from him.. too surprised to even make sense of the words that he was spouting.

Coming back to my senses, I shook my head. "What? I didn't hear a word you said & could you kindly let me go, King of Hell?"

He let me go and repeated himself. "What have I done? Why don't you want to see me?"

I was at a loss for words. "You know why, Lucian! How can you expect me not to be angry with you after that night? Don't you know how difficult it was? How hard this has all been for me? How stressful? How depressing? How confusing? You left me hanging, Luce. Not only that, but you treated me as if I didn't exist, as if I were just an object. That hurts, you know. And you still expect me to hold up my end of the bargain? How heartless could you be?"

Fury was written across Lucian's face, but before he could voice what was on the tip of his tongue, he was interrupted by Yuhan.

"Sorry for interrupting, my Lord, but Gabriel is here with a message from Him Above," Yuhan said.

Lucian didn't spare me a second glance before disappearing into thin air to attend to his own matters. Yuhan gave me a sympathetic smile, but I didn't feel well enough to return the smile. I let Yuhan lead me to my chambers for the night.

I disrobed and soaked myself in a warm, milk and fruit bath. The scent of strawberries and oranges filled my nostrils. I lay my head against the rim of the tub thinking about my insane predicament.

I stopped when my head began to hurt. Performing one last scrub, I emptied the tub and cleaned it before robing myself again. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and slid on an oversized t-shirt before leaving the bathroom. Fatigue entered my body effortlessly as I let my body dip into my bed.

I covered myself and pressed the remote to shut the lights off. Not long after my eyes closed, the door flew open and the lights were once again shining brightly. The only person who'd make a scene like that would be no one other than the King himself.

"There's no way I'm letting you sleep. Get up," He shouted at me.

I groaned before sitting up to take a glare at the selfish being. "What do you want? Why can't I sleep?"

"Because our conversation was interrupted earlier. You said what you had to say, so now it's my turn. Do you know how difficult it was to bring you here? How difficult it is to hide you? How difficult it is for my children right now? It's been stressful and confusing for me too. Why have you been granted with such power? I don't know! Trust me, I would love it if you didn't. I never treated you as an object. Never have I ever. I've treated you the same, more or less, everyday! How dare you say I treat you like you don't exist? Look around. I let you stay in my castle, gave you the best demon around to protect you, let you have anything you want and I accommodate for you. I treat you like you don't exist? What utter nonsense! How could I be heartless if I did all those things?"

"Just because you did those things doesn't give you the right to say you aren't heartless. That night, Lucian! Just why? Just call the deal off and let me go home."

"No," he said.
"Then good night, my Lord." I began to cover myself up again.

He laughed, "Oh no you don't." He yanked the covers off me and pinned me down so I couldn't fight. "You're so insolent. I could just throw you to the demons right now or better yet, the Slithers. You're going to behave and if you don't, then you leave me no choice but to punish you."

"Yea yea. Punish me then. Throw me away. It would feel better than what I'm feeling right now. You don't care about anyone except yourself. You don't care about how I feel or what I want. You just want to win even if you lose me. You don't care. So if I die, you lose. You lose and I wouldn't care because I'd be free. I hope you throw me away. Set me free, Lucian," I said.

He loosened his grip on my wrists and stared at me for a long while. "Why do you do this to me?" He asked. He looked to be on the verge of tears and for some reason, I felt like crying, but I held it in.

He moved his legs and freed my body from his pin. He got up and left my bed; I watched him walk away and I closed my eyes. What a night.

When I heard the door slam, I opened my eyes again. But I didn't expect for him to still be here. He didn't leave. Why?

He skillfully removed his shirt, pants and shoes before climbing into my bed. My breath hitched while I watched him.

"I don't think of you as an object," Lucian stared at me. "You're so much more. It's been torture.. pure hell for me these past five months."

He caressed my jaw and an involuntary shudder ran throughout my body. He smiled. God.. that smile melted my heart.

I inquired, "Why?"
"Because I couldn't have you. So I'm asking you right now: Can I have you?"

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