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I vividly recalled her death many times a day in my head. Neither portrait nor photo could unease the despair and loss I felt every time the memory replayed. All that I can think of is I'm not fast enough. Not strict enough.

The left side of my nose violently twitched. I inhaled swiftly—thinking it would calm me, but there isn't much that could stop it— and just as quickly exhaled.

I only got like this when im anxious or furious. I get anxious and firefilled when that memory comes to mind. I'm a fucking king. I don't fear; I AM FEAR.

"Sir," Yuhan quietly inserted.
"Not today," I sighed.
"Then when? You have to stop sulking someday. You have things to do now," Yuhan tried to coerce me.

"I'm supposed to be mighty," I exclaimed.
Yuhan nodded, "You are mighty, my king."

I rolled at my eyes at the useless attempt of comfort. "Bullshit," I called him out. "How do I let some twisted fuck stick a damn spear through my wife?"

I continued venting my frustrations before Yuhan could mutter anything. "And then HE swoops in and everything's okay all of sudden. What madness!"

Yuhan raised a finger as if he wanted to say something specifically on that matter, but I trudged along. "You know, he did this," I huffed. "Why give then take? I don't understand. It's like he purposefully wants me to hurt and suffer. What did I ever do?"

"You rebelled. Actually you led a rebellion. And a war too," Yuhan finally spoke.
"Thanks for that," I gave him a snarky smile followed by the famous flying finger.

"If that's what we're talking about then it looks like I made it just in time." Dressed in black six inch heels, a tight red dress and the most hideous pearls known to demon, she proudly announced herself with her ginger curls flowing effortlessly down her back.

We gathered around a short brown square table that displayed a map. They soon began conversing and pointing at landmarks and soon they were circling cities and writing things on the map. They even created their own key. My mind was in and out and I didn't care to listen anymore. I just nodded to convince them I was listening.

Yuhan cleared his throat, "My king, I think we need to regroup. I don't think we can win this."
She scoffed, "What kind of general are you? You were just saying the opposite! Where's your morale? Your spirit? Your unyielding urgency to satisfy your king?" She frowned, "You demons are so soft. What happened? I was away for two minutes and now you're a bunch of pussies." Her heels clacked as she made her way to flop onto the sofa.

"My king, I aim to satisfy you more than anyone, but I honestly think it's a bad idea," his eyes shifted from her to me.

"Know what I think? I think this conversation is boring." She sprang to her feet and the clacks were coming in my direction. She rubbed my shoulder, and I glanced at her frail fingers. They were cold and for some odd reason, they reminded me of Bella. Her hands were never cold; they were always warm and inviting.

"What do you think?" She asked.
"Sure," I carelessly responded.
"Then let's go," she grabbed my hand and tried to pull me along but I didn't budge. She scoffed at the confused look on my face.

"Were you in a daze again? Just more reason to get out of here," she said. "Come on," she offered her hand to me again. I just didn't want to think and I didn't want to feel.

So I grabbed her hand.

Yuhan bowed and disappeared into his usual nothingness. I felt the anxiousness coursing through my veins.

"Just calm down," she giggled. "Remember the old days when we were young wild and free. Feel that instead. Channel it," she led me by the hand to the balcony. Fucking roses were starting to germinate and I couldn't stand the smell.

The sudden rip of my suit caused me to let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"That's it," she congratulated me, "channel it. Don't let it eat you up. You have control so use it." She placed her palms on my shoulders & took a breath with me. My wings retracted to their original form afterward. I found the words so hard to say, "thanks."

"Thank me with a ride," she beckoned. "It's been forever." She didn't back down from my stare so I gave in to her request.

"We won't be flying long. I have things to do," I said.
"Not a problem for me, my king," she smiled and instantly jumped into my arms.
"Those days are definitely over," I warned.
"Oh, go fuck yourself. Let's fly already," she rushed. I took off full speed and she happily squealed.

"You're never going to change are you?" I asked.
"Probably not. But you have," she replied.
"How so?"
"Something in the way you move. Something in your eyes. I dunno. I want no parts of it is all I know," she shrugged but quickly replaced it with a smile when she looked below. "The water is always sparkling."

"You shouldn't stare for too long," I advised her.
"Just seems like it calls to me sometimes, you know? Anyways, the land is much bigger now. I don't remember seeing so many demons. So many wondrous families displaying their strengths."

We were up so high, yet she could see everything. "I love it up here. I think about this all the time. The sky. The water.  The crisp ocean air. You," her eyes sparkled. "Those chains weren't very nice. I miss this freedom. I miss all of it. To think those were the days. And don't you ever let me catch you being down again," she flipped, "You're the best damn king there is. The most mightiest damn it. There isn't a doubt in my mind. Shouldn't be a doubt in yours either," she tapped my nose.

I began to speak but she told me respectfully to shut up by covering her lips with her thin index finger. "I'm leaving on a good note," she let go of me and smiled as she somewhat graciously descended into the massive ocean of death below us.

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