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"I'm sorry. What?" Jen said.
"Ugh," I sighed. "I said it Jen."

"I don't believe you. You're a goody," she continued.
"Well," I shrugged.
She placed her hand on my arm. "You're not shitting me? You're serious?"

I gave her the eye.
"You actually had a sexual encounter," Jennifer gasped. Her mouth hung agape and I politely closed it for her. "No. Spill it now sister."
"Spill what?" Noelle joined.
Jen was so excited, she could hardly wait. "She's gonna tell us about her one foot in, one foot out situation of virginity," she joked.

"What?" Noelle said in surprise. "Seriously?" She looked to me.
"You two are horrible," I slammed my locker.
"How was it?" Noelle whispered.
"Yeah," Jen commented. "Tell us."

"It felt good." I started. "So good honestly. I wanted to do more. Is that normal?" I bit my lip as I asked in a whisper.
"More than normal," Periwinkle laughed. "So he knew what he was doing. He has you whipped and you haven't even had sex yet."

Noelle giggled. "It's not fun to tease her."
Jen replied with a playful pout, "Who else is going to?"
"Would be nice if you two were helpful," I snided.

"Eh," Jen huffed. "Just go with what you feel. Let it out and don't be boring. Boring sex is no fun." Jen kissed me on the cheek and went on her way.

"She's right." Noelle reassured me. "Whatever you feel, just go with it. Don't think too much. Though, I'm pretty sure Lucian will take care of you. Knowing him, he probably wouldn't want you to move."

I laughed. "I totally needed that. Thanks."
"You'll be okay," she comforted me. "Now come on. Tell me the deets," she pulled me along.

I started but the bell caught us. "Catch up with you later," I bid her bye for a while.
"Same," she sighed and gave me dap before departing.

We all gathered at Rick's locker at the bell.
"I feel like Chinese," Noelle shared.
"Mexican," Rick said after her.
"Ew," Jen rolled her eyes. "Thai is the best." She folded her arms before leaning against one of the neighboring lockers.

"Well," Jason interjected, "I feel like burgers and pizza."
"That's always a good one," I agreed.
"I'm gonna get fat," Jen whined. Tina silently nodded.

"Chinese," Noelle said again. Chaos ensued after her second declaration. Everyone all started to talk at once sharing what they wanted and why they felt like their choice was best.

"How about the diner? We'll all be satisfied then," I offered.
"You're just too smart sometimes," Jen smushed my cheeks together.
Noelle added, "What would we do without you?" She began to reach for me.

Rick reached to pull Noelle away from me. "Alright alright, you're smart. I respect that but don't steal my girl okay?"

We all laughed before going to the parking lot. Lucian waited for me outside of the school doors. My friends excused me.

"Mr. Chivalry, 3 o'clock," I greeted him.
"Always," he kissed my hand. "So where are you headed?" We walked slowly hand in hand away from the building.

"Diner," I replied, "wanna join?"

Lucian began, "Hmm. As much as I want to watch you stuff your face with six different kinds of foods at once," he caressed my cheek with a slide of his thumb, "I have something I must do. I just wanted to see your face."

"Where are you off to?" I asked.
"I have to get a new suit," he answered honestly.
"What's wrong with the ones you already have?"
"Wouldn't you like to know," he pecked my forehead then gave me a kiss.

"I'll see you later then," I squeezed his hand before he vanished. It always amazed me how he could be gone without a blink of the eye. I literally watched him become air within half of a millisecond.

The ride was thrilling; we exited the vehicles and gathered together in the diner lot. "Why didn't you ask him to come with us?" Jen questioned me.

"Said he was busy. He has to get a new suit."
"Bummer," Noelle said.
"What's a bummer is how hungry I am," Tyler walked up.
"Hey man," the boys greeted each other.

We filed in a group and walked into Lotto's Diner scouting for a booth. Once we were seated, the conversations came effortlessly. The topics ranged from childhood days, school & relationships to college, our futures and arguments about food. The waitress asked for our drinks and our orders.

A few minutes later, the waitress served our drinks and we all reached at once. I thumped my straw against the table to open it and took a sip of my lemonade.

"So, a suit he said," Jen repeated.
"Yeah," I took another sip.
"Is he going to prom?"
"Wait are you two going together?" Noelle asked.

Suddenly all eyes were on me. Everyone had something to tell me. I'd come a long way. I had to count my friends on both hands now; I could no longer settle for a finger or two.

Tina pat my hand, "If he doesn't go, you're gonna be fine."
Tyler looked her over, "You shouldn't tell her that. Maybe she wants him to go."
Rick stated, "She never asked any of us." The table got quiet.

"Ugh, I don't know. When he bought my dress, he said he didn't care for these things. I don't think he's coming. Plus I never asked him to be my date or anything," I finished with a bite of my meat lover pizza.

I added, "And Rick is right." I chewed a few more times and swallowed it down with a swig of my beverage. "I never asked any of you."

"Sorry," they apologized.
"Nah, it's fine. I get it. I'd be concerned too. Just means you're good friends," I reassured them.

Jason bellowed a burp which broke the tension. "I was trying to hold it in but I couldn't."

Jennifer mocked her face in disgust. "Gross," she said to him with a light punch on his forearm. Everyone started talking about their plans for tomorrow. We soon finished our meals.

Jason iterated, "My opinion may not be worth much, but I think he's going to show. He's in love with you."

"We know nothing," Tina said. "But I'm with Jay. He always shows up for you. Give him the benefit of the doubt."

"But I'm not expecting him to show," I said.
"Be for real," I whipped to the side to see a bright smile coming from a boy's mouth. I gasped. "He's coming and you want him to."

"Lucky!" I hugged him. "What are you doing here?" I excitedly introduced him to my table of friends.

"I own this place," he told me.
"You're fucking kidding," Jennifer said in disbelief.
"Jennifer," Tina scolded her.

"Been in the family for years. My turn now. I'm glad to see you're safe," Lucky's lips turned upwards. "Take care."

The waitress disappeared again just as fast as she appeared before, cleaning the table in a rush and taking the bill money.

"You surprise us," Tyler proclaimed. "You know the people who run this famous ass diner. It's always busy here."

"I met him by chance. While I was angry," I reminded myself. He nodded and we gathered again having another hour long talk. I was going to miss this. We hugged and gave each other air kisses before going our separate ways.

I was home before I knew it. I greeted my parents and talked to them until I yawned.
"Sleepyhead," my dad teased. "Big day tomorrow. Get some rest." He tapped my knee and I gave them both a goodnight kiss.

A quick shower helped the sleep drown me faster. I rolled around under my covers after I checked my phone. The time read a quarter past 10.

I was exhausted.

My phone dinged twice before I picked it up again. I read the texts from the group chat saying how we all had fun and how awesome tomorrow was going to be. I watched an episode of a hunters survival guide before drifting to sleep effortlessly.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now