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I missed her. Not a day went by where I didn't think of her. I longed for her. Yearned for her. I so badly missed the smell of vanilla in the wind from her curls. I missed her flipping the channels of my radio. I missed poking her with needles and the zap of electricity we shared every time we touched. I missed running around like a teenager with her. I missed her laugh. I missed the way she'd beg to go for a quick fly in the sky.

I missed her.

"Nothing to worry about, my lord. You're just lovesick," Yuhan joked.

I glared at him.

"It's true," he went on, "Both of you are so stubborn. You two just need a long talk."

I went months without seeing her because of preparation for the war. I was busy and I couldn't afford to spend all my time with her even if I wanted to. So for her to say she didn't want to see me irked me. I wanted to yell at her. Tell her how much she meant to me, but Gabriel was here to see me. I thought Gabriel was here to bring me a message, but I was wrong & so was Yuhan.

Gabriel was here on his own accord.
"Brother please," he begged. "Don't do this."

I was unfazed. "Why? Why shouldn't I destroy you like you destroyed me? Why shouldn't I leave a mark? Why should I be the only one in pain?"

Gabriel looked dumbfounded and a little pissed while he stood there in his silence.

"Did you think you could just come down here, make a request and you'd get your wish just like that? For Father's sake, what a laugh brother!" I chuckled while walking over to the bar to pour me a round of scotch.

"Would you like a glass?" I smiled smugly. Knowing he'd deny me, I set the glass down before he could answer.

I continued, "Let me ask you brother: What are you really here for? Have you come to switch sides? Or have you just come to make a fool of yourself?"

Gabriel cried, falling to his knees, begging me. "Please, brother. Please," he pleaded with his head to the ground. An angel kneeling to me? Even my own angelic brother can see what's to come.

"I'll sell my soul to you," Gabriel screamed cutting his palms frantically, putting them on display, begging me to make a blood oath. How the mighty have fallen. Well, my brother Gabriel had always been soft. He was the only one that I felt could escape my wrath.

"I don't want it."

"Please," he begged more, "Whatever you want from me, I'll give it to you brother. If we go to war, there will be no peace. Peace for no one. People are going to die, Lucifer. And for what? Because you're mad?"

"That's where you're wrong, brother," I corrected, "I'm not mad. I'm pissed! I was banished & punished. You took my love away from me, you took my wings and you took away my pride. How could I let you off? How could I just forgive that? I am everything you despise. You made me into this. So you deserve it."

I kneeled before him, taking his head into my hand and making him look into my eyes.

"One last time, Gabriel," I said.

"Please take me," Gabriel implored once again.

I shook my head relentlessly with a little laugh. He just didn't get it. "I want everyone to feel how I felt. I want them to feel hopeless, like they can't go on, like there's no reason to live. I want them to relish in that pain just as I have been for thousands of years. I never want them to forget." I let go and dismissed my dear brother, leaving him there slumped on a somewhat bloody floor.

I freshened up, deciding to go see my feisty crimson princess to finish our conversation. I missed her too much to be on bad terms with her. I practically kicked her door down and made her talk to me. One thing led to another and before I knew it, my tuxedo was on the floor and I was in bed teasing her.

The way she trembled beneath me got me rock hard. She must have believed she was doing a good job suppressing her soft, erotic moans.

"Let me hear you."
She started, "But," with a strong rejection.
"Are you going to defy me?" I questioned.

"What if I'm too loud?" She tried to asked seriously while writhing underneath my touch. Of course that would be on her mind. "What if people hear us?" She questioned.

Her legs were so soft and squishy and the best part was that they were her hotspot. I trailed my finger up and down her thighs as she shuddered before I continued peppering her with kisses.

"Love, you can be as loud as you want," I reassured her. "I'm the only one who will ever hear you."

Even if someone were to hear it, it wouldn't bother them. They're demons; they feed on sinful energy; they're understanding. They know a life without sin isn't a life worth living. But no one would ever hear her. No one deserved that. No one except me.

She gulped and gave a nod. Heaves of heavy breathing in my ear fueled me into leaving evidence of tonight. Patches of red love bites dotted her neck and shoulders, leading to her chest.

I carefully removed the straps of her nightgown, letting it fall to reveal her plump, round bare breasts. My hands guided themselves to my newfound admiration. I fondled them, permitting myself to juggle them in hand and squish them. Her brown nipples called to me feverishly. Pinching one nipple and sucking the other, her wetness seeped pass her panties.

"Oh, you're so wet for me," I groaned. With her head tilted backwards, her brown curls cascaded down her back and her chest was fully exposed. Her nipples hardened with every lick, suck and fondle. I kissed her navel and curves shortly thereafter discarding her nightgown.

I kissed every beauty mark, licked every stretch mark, sucked every part of her body until I had her begging me to take her.

The only remaining clothing she wore kept her hidden from me, though it wouldn't be for long. You must always save the best for last.

"Lucian, please," Bella pleaded.

I liked this. No — fuck that! I loved this. The way she said my name.. the way she begged me.. the way she could hardly catch her breath from me pushing her off the edge. This was another level of ecstasy for me.

"Say my name again," I beseeched.
"Lucian," she breathed while biting her lip.

Ah fuck. That did it.

"Don't blame me for this tomorrow. You asked for this," I finally caved.


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