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•Early March


"You love to sneak around, don't you?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Amelia's voice thundered through my ear.

"You should not scare people. I almost had a heart attack," I reprimanded. "And for your information, I'm just curious."

"Yeah right. Your mind wanders about our lord constantly. Only a select few are allowed to be here in the Golden Hall," Amelia said.

"No wonder it's always empty here," I shared.

"I don't understand," Amelia shared. "He's infatuated with you but he lets you out of his sight too easily. Anything could happen to you around vicious blood-crazy feigns, yet he gives you free reign," she finished. "It's amazing."

I just let her rant. I nodded my head because I was too in shock to respond.

"Listen. About trying to suck your blood from your neck," she continued.

I disrupted her with the stop motion of my hand, "No need. I knew it was an accident. I was never angry."

"Still not fair if you didn't get a proper apology," she rebutted. "I miss hearing your stories of your world." She sighed, "While I've got you here, I might as well take you to Cecilia."

"Thanks for pulling her off," I laughed. "She had a death grip."

"Definitely. She used to be the quarterback when we attended demon school. She never had any fumbles," Amelia stated.

I gasped and gave her a light applause. "Impressive." Amelia grabbed me by the hand and we half-sprinted out of the Golden Hall down a zigzag staircase that I'd never seen before.

Amelia spoke up, "The castle rearranges itself. It's always random. We just somehow always know where to go??"

I giggled. "You don't sound so sure. Can you answer what's with the get up?" I evaluated her clothes. She had a light white dress with green spring flowers decorated across the bottom of her ruffles.

She blushed and quickly wiped it away from her face. "I don't know what you mean."
"Spill it!" I pressured her.

"Fine!" She caved. We stopped our tracks. "I might have been envious of you and my lord and ended up making a connection with a certain someone."

"Oooh," I squealed. "So who is this certain someone?" I doubt it was someone I knew. I could barely remember the millions of faces I saw from the ball. Though, I probably was just too intoxicated to even collect any memories. That entire night was a candid blur.

She mumbled something that I couldn't hear. "What was that?" I asked.
"I said Yuhan," she confessed quietly.

"No way!" I said.

"Shut up," Amelia said. "It just happened one day." We resumed our trek to Cecilia. We came upon a gray brick door and it opened right as Amelia stepped to it.

Cecilia was seated on her bed. For the first time, I'd seen both of them without their staff uniforms on. Cecilia was dressed in sweat pants and lain across her bed with a book in the air. She looked to us and surprise was drawn across her face immediately.

"What?" She stuttered. "How are you here?" She asked, then looked at her twin for answers. Amelia just shrugged with a sly smile. Cecilia abandoned her book and stood up. She rambled, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. When I tasted it, I went crazy. It's super rare to have something like that happen. We've been missing you. Amelia wanted to hear those crazy stories of yours. I just wanted to play in your hair like always."

"It's fine," I smiled. "Lucian explained everything, then Amelia explained too. I wasn't angry, just confused. It happened so quickly."

"I know," they said in unison which caused me to give Amelia a smirk. "Twin thing. Can't help it."

"I missed y'all too. Let's start with Lucian," I said proudly. The twins pushed their beds together so we could all lay together. I was positioned between them and we each had a pillow.

"So since the accident, he's been handling my blood himself. I've never seen him do anything with it. But we were spending so much time together every day and one day, we just started joking. Then we started going out. He gradually let me explore. I was basically forcing him to open up to me but despite that, he did anyway. Oh!" I remembered. "He flew me through the kingdom. He told me about his wings. We totally had a grilled cheese dinner together. And we kissed. And I think we almost had sex? Almost," I finished with a big exhale.

They were both sitting straight up by now with agape mouths. They looked at me then looked at each other.

"Before you say anything, yes! I said that."

"What happened to no sex before marriage?" Cecilia asked.
I answered, "That's exactly why I said almost. Almost doesn't count."

"I have no words," Amelia sat in silence for a moment.
"I do!" Cecilia said. "How did the dates start? How much has he shared with you? He's been living a long time. He has so much to share."

"When you put it like that," I bit my lip, "I only know trivial things. But we'll get there one day."

"Oh!" I added, "Before I forget, we recently went out for my birthday. He took me to this fancy restaurant that had a golf course in the back. We talked about prom, but he wasn't very enthusiastic about it. I don't think he likes school, though he's there a lot. And we went to this spider museum. He fancies spiders and snakes; I was so creeped out I couldn't sleep." I finished my tale and stood up from the bed. "I think I should go back. I've been missing long enough and I want to beat him back."

The twin rose from the beds and fixed their clothing simultaneously. It must be fun being a twin.

"No," they furiously spat in denial together.
"I said that aloud," I realized.

"Yes," Cecilia said. "As an apology, take this." She fetched something from a drawer. It looked like a plain brown paper bag. "It takes you where you desire. Anywhere or nowhere. Just picture it. It comes in handy. Only you can use it anyway." She extended her hand, with a proud smile.

I took the bag. "Thanks. I'll see you later."
"I look forward to it," Cecilia bowed to me.

She was right. The castle does rearrange itself. The brick door was now a brown wooden cabin-like door; the stairs weren't in sight but there were 4 halls to take. Amelia chose the one on the left. Amelia and I were elbows linked as she escorted me back through the Golden Hall. Checking to make sure the coast was clear, (which should've been clear anyway), we quickly walked down the hall without a problem.

"I must leave here. Just keep straight," she blew me a bye for now kiss. I followed her directions and I ended back to Lucian's chambers. He followed in after me shortly.

"Did you miss me?" He flirted.
"You wish," I scoffed.
"What have you been doing?" He asked.
"I went for a walk and came back. Just sat here thinking about prom and graduation and college. I have so much to look forward to," I half-fibbed.

"Indeed," he agreed before calling the waiters to serve desserts. Lucian fancied sweet things, like chocolate cake, banana muffins, and candy. "Would you like cake?"

To which I replied, "Always."

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