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Chapter 23: Aftermath of Running Away

Isabelle's POV

And with that, I stormed off. Or that's what I thought I did before I was violently snatched and turned around.

"What's your deal?" I shrieked.

But he didn't answer me. He only dragged me outside to my favorite spot to hide.

"Why won't you answer me? Let go of me!"

"There," he said after letting go of my arm, "Now what the fuck are you talking about? That was before you and it didn't even mean anything. If it had meant anything, I would've felt guilty and told you about it way sooner. Also, I was sworn to secrecy that next morning," he explained.

"Either way, both of you can stay away from me. Sworn to secrecy or not, someone should've told me. I don't want my best friend's leftovers! That's disgusting. I trusted you and you hid something like that from me," I replied, "It's kinda sad that you two hid that from me. With me being close to death and all, I at least thought you two would tell me the truth. Were you even planning on telling me?"

He sighed, "I told you already; I was sworn to secrecy. She said it was a mistake and we were more than under the influence that night. The only reason I even agreed to it was because I've had a crush on you for ages! I see that it was stupid, but believe me, I would never intentionally withhold anything from you. It was a drunken night, full of hormonal teenagers and no way to escape. So we did the only thing the alcohol told us to— we had sex, but I never thought you'd actually give me the time of day. Like ever. I was pretty sure you were gay.. or a nun."

"What is with you & Jen? I'm not gay & I'm definitely not a nun."

"You're closer to a nun than you think. You're chaste and there's nothing wrong with that, but there are barely girls here that are still virgins. And I like that about you. You didn't fight for my attention and you aren't stuck up or mean like the others. I just really wish you'd listen to me," he slumped down to the ground.

I ranted, "I listened, but I'm not satisfied. It shouldn't have been hid from me; by neither you or Jen— especially if you really liked me and especially if she was my real friend. For God's sake, what if she didn't take the pill? Then what? Don't you think you two would be more likely to be together since you'd have a family?"

"You're right, but I never looked at Jennifer that way. The only person I've actually set my eyes on were you," he confessed.

"That was so mushy," I laughed.

"It's the truth," he shrugged.

"Oh? And what about all of your other flings? Girls give me the cold shoulder and evil eyes every day because of you," I said.

"Things of the past. Like I said, you're the only girl that's ever piqued my interest. Flings were exactly what you called them— flings. They were never serious. I've liked you since sixth grade & we're in high school now. I meant every word I've ever said to you, but if you don't want to further this," he searched for the right word, ".. relationship, then I understand. I wouldn't want my friend's leftovers, either."

"You say that, but you look so sad," I said.

"What do you expect? The girl I like, who I haven't even got a chance to even take on date yet, is leaving me because of something that happened in April, which might I add, was a total mistake that I OWNED UP to," he admitted.

"How about this: I'll listen to what Jen has to say and I'll decide what I should actually do before I call it quits. Ok?"

He brightened up instantly, "Really? Then you'll go on a date with me and forget about all of this?"

"I won't forget it, but I'll decide on giving you another chance."

"Alright. My chances look nice enough; she'll explain things better than I can," he said.

"Maybe. See you later," I said after turning. I stopped to add, "And don't ever drag me away like that again. That really hurt and it was humiliating."

He chuckled, "You got it."

Walking back in to find Jen, I headed to her locker but I didn't see her. Where could she be? I went to look for Brad and found him in the parking lot.

The athletes loitered there on breaks and class exchange to play and chat or do drugs. I spotted Brat and walked up to him confidently.

"Do you know where Jen is?" I asked.

"No and I could care less about where she is. You should quit caring about her and start worrying about yourself. Jennifer isn't your friend; she never was," he said.

Oh, geez. Not him too.

"What do you mean?"

"Jennifer only became your friend because she wanted to look good to the other popular kids at school. You were basically a charity case and after yesterday, you should give up on that friendship. She only keeps you around to make herself look good. Take my advice and leave that no good scoundrel of a skank exactly where she is. She'll only bring you tears in her wake," he said.

"Wait. Did something happen between you two? What the hell did I miss?"

"She slept around on me. She used me just like she used you. We were both just pawns for Jennifer to climb the rank in the cliques of high school. She even told me she didn't regret sleeping with Jason. I guess she never thought I'd tell you since you never actually approach boys, but I'll tell it all. You deserve a real friend, like Noelle and you deserve happiness. You won't find happiness with Jennifer in your life," he explained.

Oh wow..

So this was the aftermath of me running away yesterday. What did I do? Or rather, what should I do now?

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