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"What are you doing here?" I grasped her face between my hands immediately.
She showed her flawless smile, making her dimple pop. "I'm here to see you. I miss you."

"You should be nowhere near here. They might bomb my palace." I mildly reprimanded her. I couldn't deny that I didn't miss her. I sighed from holding eye contact with her puppy eyes, "Only for today." I kissed her forehead.

"Yay," she squealed as she reached for my hand. "You look awesome. Like you came out of an action movie," she said in awe. "Ironman has nothing on you."

We both swung our heads to Yuhan's thundering chuckle. "Didn't see you there," Belle said to Yuhan.
"Of course you didn't. That's my specialty," Yuhan humbled us.
"I shouldn't have given you complete power of that ability," I said.
"Too late to take it," Yuhan shrugged. "How'd you sneak in here?" He directed his question to Isabelle.

A question I would like to know as well. I gently turned my eyes to her.
"Well," she began with a flutter of her eyes. "There's this thing, this place and you take the thing to this place and it gets me here."

Yuhan turned his attention to me.
"I don't have the time," I sighed.
"But," Yuhan began.
"Just go with the twins?" I kissed her forehead and passed her off to Yuhan.

All the staff bowed as they saw me leaving the room. I used my wings to float to the end of the hall and throughout the levels of my castle.

I had to grab my staff from my study. On the way, I passed by the Great Hall. My, how times have changed. I briefly admired my evolution. It boosted my morale. I swiftly flew to my study and dawned my eyes upon my weapon in its glass corner. I was hesitant to grab it at first but it seemed to call to me once I locked eyes with it.

I didn't feel my feet moving. I took my weapon from its cage. It felt so good in my hand. Like I'd been missing a piece of me.

"Still perfect," I said to myself. My staff was black, gold and red. I took a deep inhale, letting the memories wash over me like a deep-sea tide. I could hear my Father forsaking me; I saw the many battles. I recalled vividly as Wonder the dragon was struck by His lightning as Michael's angels pierced it through its three hearts. I remembered my downfall.

It never felt good. Why wasn't I any good for Him? For them? I was stripped of my wings and hurled from Heaven gates and cast to Hell with my demons.

I became a King. A damn good King. That's why I'd win this time. I vowed that to myself. It's be different this time.

This time, I have the power of angels on my side.

I opened my eyes and strode back to the preparation room. I'd realized that might have been a bad arrangement. I paused my tracks.

"Hmph," I breathed. Im worried. A new tingle that I do not like. "Ugch," I nearly barfed. I entered the room, raising my hand to signify that the staff may resume in my presence.

She hadn't moved surprisingly. She was still here.
"I kept an eye on her for you. You always make the worst decisions," Yuhan appeared.

"You love to run your gapper. Diesche!"
Yuhan hesitated, "I can't tell if you're joking or being serious."

"Shut up," I said before walking again.
"You're still here," I said to her.
"Yeah. I came back. I had dinner and dessert. The food here is delicious," she told me.

"I realized sending you with the twins was probably a bad idea," I started.

"Oh. No, it wasn't. I went with them. They took me to the dinner table. Did you think I'd literally sit here bored for an hour straight? Before you answer that, it's a rhetorical question," she explained.

"You should sit here if I say so. It's not good to wander around."

She rolled her eyes. "If something happens to me while I'm here, you're responsible. And you're the mightiest, right? So I have no issues. What could happen to me?"

"You're dangerous," I observed that fiery look in her eyes.
"Dangerous but correct," she added.
"What did you eat?" I asked.
"A cheeseburger with cheesecake and fries. Absolutely scrumptious," she gave a chef's kiss.

I nodded my head. "She thanks the staff for her meal," I announced. They returned a bow and resumed their work.

"That was embarrassing," she laughed.
"They take no meaning to it," I said.
"They're so focused. What are they doing?" She questioned.

"Making weapons," I answered her plainly. "Let me make this clear. You shouldn't be here. However you got here, you must not do it again." I lowered myself to her head level, staring directly at her chocolate brown eyes. "Promise me."

She pouted.
"Promise me," I erased the soft version of my voice and replaced it with some authority and firmness.
"Fine. I promise," she finally agreed.

"Now that that's over. What kind of weapons?" She bounced in excitement. "Where does my blood come into play?"

I tapped her nose, "You're too gorgeous."
She giggled, "I know." A blink and two seconds later, she was asleep. I scooped her into my arms bridal style and walked over to the window, using my powers to magically open it. I dove into the air and became one with it. I extended my wings and took her on a thrilling roller coaster ride while she was asleep. I know she's going to be angry when she wakes up but she'd never stop until she got an answer.

"Probably should have questioned you more," I said aloud. "Make sure you don't pull this stunt again."

I ended our ride and teleported to her home. I didn't bother to see if anyone was home; I let myself in.

How rude of me.

I took her bracelets off and quickly slid her pants down and placed her into a comfy tee. I tucked her in so tight.

What am I doing? I sighed then smiled when I caught sight of her face again. I kissed her forehead and said goodnight to her.

I caressed her silky skin. She shifted in her sleep slightly as I did so. "See you soon," I said.
"Stay a little longer," she said sleepily.
"If I stay here any longer, I won't want to leave." I gave her another kiss.
"Promise me," she sleep talked.

I waited on her to say something else, but she said nothing. "Promise you what?" Nothing. I guess she was out cold now.

"I promise," I said anyway. Whatever it may be. I dropped from her window and back to my realm of reign.

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