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Chapter Eighteen: There's a scythe on my neck!

WARNING: jokes will be made that are not meant to be harmful.

*picture above is the cover for Raised by My Alpha

Isabelle's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked. I pushed us back a bit from the crowd.
"Don't openly flirt with other guys when I'm right next to you," he said.

"I wasn't flirting and for God's sake, we're holding hands. Nothing is more obvious than Travis and I being friends," I explained.

"Whatever," he replied. He took his hand from mine and folded his arms across his chest.

I laughed.
He asked, "What's so funny?"

"You're jealous. It's okay; I won't do anything anymore. Come on," I nudged him along and he took my hand again, leading us back with the crowd.

"Welcome back," Travis whispered.
"Thanks," I giggled.

Once the teacher's lecture about the assignment was finished, we headed back to our seats. I received glares from a few popular girls while returning, but I shook it off.

I asked, "So what do you want to do? Would you rather do a brochure or a visual aid?"

Jason replied, "I'd like to do a brochure. Do you want it to be colorful or what?"

"Doesn't matter."

He left to go get construction paper and a plain piece of copy paper. I went to get color pencils and markers while he was completing his task; I went to the corner in the back of the library to retrieve the materials when Maggie Bayes tapped me on my shoulder.

"How May I help you?" I asked.

She angrily asked, "What kind of tricks did you pull? Are you blackmailing Jason? There's no way he'd ever go out with you."

"Why are you accusing me of such things? Are you angry that he's with me or are you angry that he rejected you? Either way, leave me alone; you're delusional to think that I'm blackmailing him. I never have to do anything like that."

She gasped, "How did you know? Nobody knows about that! Are you a stalker? And who are you to be calling me delusional? You're the delusional one; he won't stay with you for long! I'll make sure of it."


She smirked before she walked away and I grabbed the remaining materials then headed back to the table.

"Do you think we'll finish this today? A brochure is quick," I asked.

"Maybe," he paused, "What was that about back there?"

"What do you mean?"

He replied, "You know exactly what I mean. What did Maggie say to you?"

"It was nothing. Let's just focus on the assignment."

He didn't say anything and we agreed to pick a city then choose a book with the same setting of our choosing. We chose a fantasy book, involving werewolves and elves, that was set in Oregon; the name of the book was Raised by My Alpha.

We were required to state five facts about the setting, provide pictures and activities and two interesting facts, along with anything else we wanted. This was simple and we finished the assignment way before it was time to go.

Jason drew an amazing picture of werewolves and elves surrounded by twinkling lights; I was astonished by his artistic capabilities. The picture was so beautiful. After he was finished, I colored it and turned the brochure in to Mrs. Willow; she gave me a small smile and a pat on my hand.

I returned and grabbed my backpack; usually whenever I was done with my work, I'd just leave & Jason would do the same. Everyone could, but your work had to be done. It was your main priority.

She let us loose without a word and we exited the corridor to go to his motorcycle. This was such a cool school whenever I thought about it. You're free to do whatever you wish as long as you've completed your work.

Jason grabbed something from his motorcycle and we walked to my favorite spot: my hidden tree. I laid the blanket out on the ground and fell onto it.

"You do this everyday; what's so special about hiding? Doesn't it get tiring?"

I replied, "Nope, I love it. It gives me peace and quiet and no one bothers to look for me or disturb me. I'm always reading and enjoying my lunch here so it never gets tiring."

"I couldn't do that everyday. I think I'd go insane," he joked.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't try to do such a thing. I don't want to have to put you in a mad house," I joked.

"I have an aunt in the crazy house," he confessed.
"Sorry, I didn't know."

He suddenly laughed, "You should see your face. Quit being so serious. I was trying to open up to you."

"That's not the way to do it," I scolded him.

He said, "Sorry, but now's the time to learn everything we possibly can about each other."

And so we did. We told each other everything, including the basics and the broad things, but I omitted the crazy parts; such as my past life, meeting the devil & other deities, and anything else that I deemed  crazy.

But then, boom! He asked the question I'd been dreading. The conversation was going so good until he abruptly asked that miserable question.

He asked, "So tell me, what happened to your neck? Did someone do that you?"

"I don't know how to answer that. You'll probably think I'm crazy if I told you the real truth," I confessed.

"Try me," he said.
"Alright," I looked him in the eyes, "the grim reaper choked me because I don't die whenever he tries to capture me."

I waited for him to respond. I mean who wouldn't call me crazy right now? I did just say ridiculous things. Who'd ever believe that? If this was a regular situation, I'd call myself crazy, too, but I knew this was real.

"You asked so I told you. Do you think I'm crazy now?"

He shook his head, "No I don't think you're crazy. Some people die and claim they've seen heaven and stuff like that before. Haven't you ever watched those movies or read those books? I personally don't believe in such things, but that mark is insane. It's even way more believable since you have a scythe symbol imbedded in the mark. In this case, I deem us both crazy."

He shrugged and mumbled, "maybe I should check on my aunt. Maybe I should check myself in."

"It's not the same. If you knew the whole story, you'd swear I needed to be in a psycho ward. You'd probably force me to go," I stated.

"Try me," he dared.
"No thanks." On cue, the bell rang.

I was saved by the bell once again.

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