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Chapter 6: Darkness

⚠️ slight profanity

•Isabelle's POV•

Ouch! My head hurts & the world is spinning right now. Why am I lying in the middle of the road? Oh God, did I finally die? No! Please, Not again..

I sat up and observed my surroundings; I realized I was across the street from home even though this could be considered the road of my home.

What am I saying? This isn't the time to be specific. I'm lying in the middle of the road and don't know why or how I got here.

Just think, Izzi. Try to remember your day, just think back and retrace the day in your mind.

I remember everything from this morning & this afternoon. I thought about everything all the way up the moment of lunch. Now I remember! Jennifer & Lucian were supposed to go on a date. He's such a jerk.

He's a nasty jerk, actually. How could he? He can't have both friends. He could only have one & if he's so into Jen then why would he come after me? I guess he's another asshole psycho that wants to steal my innocence. I actually thought he was different, but in actuality, he's just like the rest of them.

My body is sore but I need to move into the house. I felt a chill before I mustered enough strength to move. It felt like someone was watching me. As I stood up, my head started to pound again and I fell to the ground, stricken with pain, hovered over in a shell to keep myself from vomiting.

I stuck to that position for a few minutes and then I tried again. My head was still pounding but I pushed myself to walk towards my home. I retrieved my keys from the ground and picked up the rest of my things.

My phone was scattered away from where I was lying; it was lying stationary in front of the Pexer residence's famous neighborhood bush. The bush was famous in the neighborhood because it naturally grew into the shape of a heart which everyone thought was fitting because the Pexer family was full of love.

As I stumbled to get to my phone, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I couldn't spin around fast due to my condition so I had to turn slowly. I bet I looked funny turning slowly like this to them. Who was it? Was this person here to help me?

I turned to see the psycho. He looked at me with slight sympathy but he made sure to cover it up once I took notice to it. Wait!

I asked, "Why are you here? Where did you come from?"

He responded, "I came after you when I realized you weren't in class with us. Jackie said you weren't answering your phone but she couldn't come after you because she can't afford to skip her math class."

What was he saying?

I asked, "Who is Jackie?"
"Your friend.?" He responded uncertainly.

I could only laugh at him. It earned me an angry glare which made me laugh even harder until my head started to throb again. I held the side of my head in my hand and let my laughing come to a slow stop.

"What was so funny?" He asked.

"You were so confident just then. Her name is Jennifer, not Jackie, but thank you for coming after me. By the way, did you happen to see anything?"

"Nope. I didn't see anything," he replied.

Hearing those words made my head hurt. They sounded so familiar. It brought back sensations so my head started to pound and my hands started to shake. I could barely stand anymore; I needed to go inside and get in bed.

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