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"What are you thinking about being?" I asked Jason.

"I'm totally the engineer type," he seemed to be trying to convince himself,  "I can see myself all sweaty in some slacks and a white tee with grease & oil stains on my clothes while middle-aged women, married and single eye me down like candy. I'd be living the life!"

"Sounds more like you've watched too many chick flicks, bud. That's a scene right out of a movie," I retorted.

"Yeah, maybe all I'm missing is the towel that I'll use to wipe my sweat," Jason joked.

"Seriously though," I laughed, "Good point."
"Another secret for you to keep," Jason mused.
"I don't have secrets," I refuted.
"Everyone has secrets," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You think I have secrets?" I was seriously intrigued.
He didn't acknowledge the question and opened his new book.

"A bad boy that likes to read," I whispered, "still insane."

I searched for Jen but I didn't see her. I even waited on her for about five minutes at her locker. I thought we were walking together to the selectorial.

"No use in waiting around," I sighed. I used the restroom before walking to the events building. The crowds were still trying to get in the doors. As soon as I stepped in the building, I saw the medical table.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Periwinkle's voice. "Bunny, where have you been? I've been texting you and calling you but the service is crap in here."

"Totally waited for you at your locker before I realized you weren't coming so I just came here," I explained.

She shook her head, "You're adorable."
I saw the papers waving in her hands, "What's that for?"

She smiled brightly, "I'm gonna be a vet."
"Animals?" I probed.

I just stared at her. "Jen, I love you. I really do but that will never work."

She frowned, "why not?"
"You'd have to touch them," I replied. I could hardly hold in my laughter.
"Nothing wrong with that," she stood firm on her words.
"You're scared of animals, Periwinkle." I stated the truth.

We had a stare-off until she shrugged and dragged me with her to the teachers table— somewhere I didn't want to be. They don't get paid enough and there isn't enough happiness. You can't drink, you can't smoke, you can't use profanity, you can't make the class sit and watch anime, then make them analyze it.. it was a hard no for me. There wasn't any freedom.

The talk was getting insanely boring and I wandered off from the table. Slipping through the crowd, I tried my best to make my way back to the entrance to the medical table.

I bumped into Lucian. Of course I did.

"You look very determined," Lucian said.
"That's because I am," I agreed. "You don't look so determined."

Lucian shrugged, "Not interesting enough."

"I'm sure you could help the kids who're different, just like you. For what it's worth, you're perfect for the job."

He nodded and took off. There were too many at the med table so I visited the authors' table. One of them was Carl Junigan. He said he wrote for a publishing company called Bookheads and I was mildly satisfied. It was enough to intrigue me.

By the time I was finished talking to the authors, the med table was clear. The place had started clearing out and there was finally room to breathe now.

I was loving the med table until it got serious. Darla was a representative and she was the main one I was talking to.

"I'm sorry," Darla apologized, "but do you really think you're cut out for this? I saw you at the writer's table & I know how some people can get. You're natural empaths. The job takes its toll on people on like that. I've seen plenty come, thinking it's what they want— that it's their dream and then I watched those same people go— leave and never come back. Trust me, I'm not trying to scare you. Lord knows we need more help in this field," she smiled, "I just want you to be sure."

That stuck with me all day & night.


Quiet swallowed the entire house. If it was quiet like this then that meant no parents. I checked my phone & quickly contacted Jen.

She said she was somewhere with her family and she wished she could be here. I made a mental note to pray for her later. No one knows how crazy her family is. Describing it wouldn't be enough.

The doorbell's chime sounded throughout the house, inevitably dragging me along to the door.

I peeked through the glass. A gush of wind kissed my face when I opened the door.

"Are you lost?" I asked.
"No," he hesitated, "Did you forget?"
"I never forget anything."
"Then tell me why I'm here," Lucian said.

"Oh shit!" I left the door open and ran upstairs to get ready.

The ride was silent between us with only the radio on low volume to consume the quietness in the car. I tried making conversation, complimenting his jacket, to which he only responded with thanks. I just enjoyed the wind sliding across my face from the window.

The sky was a beautiful sight to behold when we arrived at the theatre. How nice of Lucian to take me to a matinee.

We walked in and I thought it was really skeptical that we didn't have to pay. I just followed Lucian to the show room. We sat in the middle at the very top row. I briefly felt so cool for some reason.

Lucian didn't tell me what we were watching— or if we're watching anything since we didn't pay— so I didn't think to ask.

"Hey, this was really nice of you. I never expected you to keep your word."

"I always keep my word," he said. "I have no other choice. You're welcome."

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