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•Part Two•


When I woke in the morning, a stupid laugh left my lips. I knew it was all a dream. There was no way something like that could've happened for real. I yawned and stretched.

I jumped up out of bed and ran towards my bathroom. It's my bathroom, right? I shouldn't have to knock.

But I totally should have.

When the door opened, a tall, nude Lucian was standing in front of me. I thought I was still dreaming. I rubbed my eyes and he was still there sure enough.

That's when it hit me.

"Oh my God, I'm not dreaming," I said. And then I tried to scream but nothing came out. I couldn't even move an inch of my body. My eyes wouldn't close and I was stuck looking star-struck at the bare King in front of me.

He looked amused. Apparently, he didn't care that I could see everything of his. He teased, "Have you gotten your fill?"

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. "I didn't know you were here. I swear I'm going crazy."

He chuckled and my knees almost gave out. "I need to use my bathroom, so could you please cover up or get out?"

"Get out? No. Cover up? Maybe. What do I get in return?" He asked.

"Look, asshole. I'm going to be late for school if you keep this up. You know what? Never mind," I opened my eyes and ignored him as I moved about in the bathroom.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was hit with a cramp right after. "Lucian, you should really get out now."

"Why is that?" He dazzled me with his smile, but I snapped out of it real soon.

"Because I need to do girl things and I don't want you to see that. It would be weird and nasty so go away!"

He disappeared and I was left to tend to my girl things. I just couldn't believe him. But if he was here, does that mean my dream was real? Or could it be I was so tired that I imagined it all? I sighed.

I got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Lucian wasn't here so I thought nothing about it and sat myself in the chair beside my Dad, like usual.

Mom slid us our plates like normal and we dug in without another thought. Though the atmosphere seemed a little off, I ignored it.

It wasn't until middle of our breakfast that my Mom burst out and asked me an embarrassing question. "Are you having sex?"

My dad and I almost choked on our food. He coughed up what he could and beat his chest to help.

"Mom! No way! Where is this even coming from?"

She sighed, "Izzy, you don't have to lie. I should know so we can go get you on birth control. It's okay. You're a teenager, but you need to be careful. So just tell me."

"I can't believe you. I said I'm not partaking in those activities so you should believe me." I stormed off and walked to school without saying goodbye or that I loved them.

So furious, I knocked down a person. "Oh I'm so sorry," I apologized.

"Isabelle? You should really watch where you're going. You might get hurt," said Noelle.

I held my hand out to help her up. She accepted and I pulled her up easily. "Says the person who got hurt. How ironic," I joked, "I really am sorry," I apologized again.

"It's okay," she smiled, "but what's got you so angry?"

"My mom." I shook my head, "Can you believe that she accused me of having sex? I just.. it just infuriated me because she didn't think I was telling her the truth."

"So are you or are you not?" Noelle asked.

"Having sex, duh. If not, then cool. If so, then cool. But be careful. If she doesn't understand then just make her understand. Sit her down and have a long talk with her.. or short talk if that's what you wish," Noelle said. "Come on. We should get to class."

"Right," we walked onward, "That reminds me: why are you walking? Aren't you & Rick exclusive? You two ride together every morning."

"You would know that Rick has been busy lately if you also walked. Don't think I haven't noticed. You and Lucian ride together, too. I've even seen you two kiss. I see the way he looks at you and the way he pulls you away from other boys. There's no mistaking it. You two are also exclusive."

I refuted her, "Hey. No way! He's just crazy. And he kisses me without asking. I'm telling you, he's crazy. Plain crazy."

She laughed, "Yeah right. He looks at you like you're the only girl in the world. He looks at you like you deserve the world. He looks at you like he'd give you the world even if you didn't ask for it. He looks at you like he's the moon and you're the sun."

"That was so deep and poetic that I don't know what to say," I responded.

"Say that I'm right. And admit it! Admit that you like him. Admit that you want it. Admit that you crave him. Admit that you want him just as bad as he wants you."

"Noelle, I don't think you understand. I can't. It's only for show. He only does those things because he thinks it'll keep me wrapped around his finger. But when the deal is over, I'll forget about him & he'll forget about me. It'll be like it never happened, so no. I won't admit that I like him. I won't admit that I crave him. I won't admit that you're right. And I definitely won't admit that I want him."

Noelle just stared at me for a second. "Good. You explained everything to me, so now you should explain it to him." She pointed behind me before giving me the saddest eyes I'd ever seen— especially coming from her. She left me and I watched her walk away before I inhaled a sharp breath of air before turning to face him.

"Lucian," I hesitated.
"No, it's fine," he waved it off. "You should go."

"Lucian, don't do this, okay? You know I'm right."
"How in the hell could you possibly be right after I—.." he cut himself off. "Just forget it. You're going to be late." He got into his Chevy and sped away.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now