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Her eyes sparkled with hope and curiosity. "Can I see them now?"

"Why should I?"
"Oh come on. Would it kill you to just let me see them?" She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe," I rose a brow, "Why are you so curious anyway?"
"Isn't this better than me prying about your life?"
"No," I responded, "Both are nerving."

Even though I basically said no, I stood up for her anyway. Her eyes lit up and her smile blinded me. Discarding my shirt, I asked, " You ready?"

She nodded her head and ran up behind me. I opened my wings and almost immediately, she ran her fingers through my feathers.

"They're massive," she gawked. "How do you go around carrying these things everyday?"

I laughed, "We're attached. I'm pretty sure you get used to it."
"Why are they black," She questioned.

I froze to think about whether I wanted to answer or how I would answer.
"Well it doesn't matter. They're still beautiful," she continued to run her fingers through the cracks of my wings. "What's this?"

Her hand hovered over my scar. "I tried to cut them off," I said nonchalantly.
"But why?" Her voice cracked.

"You're such a softie," I teased.

Belle finally touched my scar and I'm not exaggerating when I say a spark of electricity coursed throughout my body. It would be an understatement to say it only felt good. It felt amazing— like she was caressing my life force. The more she rubbed my scar, the more I felt like I should stop her, but I couldn't. It felt too damn good.

"Does it hurt?" She asked in a soft voice.
"Sometimes," I answered.
"What about now?"
"Not at all," I said.

"Did it hurt before?" She whispered.
I was silent. I knew if I told the truth, she'd cry. "I'm fine."

"You're not fine," she insisted, "You tried to cut your wings off!"

I corrected, "Actually I did cut them off; they just grew back," I shrugged.
She gasped, "That's awful."

We stood in silence until she lightly kissed my scar. "I hope you never feel like you have to cut them off anymore." She pecked my scar again. "They're too beautiful," she wept as she stroked my scar so gently, so sweetly.

I'd never had someone cry for me. I didn't know how I felt. I knew I probably wouldn't have cared if it were anyone else, but it was her and for the life of me, I never understood and maybe I'll never understand, but it feels so strange, yet I was happy.

"Don't cry for me," I whispered as I hugged her. "I.. won't cut them anymore so don't cry." It ticked me off that she was still weeping about something that unfortunately grew back.

"If you love them so much, you can always see them whenever you want," I cooed, "Don't cry, okay?"

"It's so wrong," she sniffed, "It's plain wrong."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Just don't cry, please," I begged. I stroked her mass of curls gently. The warmth of her body radiated in my arms and the hot tears that ran from her eyes pooled into the crack of my elbow.

"Am I a pain? Do you wish you could get rid of me?" Isabelle suddenly asked. "Do you wish we never met?"

"I wish that you wouldn't worry about such trivial things," I felt the urge to kiss her so I lightly planted a generous kiss on her forehead. A few moments later, she ceased her weeping and we both sat back down to finish our sandwiches and enjoy dessert.

I could feel the lust spilling out of her pores as she stared at my shirtless chest. I almost wanted to tease her and let droplets of ice cream trail down my pecks but I guess that's be too much. She probably faint.

"I'm looking forward to the weekend. How about you?" She broke the silence.

"I'm way too old to even be concerned about college. I've been plenty of times already. I know too much as is," I swirled my wine, "I often renew my education but I'm not worried about the little things right now."

"Oh," she said. She sounded mildly disappointed and it irked me but I didn't say anything. Wasn't my extensive education already impressive enough? Did she think I wasn't smart enough?

"What about you?"

She perked up & flashed me a pure smile, "I'm thinking about going into the medical field. I think I'm going to apply Friday, but I know I won't see Jen & Noelle as much."

She still didn't know. She couldn't have known.

"I think you should apply for something so people won't start saying unnecessary things about you. It's good to show a small amount of interest, you know?" She said. "I'm willing to help you find something that wouldn't be too much."

"I don't care what people think but no thanks," I said, "I have everything covered."

"So what do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking teaching would be okay," I shrugged as I licked the last bit of my dessert from my spoon. "Not too much, it's close and minimal effort."

She laughed, "I can't imagine you as a teacher. Teaching the kids how to count or being a mediator between them on the bad days," she made herself laugh more, "I just can't. Sorry." She dried a tear of amusement.

I'm happy she found amusement in what I said, though I was serious. I think I'd be a great teacher.

"Can I see them again?" She beamed.
"No crying this time," I stated.
"Of course," she happily clasped her hands together as she awed at my wings again. "I could never tire of this." She stroked my wings and it sent a shiver down my spine and made me involuntarily flap my wings.

"Sorry," I apologized.
"Can you fly?" was the only thing on her mind.

"If I can?" I teased.
She rolled her eyes, "Then of course, I'd like to ride."

I debated on it. "If you promise to hold on tight."
She gasped, "Yes! I promise to not let go."

Unfortunately, Yuhan had plans for something different. It must've been something important because he'd never bother me at this hour.

"Goodnight," I excused myself from Bella. I apologized and I walked her to her chambers.

Before I left, she cared my feathers again. "I really do think they're beautiful, Lucian."

I plucked a feather from my wings and stilled it in her hair before telling her goodnight again.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now