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Her steady rhythm rising and falling against my chest was like music to my ears. A tangled mass of brown curls sprawled across my chest. I trailed my finger in circles on her bare shoulder. She would occasionally smile in her sleep, making me wonder what her dreams were like.

An hour or so must have passed before she finally stirred awake. She sighed before slowly opening an eye to take a peak at me.

"Good morning," she spoke softly to me as she rubbed the sleep from the corners of her eyes.
"Morning," I greeted her with a kiss to the forehead.

She sat up readily, allowing the events of last night to flood her mind. She blushed into her hands then looked at me. "Did we- no did I?? No. Lucian," she stammered with a pout.

"Believe it," I replied moving her curls away from her face. She shook her head in denial, unable to believe what transpired in the bed. "That was just a start," I stated.

"A start?" She repeated.
"Only a start," I clarified. "Come," I directed.

She rushed to my side, following me into the bathroom. We reached for the toothpaste while she reached for her brush. Setting down the brush, she stared at me. Never have I ever, in my entire existence, used skincare products. She somehow convinced me to let her wash my face.

"My face does feel refreshed," I admitted.
"Told you," she said. I moved to the tub while she put her things back.

"Don't feel shy now," I teased after she refused my offer to take a bath together. I removed my trousers diving into the water. I invited her again.

"No way," she refused.
I warned, "If I make you get in," I shut my eyes, "it won't be nice."

She did not take my warning lightly. She soon joined me.

"Why does your hair always smell so nice?" I questioned taking another whiff.
"You're weird," she said. We shared a moment of silence as I cleaned her back. "Would you like to wash it?"
"May I wash it?" I asked in shock.
"Duh," she laughed.

"Who washes their hair with cold water?!" She yelled at me from under the sink.
"Sorry," I apologized & quickly added some hot water. "Is that better?"

"I'm starting to question how you worked before me. It's clear you're a psychopath," she said.

"Say it again and I will turn the hot water off," I dared.
"Fine," she relented.

She wrapped her hair with a towel after squeezing majority of the water from it. I started to get dressed but I could feel her eyes on me. She stalked over to me in her white robe, finishing my cuff links for me.

"When can I return the favor?" She asked with wandering hands.
A smile left my lips, "You want to return the favor?"
"Yes," she answered plainly. Her eyes never left mine.
"You're an enchantress," I said.

One of her hands occupied my waistband while her other hand rested atop my crotch. The warmth from her hand seeped into my pants. "Is that better than a seductress?"

"You tell me."
She stood on her tip toes to kiss my cheek, leaving wet kisses to my ear. She whispered into my ear, "I think it's way better," she kissed my earlobe.
"Me too," I agreed through a raspy moan. I felt her tongue drag down my neck.

"Should we move this to the bed?" She asked me gently with her beautiful browns. I don't remember answering. I barely remembered what I had planned. But I did know that the girl in front of me had me wrapped around her finger.

I don't know when she untucked my shirt, but she was on her way down. She didn't forget to leave love bites around the outline of my pecks and torso.

I felt the precum leave my tip. She drove me crazy. A few kisses here and there & nonstop rubbing sent me into paradise. I wanted more.

"Fuck," I moaned. I began to move her hands into my pants.
She bit her lip. "Are you rushing?" she asked me naughtily.
"Maybe," I breathed.

A knock sounded at the door, making us pause our naughty actions. We stilled to see if the visitor would go away.

Another knock. I already knew it was for me.

"Ugh, I must go," I apologized to her, trying my best to quickly get dressed again. "They're not going to leave." I cursed at my luck. I almost had her pretty pink lips around my dick. I was so close.

"Then we can just wait until later," she kissed my print. "Have a good day. Think real hard about me," she sent me off with a kiss to the lip & cheek.

"I promise I will," I returned the kiss.

"This is so unfair," I said leaving the room.



Naughty memories of last night constantly replayed in my head. I felt my body heating up at the thought. I looked at the proof of our intimacy on my body, proceeding to poke the spots.

I hugged myself, squeezing myself tight until I laughed from pain. I let my head fall into the pillow. Behind my eyes, I pictured Lucian's head between my thighs rising higher and higher in each moment.

His words echoed through my mind. "You're so wet for me." A shiver took over me. "You taste so sweet," he munched. He pinched my nipples while flicking his tongue on my clit. His continual attack left me speechless. I ran my hands through the sheets & then his hair.

"Lucian," I screamed. The rush of tension pulsed throughout my body.
"Say it again," he circled his thumb across my nub.

"Lucian," I said breathlessly.
"More," he demanded.

I could hardly catch my breath. I was still processing the pleasure my body just went through. He slid a finger in, "I can't hear you."

"Lucian," his name barely audibly escaped from my lips.
"Hmm, louder," he requested. He slid another finger in.
"Lucian, I can't," I started.
Lucian interrupted, "If you say you can't, it just makes me want to hear you even more."

His thick fingers slid in and out my cunt as he ravaged me with his tongue, never stopping his assault. My sultry groans became uncontrollable and soon I was begging Lucian for a break.

"Please," I huffed.

He removed his tongue, replacing it with sloppy kisses down my area. He slurped my mess, spit it out, slurped it again then gave me one last kiss.

"I shouldn't stop," he said. "You begged me for this."
"I won't have a voice, Luce," I tried to reason with him throughout my panting.
"No one needs to hear your voice except me anyway," he shrugged.
"Please," I begged, trying to put on my best beggar face.

"I can't lie here forever thinking about it," I said to myself aloud bringing myself out of my dirty musing.

I got dressed and found Yuhan, ready to see my friends so I could tell them about my night.

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