Another Note

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Okay, so author here (obviously).. Anyway, I wanna thank you for choosing my book to read. Also, I want to say that I try my best to update this book at least once a week. Lately, I've been updating within a few days of each other. I'm going to update later today and I'll probably end up removing this note, but I just had to let everyone know just in case.

But while you're here, I love you & don't let anyone steal your happiness! I love all my sinners deeply❤️ (this should go without saying). You can always message me if you need someone to talk to or ask for help.

One last thing: IF YOU'RE ENJOYING THIS BOOK, then vote.!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Thank you !

-I must go and finish writing now. I genuinely Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving my book a chance. Writing started as a hobby quickly became a passion for me. I love you & VOTE, please!! Okay, bye 😘.

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