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I was lying in a hospital bed, my body feeling the numbness of the painkillers and the fatigue of the fight I had endured to get here. My head was throbbing in pain from the constant beeping of the machines surrounding me, I had lost count of the number of times it beeped, but it seemed to be a necessary part of my care. I felt a wave of emotions overcome me as my eyes tried to adjust to my surroundings. I could see my family and friends, all looking worried and scared, their faces a mixture of worry and hope. I wanted to tell them not to worry, that I was okay but my words were stuck in my throat, my voice suddenly feeling so far away. All I could do was lie still and try to relax, knowing that I was finally safe and that everything was going to be ok. I was hoping that one day soon I would finally be able to go home, dreaming that it would be over.

My family cleared from my room momentarily as the doctors talked to them. A lone doctor entered, short and graceful in his stride, and proceeded to unhook me from the machines and ivs. He had a slightly weathered face, but his eyes were kind and comforting. He smiled at me, and I felt myself relax a bit. "Drink this," he said, lowering his mask and revealing an ancient-like antique, green bowl that smelled mildly like flowers of spring and pennies. "Quickly," he urged as he sat me up. I took a sip, and the taste was sweet and strangely familiar. I gulped it down, and almost immediately I felt a warmth spread throughout my body. My vision blurred and I felt my eyelids droop. Suddenly, I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. I looked up to the doctor and smiled, feeling like I had been given a second chance.

"This is going to make you dizzy, but you'll be okay," my mysterious doctor began to hook me up to the machines.

The memories rushed into my mind, flooding me with thoughts of love. Only one man, one name invaded my entirety— Lucian. He was mysterious, and I loved him. Images of us sharing dances and laughter etched my brain, rescarring our bond. "Lucian," I breathed when the memories were finally over.

"Here I am," I whisked my head to see him standing beside my hospital bed, unkept and miserable.
I smiled to myself. Happy that I stressed him so. "I was just thinking of you."

Lucian smiled, his eyes twinkling in the dimly lit room. He leaned over and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds longer than usual. I felt my heart swell with love and admiration.

He smiled back, "I know, I could feel it. Don't you ever do that again." His voice was gentle and calm. He leaned over and brushed a few strands of hair away from my face. I closed my eyes and sunk into his embrace.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "Nothing I say could erase what I did. I hope you forgive me," I whispered hoarsely. "I broke a promise."

"Fuck promises," he digressed. "They're meant to be broken. I just have to teach you not to defy me from now on," he moved on quickly after his statement. "I have to meet Camael. You get good rest so you can go home," he gave me a passionate kiss, tenderly sliding his tongue across my lips. I could feel the love radiating off of him, warming my soul. "You don't know how much I missed you. So I'll just have to show you later." He vanished shortly after kissing my temples. "Enjoy the flowers." I looked to the stand and crimson roses were gleaming in the hospital light. A smile fell upon my lips. I closed my eyes, reigning in the satisfaction.

You're awake," the doctor gasped when he saw me. I gave him a small smile, reassuring him that I was okay. "It's a miracle," he moved his stethoscope up and down my body. The doctor seemed to understand my confusion and he immediately began to explain my condition.

He told me that I had been in a coma for weeks and that there had been no sign of brain activity. He said that the doctors had done everything they could, but my condition didn't improve. "Well, this is just a precaution but I'm going to schedule you for a MRI. In the meantime, I will be consulting your neurologist."

I thanked the doctor for his help and then I began to rest. As I drifted off into a deep sleep, I could feel a sense of peace wash over me.

"The doctor said you'd be okay!" The air was sucked out of me.
"Easy, Jen," Jason relieved me of her ridiculously strong bear hug.
"Yea," I whispered.

My mom and dad wiped their tears in the corner, relief flushing their faces. They let Jennifer have her moment with me before entering our space. "We didn't know what to do," my mom sobbed. "We're just glad honey," my mom rubbed my face while my dad kissed my hand.

I barely had a voice but with all my heart, I thanked them. "I love you."

"We love you too." My parents said.
"Well you already know I love you," Jennifer joked causing everyone to laugh, including me. "Ow," I hissed from the pain in my throat.

"I'm glad to see everyone in good spirits," the doctor and his crew crept into my room. The nurses flocked to my bed unhooking the machines, checking me over carefully as the doctor logged into his computer. After clicking so many buttons on the monitor, he turned to us, "We will take her up and make sure everything's okay. If all is well, she may be able to go home as early as tomorrow afternoon."

"That's wonderful news!" Jason proclaimed. "Just in time to recuperate for our trip."

"Ah, how I miss being a young high school teenager!" The nurse simped as she slid her stethoscope down my spine. "Take me back," she jokingly asked. The nurses nodded to the doctor.

"We'll be right back," the doctor announced as he helped me climb into the wheelchair.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now