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Giant demons with their black wings spread valiantly and their weapons shown proudly in their hands as they battled in close combat with their angel counterparts. Black panthers scratched the ground before taking off to challenge the unicorns. The unicorns kicked off neighing and ran forward into battle. The archdemons and archangels traded blows with their weapons and sometimes bloody fists.

The mages were in serious battle behind the frontlines. Hell hounds were seething with rage as they attacked the sphinxes. Triads of angels fought against spirits of hells. Seraphs, cherubs, thrones, and virtues battled Beelzebub, Astaroth, Agalia and Sanchita. Every time the angel threw out light, the demons ate it or dispurified it and threw it back with more force. And I almost didn't want to take my eyes off the battle; there was so much to watch—until I saw Noelle.

Noelle was here??

Her opponent's ginger waves were contained by a ponytail. She donned her dusty, orange-tinged armor that had seen much blood; her dark wings were spread apart, challenging Noelle. She stood tall with her orange staff, so full of darkness that you could see the black mist steaming from her staff.

Noelle looked so different— so fierce. She didn't wear her glasses. Her hair was swaying and daring; her creamy white skin was covered by silver armor and she seemed to grow a few inches because she didn't look five foot one. Her wings were completely unscathed, and the purest form of white I've ever seen. And as I focused on their fight, I could see Noelle was bleeding. I looked at the ginger head, blood dripped from her mouth with a demonic smile. She wore a red triangle pendant and it dangled across her chest as they exchanged blows. Then, I remembered what Lucian told me when he showed me the book of demons.

Her name was Lilith. She was the first demon.

Noelle had a pouch wrapped around her waist and her sword in her hands, readying herself. She spread her wings, positioned her feet slightly and took a breath before charging towards her enemy. Noelle dodged Lilith's fire and took the liquid from the slot in her back pouch; Noelle doused Lilith's wing and it melted off immediately, causing Lilith to step away from Noelle. Lilith groaned as she watched her wing melt.

"You wretch," Lilith cursed Noelle. Her rage devoured her and she blindly rushed into Noelle's range. Lilith's balance was off from the last attack so Noelle had the advantage. Noelle gathered light in her palm and coated it on her sword and swung it full of force toward Lilith. Lilith landed on top of the sword and dashed to Noelle. Noelle ejected holy powers so Lilith dodged and landed a fist of darkness in Noelle's abdomen. And then she added another punch, but just as her fist reached Noelle, Noelle reacted by grabbing Lilith's hands with holy power and slung her in the air. Noelle glided through the air and was set on giving Lilith a good holy kick. Lilith put her arms up in defense and she flew even further when Noelle's foot touched her. Noelle glided once more and followed the path of Lilith's figure in the clouds. Noelle approached just as Lilith summoned her staff; Lilith's staff went through Noelle's shoulder and Noelle screamed out in pain. Lilith didn't let up on her assault, throwing fire and darkness while Noelle was gathering herself. Noelle backed up and they were now at a stand still. Noelle had one arm; Lilith had one wing. They both had the same look in their eyes— that look that says they want to win. They both advanced with their weapons in tow and they weapons met with a loud clang. Lilith's staff against Noelle's sword. Lilith stuck a hand into Noelle's unprotected side. There was a gaping hole and she was bleeding profusely but that didn't stop her. She flung their weapons to the side and grasped Lilith by her head and squeezed her fingers deep into her skin. Lilith grabbed Noelle but Noelle let her just so she could headbutt her. The headbutt was so powerful and full of light that Lilith's eyes rolled to the back of her head and they went completely white. The blood never stopped dripping and soon enough Noelle began to falter and they both descended quickly from the air.

I panicked. Would she hit the ground and die? Would they both die? Lilith hit the ground with a careless thud. But just before Noelle reached the ground, she flapped her wings with the rest of her strength and balled her wings up around her body as she rolled through the dirt when she hit the ground. Noelle lay there gasping for air with her hand covering her open wound and then she suddenly smiled and screamed "yes!" Her fervorous laugh emitted throughout her whole body to celebrate her victory. "I won, you wretch," she boasted as she looked to Lilith's unconscious body. I watched Noelle muster the strength to get up with her hands still covering her wounds. She walked over to her sword and gazed upon it before groaning to pick it up. She contemplated on sheathing her sword then she saw Lilith's fingers move slightly and she knew she was running out of time. She limped toward Lilith and with all her energy, she stuck her sword of light into Lilith's heart. Lilith screamed out and her high pitched screams hurt my ear. I covered my ears and watched Lilith be burned to nothingness by Noelle's sword. "Go to hell," Noelle said with a unfading smile before she flopped onto the ground with closed eyes.

And I felt myself smiling. Then that smile fell when I finally laid my eyes upon Lucian. I wanted to run to him so badly. I looked down at the satchel. Please take me to him.

I cleared my mind and thought only of him. After I felt my soul moving like the first time, I opened my eyes. I was overcome with joy that I was learning how to navigate with this cloth. Although it didn't get me where I wanted to be, i moved closer to the melody of angels. The virgins were singing to destroy the faeries and pixies.

I felt a chill run through me and when I turned around, there was a sinister creature standing behind me.

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