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I stepped foot onto the green grass only to see no one, but I heard voices coming from a faint distance and I smiled at the soft melody flowing through the bushes. "What are you scheming?" I asked as I thrashed through the bushes. Bella was with Jennifer in their secret spot by the tree, except they were more hidden today.

"Oh my god! You have to stop doing that!" Bella shrieked. Jennifer cowed behind Bella but still sided with her, "Yeah! You almost gave us a heart attack."

I chuckled, "Sorry." I looked them up and down while they gathered themselves from my sudden appearance. Jennifer released a deep breath while Bella took in a swift inhale. "What brings you here?" She smiled.

"I wonder," I playfully avoided the question. Before I could give Jennifer the eye, she excused herself. "You two lovebirds can have at it."

"See you later," Bella giggled with a wave. I took a step forward and I felt our souls intertwine when our eyes met. "Do you know it's only Thursday?"

"Who cares about the day? Can't I take you out without today being Friday?" I questioned.
"No objections here. You were going to kidnap me anyway," she replied.
I frowned hearing those bizarre words coming from her. "You make me sound like—"
She interrupted me, "I'm sorry. It was a joke." She gleefully leaped a kiss to my cheek. "So where are we going on this beautiful Thursday?"

I found it funny how she could stir me up, then put a kiss on top of the situation only to leave me completely unbothered by it all. She had me wrapped around her little finger and I couldn't complain.

"Anywhere you want. I aim to please," I stated.
"Paris then," her voice dripped in sarcasm. And in an instant, I took her in my arms and transported us to Paris. The height of Paris is the Eiffel Tower and I knew she'd love it from the top.

"It's more amazing at night," I whispered to her.
"You're a gloat," she blushed, "but this is beautiful," she whispered as her eyes searched through the people below us.
I inched closer to her. "Now, where would you like to go?" I asked seriously into her ear. I beckoned a kiss to her ear lobe without thinking. She squeezed my hand as a slight moan escaped her mouth.
"Maybe a restaurant. Somewhere with lobster and shrimp," she suggested.

With a snap of my fingers and one more kiss to her earlobe, we were in the parking lot of a great place called Redd's. I wasted no time opening the Chevy passenger door for Bella and took her by the hand.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that," she said as she softly clasped my hand. "Redd's." She looked to me. "Sounds lovely. Let's go," she smiled as she pulled me along.

The bells of the door greeted us as we stepped foot inside as the rush of seafood entered our nostrils

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The bells of the door greeted us as we stepped foot inside as the rush of seafood entered our nostrils. The hostess led Bella to our table upstairs; I pulled her chair out and went to sit. There was already a platter waiting, enticing us with its hot aroma flowing through the air.

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