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*Part four of chapter 19: Devil's Corner
-video above: Ghost of Smokey Joe by Cab Calloway
song is a tad old but flows for the chapter and for October.
*Happy Monstober/October!*

Isabelle's POV

"My name is the only thing that keeps me going," he admitted.

"Way to darken the mood. I'm sorry to bring up bad memories for you. Tell me about Devil's Corner," I said.

"What about it? Didn't I tell you everything already?" He asked.

I replied, "Tell me stories about what happen over there. How did that place get its name? Why were you on the corner? Who was going to be at my death?"

He joked, "That's gonna be hard to answer while we're running full speed ahead. Can't this wait until we're at a good part of town?"

"As long as I get the full story, I'm satisfied." I said.
"I like you, little lady." He said.

"I know you do," I said.

We ran nonstop for miles. I'd say about twenty minutes later, we came into view of city lights and a few cars.

"Thank you so much, Lucky," I said.

"You're welcome, little lady. Now this is still the east side, but we're out of Devil's Corner territory," he said.

"Fantastic! So tell me the story now," I begged.

"You rush right into it, huh? But okay," he paused to talk to himself, "Where do I start? Hmm. Ah! Okay," he said.

"Why don't we take a seat for this?" He pointed at the wooden bench besides the bushes; I sat in silence , waiting for him to begin the story.

He finally spoke, "About ten years ago, people say they saw the devil's true self along with his servants. It started with Lucille; she was in her kitchen baking a pie when she saw a white light outside of her kitchen window. Of course, she goes to check it out, but she didn't see anybody. At first , she thought it was a ghost, so she inspected further. It wasn't a ghost. But she did see a hole with smoke coming out of it. She said it didn't make any sense because the closer she got to the hole, the hotter the hole was. She believed it was smoke, but I think it was steam. Steam comes from heat so that's the only reasonable answer. Anyway, as she approached the steaming hole, a red hand came out. She does the only natural thing she can think of and she screams. By this time, other neighbors had come out to see what was wrong and they saw Lucille in a daze with her eyes clouded while someone was draining her dry by the neck. Her closest neighbor, George, saw this and ran to her, trying to get what he believed to be a demon, away from Lucille."

"Wow," I said, "You have great story telling techniques. Continue!"

He laughed but continued, "He tried to help Lucille, but he was no match for the demon. When the demon touched him, it burned his skin to a crisp, leaving a mark for life. He was in pain, but he was still dead set on helping Lucille before she died from drainage. He screamed her name but she didn't answer; it wasn't until the third time he called her name that she replied."

I was on edge right now; this story was so creepy yet I couldn't get enough. I was anticipating what he was going to say next; I was rightly holding onto the bench. Poor Lucille and George.

"Once she came to, she realized what was happening again and she tried to fight the demon; she told George to go away, and she shouted at the other neighbor that was standing there, but that neighbor was also in a daze with clouded eyes. Her burning flesh didn't bother her; she desperately tried to save her neighbors. She knew it was a demon and she decided then & there to make a deal with him. The demon smiled and agreed. She'd offer her blood if he agreed not to harm George or her neighbors; he showed his spiky teeth in a sinister smile and nodded his head. He cut her palm with his long, pointy nail and he did the same with his; he pressed their palms together, blending their blood. His fingernails withdrew from the long, pointy state and transformed into regular nails; he was no longer a red demon, but he looked like a human with horns. Horns and blood running down his mouth with his sinister smile and newly transformed teeth. He sucked her blood, leaving her to gasp for air. She begged George with her eyes to let her die; she wanted him to live. She tried to yell at him but no words came out; her vision blurred and she was at the point of passing out," he said.

"This is a damn good story," I said.
"I know right," he said.

He continued, "Anyway, she was about to faint, but the demon quit sucking her blood and bowed. The other neighbor's eyes were clouded anymore and he kneeled also. Lucille's vision was slowly coming back, but she felt a little weak due to the blood loss. George picked her up which angered the demon; he snarled at George but didn't stop bowing. There was a man that came from the portal whilst the demon was sucking Lucille's blood. He had red eyes at first, but he transformed to look like a regular person. His eyes became green and brown with red specks while his hair went from ginger to dirty blonde; his maroon suit was neat without a ruffle. He looked down at the filthy demon who reeked of blood and stepped right past him to look at poor, ole Lucille and George."

He stopped.

"What? What are you doing? Why aren't you talking? Why'd you stop?"

He gave me a small grin, "We should go. It's almost nine o'clock; we don't need to be around here after nine."

He took my hand and we ran again; I was getting tired. But I was angry!

"Can't you continue? Can we just walk while you finish telling me the story?" I asked.

"Curiosity killed the cat, little lady."

"Yes, I know! But it's very rude to start a story and not finish it. It was getting good," I admitted.

The man he described seemed like the man I met a long time ago. His description was head-on, which was slightly scary. I think I described him the same way; there was only a slight difference between the man he described and the man I met.

Amidst my thinking, we arrived at my neighborhood park. I tugged Lucky's hand.

"Do you want me to stop here? Be careful and don't get kidnapped. See ya," he said.

I grabbed an elbowful of his black hoodie, pulling him back to me.

"You have to finish the story," I demanded.
"Why are you so interested?" He asked.
"Because I love a good story," I smiled.
"If you say so," he shrugged.

We walked over to the park bench and took a seat.

He began to tell the story again, "He walked over to Lucille and George and demanded they get up. After his demand, they stood up and another demon climbed through the portal and knelt once he exited the hole."

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now