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Chapter Thirteen: Recovery

Isabelle's POV•

I was now permitted to go home and to take it easy, per the doctor's orders. I didn't plan on doing something extreme anyway, but being ordered around doesn't sit well with me.

Today was Monday so it has been a total of five days that I've been hospitalized. I wish I could be with Jen & Jay, but I'm stuck "recovering." I mean technically I'm already recovered. They're just being overly cautious.

While I was transported home, my parents set up a system for a neighbor to check up on me every once in a while, so that they could return to work. I'm not angry at them for that; somebody has to pay the bills, you know?

I lied in bed all day; eating, watching tv, surfing the web, & sleeping. I did this Monday & Tuesday. Wednesday would be my last day at home because I'd be cleared to go back to school Thursday.

On Wednesday, I didn't stay in bed all day; instead, I took a walk around the neighborhood a few times. I haven't been able to walk from home to school, so I haven't had my exercise as of lately. I thought of this earlier and decided to quit slacking.

After I was exhausted from the missed exercise, I decided to walk back home, but my feet betrayed me by leading me to the neighborhood park. I instinctively headed for the swings; they were my favorite part about the park.

The park was fairly empty, but I knew it would crowd soon due to school letting out. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was after 3. After I locked my phone again, multiple kids came out of nowhere; it became noisy.

I left the swings and headed to a bench for a rest. Seeing the kids play was so soothing. I wish I had a good childhood like that in my past life. I wonder would I have turned out different. I shook the thoughts away and stood up to go home; I was greeted by Lucian when I stood up.

"Nice to see you here," he said.
"Same to you, but I have to go now," I waved goodbye.

For some reason, I didn't feel good anymore. My knees were growing weak and my heartbeat started to speed up. I nearly collapsed, but Lucian caught me.

I pushed him away, "I got it. I'm okay."

He retorted, "Doesn't look like it. I'm just trying to help. You don't have to be so rude, you know?"

"Ugh," I said.

He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. What came next was undoubtedly unexpected and totally embarrassing. Lucian picked me up and threw me across his shoulder.

"Put me down," I beat his back repeatedly.
"No," he said calmly.

The hits did nothing to him so I had no choice bu to give in. I stopped screaming and let him drive me home. The five minute drive was going great to me; it was silent, just the way I like it. But of course, he had to say something that sparked my annoyance.

He asked, "If you know you're weak, why are you outside taking casual strolls?"

"If you must know, I was walking to keep the weight away. I've been at home on bed rest so I haven't had my usual exercise."

He inquired, "So that's the reason you walk to and from school everyday?"

"I guess so," I whispered.
"You're not doing a very good job," he said.

I glared at him, "Stop the car. This is fine. I'd rather be kidnapped by a stranger before I sit here and listen to you criticize my weight."

He didn't even stop the car; I was infuriated and opened the car door anyway. He immediately slammed the breaks & I jumped out the car, landing perfectly on my feet. That felt so dangerous, yet it was exciting! I wasn't expecting to go through with that ridiculous plan, but I'm more than angry right now.

His car was still slowing, so I ran away before he could exit his car to come after me. I ditched him through an alley and I never looked back to see if I was being followed. I just followed my feet and they led me directly to the back door of my home. I fiddled for my keys in my hoodie pocket and entered.

As soon as I stepped foot inside, there was a knock at the front door. I could care less about them knocking; they can just knock until they go away. But then my conscience told me that it might be one of the neighbors that my parents asked to check on me.

I glided to the front door, opened it and immediately closed it. I locked it again and went upstairs to my room. The doorbell rang repeatedly and I ignored it; taking a shower was my main concern right now. I played music on my speaker while I showered and to my surprise, the doorbell stopped ringing when I stepped out.

I wrapped a towel around me and the doorbell rang again. What the hell? I angrily fled down the stairs, stomping to the front door.

"What do you want?" I screamed opening the door.
"You make it harder and harder to be nice," he sighed.

"Yea, yea, bad guy. Get on with it," I said.

"I'm returning your phone, but it seems as if you don't want it. I wonder if I could unlock it and see what's in it," he teased.

"Give it back," I tried to grab it.

"Nah-ah," he shook his finger, "I think the words you're looking for are 'thank you, for returning my phone, Lucian.' What would you do without me?"

"I'd be a regular teenager not worried about the guy who knows her address and is always showing up out of nowhere. You're beginning to be a stalker."

He repeated, "A stalker, eh?"
"Yes! Now just give me my phone, stalker."

He smiled, "Nope. If you want your phone, say the correct words."

A-hole!!! I internally screamed. I glared at him with the intent to kill. I then realized his face was getting dark and he started to sweat. Was he hot?

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.
"Yea, here." He returned my phone and left me standing in the doorway, watching him drive off.

Okay.. that was awkward. I shook my head and closed the door, ascending the stairs once again to put on some clothes.

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