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Isabelle's POV

"Go out with you?" I repeated after him.
"Yes. That's what I said."

I burst into sudden laughter, "Now why would I do that?"

"I'd be the very best thing that ever happened to you. I could show you fun and take you around the world; show you things you never thought existed. I could blow your mind," he pitched.

"I'd never go out with you. You're a rude asshole who's constantly judging me. Not to mention, you have stalker tendencies and you're crazy."

"I've never stalked you a day in my life," he defended.

"Oh yeah? Explain this. You followed me into the girls restroom because you wanted an apology. You're self-centered! You've been to my house multiple times, you've kidnapped me, you've been inside of my house when I've woken up! As a Matter of fact, you've been in front of my face when I e woken up twice! There's so much more! Please, explain that to me, Lucian because I'd love to hear an amazing explanation for it," I shouted.

"Hmm. I would too, but alas, I don't have one. I don't need one. I could easily explain all of that if you went out with me. I don't want to date you; I just want to get to know you. You've piqued my interest, that's all," he said.

"As cute as that sounds, I can't."
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because I'm contemplating things right now. I'm sorting out major things."

"Like what? Just come out & say it," he urged.
"Jason," I answered.

"Jason?" He laughed.
"What's so funny?"

"You're thinking about dating him even after you found out your best friend slept with him? Wow! Honestly that's a new low in my book for you," he admitted.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I thought you were smart. That's all."

I scoffed, "See? You're judging me! It's not my fault that I'm attached to him. I like him; he's nice and so sweet and he's not like the rest of the boys here. He isn't after my innocence; he appreciates me being the way I am."

"He likes you being dumb and incapable," he corrected, "Enjoy that. You'll see that your choice is one that will let you down. It'll always let you down, but I guess you have to learn the hard way."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

He didn't answer and turned on his heel to exit the restroom, leaving me a bit confused and angry at his manners & choice of words.

Ugh! "Asshole," I shouted. I hoped he heard me.

The evening of the dance

"Well, what are you going to wear?" Jen asked.

"I don't know. I might not go," I said.

"You know, Bunny, we've talked about this a million times already. You're supposed to have these things already picked out so you won't have to go through this when the time comes," she scolded me.

"Are you scolding me, Periwinkle? Forgive me, but my heart wasn't in the spirits for the festivities," I gave her my best British accent.

She giggled and returned the act, "Well, next time, Bunny, you should do these things ahead of time so I won't have to scold you. Do I make myself clear?" She curled the r at the end of her sentence.

I laughed. "That may have been your best accent, yet. You've polished up greatly on it," I commended her.

"Why, thank you! But really, Bunny, what are you gonna do? You could compare this to a midlife crisis, you know? It's seven, but you know everything is tight tonight with the dance. And you still have to buy yourself a ticket. Bunny, I can't believe you & your last minute decisions!"

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