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•Part Two•
Five months ago

Isabelle's POV

"This is Yuhan, Lehos, Megi, Acules, and Lena. They're my best underlings. If you need something or if you need to find me, you can ask one of them," Lucian explained to me.

I waved awkwardly and they either spoke or nodded to me in return. Megi and Lena didn't seem too happy about me being here.

"I still don't get it. Why does she need to be here? I'm sure the demons above could have protected her," Lena interjected.

Lucian hissed, "Because I want her here and what I say goes. Do you have a problem with it?"

"No, my Lord. I was just curious as to why you did such a risky thing."

"Well that sounds like you have a problem, my dear Lena. I did so because I wanted to. Get out."

Without another word, she vanished. The air seemed to be crisp and crackling with hesitancy.

Megi spoke, "She's just distraught. She'll get over it soon. I will go take care of her so forgive her, my Lord. Don't punish her."

Megi bowed and flashed me a dangerously dim glare before disappearing into thin air.

Yuhan cleared his throat, "Now that settles it. I'll take things over from here, your Highness."

"Great," Lucian dismissed us with a hand.

I guess when we were far enough away from Lucian, Yuhan explained the women's attitudes. "There's not anything to worry about. They're just angry because they hate humans. And not to mention, you seem to have all of his attention right now. I can see why he hasn't been here for years. You're quite the beautiful empowerment, if I do say so myself. But please don't tell the King I said that, for it may just be the last thing I say."

I asked, "I don't get it. Why would he care? I'm only here because he wants to use me. We have a deal and once the deal is up, I'll be out of his way. I'll probably never see him again after this."

"Ah.. if you say so," he said. "I'll show you to your quarters and everything else you would need."

Pretty soon after my decent tour, I was settled in a room bigger than anyone could ever need. My bed was lined with white sheets with white lace atop its wooden frame. There was a desk next to the wide window that overlooked the night sky. The lights in the distance sparkled brightly, painting a picturesque scene that was great for reading and writing. There was stationery set upon the desk already.

The tub was big enough for more than three people, yet it was my own— and mine alone. The closet was filled with clothes of my preference and they seemed to be exact to my size; every last piece of clothing there was. It was weird, but I'm in hell so nothing as trivial as that, or anything else for that matter could possibly faze me.

After rumbling and sifting through whatever I could in my new room, I dove into my fluffy, white sheets. The fresh smell of spring flowers brimmed my nose and I buried myself into sheets. I pressed the remote to cut off my lights and lamps.

Just as I was about to go to sleep, there was a knock rapping outside of my door. Of course, I told them that they may enter. In walked the King himself.

"How do you like it?" He asked.
"It's very nice. Very thoughtful of you.. too thoughtful almost," I replied.

He chuckled, "Well next time, I won't try so hard."

"Thank you," I said, "I've always wanted to have a desk next to my window to read and a nice scene to go along with it. Given that the bed seems like it's from the seventeenth century, it's still beautiful. I'm glad you're not just good for making deals."

"Glad you think so. Good night, Belle." He gave me a small smile before pivoting.

I stopped him, "This deal: how long is it going to take?"

"Until I have enough. You'll start tomorrow," he said.

"How will I get to school everyday? See my parents? We didn't discuss that," I inquired.

"I'll take care of it. You should be sleep. Time here goes extremely fast and since you have a human schedule, you'll be sleep here for a few days before you even go back above ground. Just rest well and I'll get Lehos to tend to your traveling needs."

I nodded and let him leave for the night. I stared at the ceiling for a while before I actually got somewhat drowsy. I tossed and turned to my right side and fell asleep before long.

When I awoke, the rosy pink light of dawn was floating outside of my window. I showered and got dressed for the day. Right after finishing, Lehos and Yuhan entered and told me about the agenda for the day. Lehos took me home to get my things through a dark portal that was lined with red specks here and there. I ate breakfast with my parents as usual and walked to school. I was happy to meet Noelle. I was also surprised to see that Lucian was there. I didn't think he'd even come back, but he did.

Everything was going as it always did.

Until I decided to actually eat in the cafeteria with Jen and her "friends." Jason was also there and of course, Jennifer's friends' boyfriends, too. They gave me a once over, but everything was okay soon after. I didn't talk about the incident and neither did anyone else. Jason secretly asked me if we were good and I told him yes. He nodded and wrapped his arms tightly around Jen.

Now, I could only imagine what Brad was feeling. I know it was dumb to be back with Jen, but I didn't really care for Jason in the first place. And now that I think about it, Jen has always had a crush on Jason. She just could never lower her pride to actually ask him out or try to get his attention.

In the midst of the conversation, Lucian showed up and plopped himself right next to me, disrupting the flow of the table. He didn't care and leaned in to whisper something in my ear. Jason naturally drew the attention away from us so we could talk.

Lucian whispered, "Dumb move, but I accept it. They're your friends. Why didn't you sit with me instead? Aren't we friends now?"

"I mean, of course we are, but I don't feel welcome at your table. You literally sit by yourself. You have an entire table to yourself and you never let anyone sit with you so I didn't even attempt to try. Why would I?"

"Good to know," he smiled and gave me a kiss.

I wasn't expecting it and it seemed that neither was the table— or the rest of the cafeteria for that matter.

He cleared his throat, "Sorry, but I'm taking her now. Hope you don't miss her too much."

Jen gasped, "Damnit, Bunny. You have so much to spill, but I guess it can wait. Toodles."

Lucian yanked me by the hand and led me out of the cafeteria and into his Chevy.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "What was that? Are you insane?"

He shrugged, "Maybe." Then he kissed me again. I pushed him away.

"Just stop. Stop. Please. You can't just do that. Do you know how you made me feel this past month? This week alone? You're throwing my life into disarray. If that isn't enough, you have to make a scene at school, too? Why, Lucian? Why?"

"Because I feel like it," He answered.

I exited his Chevy and slammed the door as hard as I could before giving him the infamous middle finger. There was no way I'd let him win.

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