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Isabelle's POV

I woke with a horrible headache. "Ugh," I groaned as I pulled the covers over my face. For the love of god, I couldn't think of a valid reason why I'd have a killer headache on this wonderful Friday.

What's worse is within the next few seconds, my mom was banging against my door as hard as she could. "You're going to be late. Get up!" She shouted before going back downstairs.

I felt so drained. I didn't even have the energy to get up. I slowly crept a foot out of the bed and then the other. I stood up and boy did I realize that was a mistake. I face planted onto the floor violently.

"You ok, kiddo?" My dad yelled from below.
I didn't even reply as I stumbled to get up. Holding my throbbing nose as I walked to the bathroom, I groaned mentally before brushing my teeth and washing face.

I shut the light off and made my way to my dresser to find sweats and a tee. I felt like utter shit. I found a few painkillers and downed them in one go before sliding on a pair of sketchers. I looked disappointedly at my messy bed before I grabbed my backpack. I took the stairs slowly and entered the kitchen with a deformed walk.

"Long night?" My dad joked.
I just gave him a look and expelled a breath. I grabbed my lunchbox and packed it. I didn't feel like eating so I grabbed a piece of toast before waving goodbye.

I sped to school as quickly as possible. I met Noelle as I cut through the grass.

"Woah. You look like death," Noelle remarked. "What happened to you?"

"Later," was all I could manage. We walked the rest of the way silently. The noise smacked my ears and made me sigh. Why can't they be quieter ?

Noelle looked up from her phone and told me she'd be back. Of course, I knew that already.

"Hey stranger," Jen said as she approached my locker. "Long night, eh?"

I gave her my best 'what-are-you-talking-about face' as she laughed at me.

"I was in bed. Woke with a killer headache. Painkillers aren't helping," I responded.

"Yeah right. You should just tell me if you've lost your v-card. You could totally use some concealer right now," Jen said.

"Not today, Periwinkle." I slammed my locker shut and waited on Noelle as we all walked to Jen's locker. Rick and Jason soon too joined the crowd. "The more, the merrier" is what they say, but the bigger the crowd, the more I irritated I got. I easily slipped away while the group were engaged in their conversation. I went straight to the bathroom.

I stared at the reflection of my black, baggy eyes. I dabbed water onto my face and let out a deep sigh. I was really wishing for the day to go by faster.

My day couldn't get any worse when I slammed into Lucian. At least that's what I thought. I was expecting something along the lines of, "You look horrible," or "Not looking your best today, hm?" or maybe even a disdainful glance, but I got none of those. He didn't say anything; he just walked right past me. Something felt off as his wind hit me. I turned to catch him but fell short because there at the end of the hallway, Colton & a brunette were swapping slob like there was no tomorrow.

Of course.


"You won't believe it Jen," I started.
"I already know. Are you okay? Need me to smack her for you?" Jen teased.

"No. Weirdly, I'm not sad or anything. I feel.. what are the words?" I dragged on and eventually lost my determination. Jen didn't say a word. The table was kind of quiet today or rather, I tuned it out.

I was elated to jump into my bedsheets, burying myself underneath the cover. I fell asleep instantly and what seemed like a few minutes turned into a few hours. I had a rude awakening later. The sound of the doorbell constantly ringing made my eyes dart open and I stomped heavily down the stairs to open the door.

"Who is it?" I questioned.

There wasn't an answer for a while. My hand hovered over the doorknob.

Finally I heard a cough. "It's Colton."

I sighed and walked up the stairs again. I got back into bed as he rang the doorbell more and knocked intensely. I waited for it to stop and gradually, the noise died down. I peeked from my window and saw him drive off. What nerve he has.

As I was about to lie down again, the doorbell rang
again. Ugh! I shook my head before I opened the door and rolled my eyes.

To my surprise, it was Lucian.
"Were you expecting someone else?" He rose a brow at me.

"No," I replied, "what can I do for you?"
"Just checking in on you to see why you skipped out on our deal today," he gave a cold smile.

I gasped, "I forgot. I was tired."
"Well. Let's go," he said. Before I could protest, he teleported us to the kingdom.

Amelia and Cecilia were the twin nurses who took my blood everyday. Amelia had black hair and blue eyes while Cecilia had red hair and blue eyes. They were succubi and were intrigued by me because I resisted their natural charm. We became friends quickly as I learned they were the lowest of the lowest in the demon system. I found it to be completely ironic.

Amelia passed me a tray of crackers, "Why are you so quiet? Go on and tell us about the ball."

"The ball?" I questioned.
"Don't be silly," Cecilia said.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I said.

"Of course you do. You were the star of the show. For the first time in my life, I think  it was the only time I ever heard someone say the Lord had a genuine smile on his face. Oh, to be invited that night! Don't hold out on us," Amelia begged.

By the looks on their faces, I could tell they were serious and that's when I realized something was wrong.

"I never went to a ball, you guys." I stood firm on my words. I stood to place the tray back onto the table but the world turned dark and I couldn't help but to slip into darkness.

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