⚫️II- I⚫️

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•Part two•

Isabelle's POV

"You want to what?" I asked.
"Are you deaf? Or did you actually not hear me?"

"I think I heard you, but I want you to repeat it just in case I didn't hear you correctly," I said in shock.

He seemed fed up with me already. "You heard me correctly. Now let's go."

"You asshole! Do you expect for me to just up and leave with you?"

"I do actually. If you don't come now, you'll come later. Guaranteed," he stated cockily.

"Go to hell," I spat.
"Oh, we're going."

I wasn't gonna go. I'd never go with him. That's what I said. I wasn't going to go back on my word.

That was five months ago. FIVE MONTHS!! I had my mind set that I'd never go anywhere with that egotistical asshole, but I did.

And everyday, I saw the reason why I should've never changed my mind. I actually don't know what changed my mind, and even if I did know, I just couldn't see myself coming to terms with it.

Hell was not what I had imagined at all. Who said it was a pit of flames? Given, it's very hot, but it's not on fire per se. The scenery is amazingly beautiful with glimmering lights and shining buildings throughout the realms. It was always nighttime in hell and the lower the level (descending), the hotter it was.

There are ten levels of hell. Seven levels are dedicated to the Cardinal sins: pride, envy, wrath, greed, sloth, gluttony, & lust. The eighth and ninth levels are for demons and their quarters. The tenth level is reserved for the King.

I was forbidden to be in close contact with them. Looking upon all of this, I can't help but think back to that night.. that fateful night and what followed the day after.

"No," I said in a dangerously calm tone, "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'd never in my life help you hurt people, nevertheless help with a war."

I shook my head, "You know what? I shouldn't be talking to the Devil. I'm sure you're messing up my pathway to heaven." I laughed, "This is insane. I'm going insane. I've already went insane, haven't I?"

"If you don't come with me, there will be others hunting you down, and I can promise you that they won't be as nice as I am. It's either: me, the nicest person you've ever known; or the nasty demons coming to suck your blood and steal your face. Your choice really, but you're coming with me whether you like it or not. Although I'd prefer you to be in tiptop shape instead of being on the edge of death due to hemorrhaging," he shrugged.

Fuckin asshole!

But that did sound scary.. that reminds me.

"Was that story true then? About Devil's Corner? Did you actually not harm anyone because you smelled apple pie?"

He smiled, "You're wrong. I made sure they were safe, but that was before my subordinates went crazy off their blood. In the end, it was only a handful of people that lived."

"Wow.. you're monsters. How can you live with yourself?"

His smile dropped. He snapped within an instant, "The same way I've always lived with myself—make deals and take lives, force little girls who can't keep their mouths shut to hell to help with war, tempt a hundred countries into destroying everything including themselves and SO much more! The same fucking way you wake up everyday and choose to be the weirdest girl in school. The same way everyone else lives with themselves! I just do."

I asked, "You think I'm the weirdest girl in school?" I didn't care about anything else he said.

He huffed and slicked his hair back but he didn't answer me. "Shit. Why can't you just do what I ask? It's frustrating enough."

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