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•Part Two•
A few days after the cafeteria incident

Isabelle's POV

The gossip stopped, but Lucian was still being a pain in the you-know-what. He openly held my hand and kissed me even though I begged him not to—even though he knew I'd curse him out afterwards. He would suddenly pull me away from the groups or crowds & he'd rudely interrupt all of my conversations.

One morning, (particularly on the first day of the second week of the month) Mother Nature stopped by for her usual visit, but it was heavier than normal. I think Lucian forgot to brainwash my parents because they suddenly asked why there was about sitting next to me in their kitchen. I had no idea how to explain it, but Lucian waved it off and I guessed he brainwashed them soon after.

"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothing. All fixed, isn't it? Are you ready to go?"

"I haven't even taken a bite yet. Go away," I narrowed my eyes at him. Sometimes, I wished I could tell my parents these things I was going through, but I don't think they could possibly handle it. The platter of breakfast sitting in front of me didn't feel appealing so I wrapped it & packed it.

"We can go now," I sighed. I was in no mood for anything except a hot bath and my bed. Either bed would work right now. I missed my bed here sometimes, too. I missed everything.

The drive to school was so quiet. Lucian wasn't being annoying. My assumption was that he could feel I didn't want to be bothered. We arrived at school and I had to put on a fake smile whenever I was approached. I really hate that time of the month. Especially now.

At break, which is before second period, I was talking to Noelle by my locker when the football team appeared. They were nice douches when they wanted to be. We were cracking jokes and suddenly, I was whisked away. I already knew the drill. It couldn't be anyone except Lucian.

"What is your problem? You're always doing that," I shouted at him. I huffed as I slumped in his velvet seats.

"I feel the negative aura from them. I just don't want that to infect you. That's all," he said.

"Yeah right. No blood from me today or for the next four days," I said.

"You don't have a say over that part of the deal," Lucian stated.

"I do when it's that time of the month. Either that or the deal's off. Go away," I said.

"But you're in my car," his brow rose to challenge me.

"Fine," I gave him a small smile before alighting from his vehicle.

"Hey, wait."
"What is it, asshole?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I think you should go home.. I think you had an accident."

I internally sighed. I could feel the rush of tears and I decided to just let them go. "This is like the worst day ever."

I looked up at an unmoving Lucian with a stupid look on his face. And I didn't even have to ask.

We disappeared to my house and I took a hot shower before emptying my already empty stomach. I felt so horrible. I just wanted to sleep. I sleepily climbed into bed after throwing on my usual attire: an oversized t-shirt. I burrowed into the bed and I suddenly felt the stature of something next to me.

"Get out of my bed," I demanded.
"No. Just relax; I promise not to cause you any irritation."


I let it go but my mind always seemed to wander whenever he was around. "Why?"

"Hm? Why what?"

"Why do you pull me away from people? Why do you kiss me and hold my hands so openly? Why do you act that way when you don't even like me?"

"Whoever said I didn't like you?" He retorted.
"Well, you don't. I know for a fact that you don't."

He laughed, "We had this same problem already. I told you that I think you're admirable, intelligent and beautiful. If I didn't like you, why would I say such things?"

"To sweeten me into making a deal with you. You protect me and make sure my family isn't harmed in exchange for my blood to be administered to your demons and for me to shed my light onto your disciples. Isn't that why you said all those things? Even if you say no, that's what I believe."

"Well, you've fooled yourself. I get jealous when I see you with other people. Males in particular. I hate it when I can smell other males' scents on you. I hate that you're so talkative with them instead of me. I want to be the one you smile at and laugh with, and not just for our damned deal. I like you. Maybe a bit more than I'd care to admit, actually. Even though I just admitted it," Lucian said.

I rolled over to face him. I stared at those chocolate eyes until they turned green. They bore into me and I let them. "Was that a confession? Were you serious? If not, you really shouldn't joke like that. I just might start to believe you, you know. And I feel that you're a hypocrite. Everyday, we go home together and you smell like Priscilla Stone. I don't drag you away from Priscilla or the girls that surround you daily, but you make it your mission to do the complete opposite to me. If you really like me, confess it properly, or otherwise, I'll just take them as empty words."

I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of my sheets. They still smelled of roses and vanilla.

"Then I'll just stop sitting next to Priscilla Stone. It's no problem. And trust me, they aren't empty words. I like you, Isabelle Milaní Cean Smith. I think I've always have."

This is just a dream, right? When I wake up, he won't be there. When I wake up, I'll be exhausted. When I wake up, I'll realize that someone like him could never like someone like me. When I wake up, I'll forget all about it because dreams are just dreams and you can never take them seriously.

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