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The party was over and I hugged just about everyone as they exited my home, thanking them for their support and their gifts and their time.

"Honey, we're going out tonight," my mom and dad approached me, looking elegant and ethereal.

"Wow," I marveled at mom and dad. Mom wore a green dress that had an embroidered golden shoulder. Dad donned a black suit with a green tie to match; its diamond-shaped pattern fluctuated between green and golden yellow. "Y'all look good."

"Thanks honey. Number's on the fridge if you need anything," she gave me a quick peck to the cheek, careful not to ruin her makeup. They grabbed their keys and I watched their retreating figures step out of the door.

All alone now. Oh well!

I couldn't wait to get upstairs. I dashed to my room, hurriedly discarding my pants. I sighed as soon as they came off. "Nothing like freedom."

I kicked the bathroom door in lightly with my foot, setting my bathroom abright when I hit the light switch. "First thing first," I blew a kiss to this version of myself, "goodbye makeup!" It felt so good to scrub my face clean with the hot soapy water. I eyed the shower, throwing every other garment off as I hummed.

"Don't tease me," Lucian's voice boomed throughout my bathroom.
"Where do you even come from?" I asked unsurprised. "Get out," I rolled my eyes.
"No. I miss you and I have my word to keep. I told you I would make you regret disobeying me. I have to make sure you don't do it again," he stated.
"What are you going to do? Spank me?" I trolled.
"Not a bad idea," seriousness leaked from his tone. "Though I had something much more thrilling." He stalked toward me.

I gulped, my heart raced. I never knew what to expect when it came to Lucian. He was always unpredictable.

He stood in front of me, his eyes piercing through me. His hand moved to my waist and he pulled me close. His lips brushed against mine, sending sparks of electricity through my body.

He backed away, his eyes still locked on mine. I felt my cheeks flush and my heart beat faster.

"You see," he said, "I know you better than you think. I know that you crave excitement and adventure. And I will be the one to give it to you, so if you're ever feeling adventurous, just call out my name. I'll give you a taste of what we you ask for."

He leaned in and kissed me again, this time more passionately. I felt myself melting into him. I knew then that I would never disobey him again. "Time for punishment. Bend over," he instructed. There was no hint of playfulness on his face.

I gulped, my heart racing. I knew I should be scared, but I couldn't help but feel excited. I slowly bent over, my eyes never leaving his. His hand moved to my back and he slowly ran it down, sending shivers through my body. He then grabbed my wrists and pulled them behind my back, holding them tightly. I closed my eyes as I felt a few sharp stings across my skin. Tears welled up in my eyes as the pain intensified again.

He released my wrists and stepped back, his hands resting on my waist. He looked at me with a satisfied smirk on his face. "That was for disobeying me. Now you know what happens when you do."

I nodded and he kissed me again, this time more gently. I knew then that Lucian was someone I could trust, someone I must listen to. "That kind of hurts," I hissed in pain.

"Im sorry. Your whimpers turn me on." He dragged kisses across my face, pecking at my tear trail. "I'm sorry," he gave a deep kiss to my neck. A guttural moan bellowed through me as his trail of tender hot kisses assaulted my nipples. "Lucian," I breathed.
"I love when you say my name," he confessed through a pant. "Maybe I'll have you scream it at the top of your lungs," he sucked on my nipple, lightly tugging it with his lips while he pinched my other. My body was shaking with pleasure and anticipation. Lucian continued to explore my body, teasing and tantalizing me until I was begging for him to be inside me.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now