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Chapter 4: Don't judge a book by its cover

Warning ⚠️ MENTIONS of lewd things
-you've been warned.

Lucian's POV

This class was officially over and Jackie was waiting outside for me. She was a total sleaze but I wouldn't pass up the chance to miss out on fantastic sex. It would be easy to push her over the edge into her deepest desires.

Frankly I don't understand why she was ashamed to make these desires turn into reality. What's so shameful about being pleasured and pleasuring someone? Absolutely nothing.

Her desires had changed within the past hour of us being apart. At first, her plan was revenge. Now it was a threesome. Women are so indecisive but I couldn't complain either way. She's most definitely naughty. I wasn't listening to anything she said until she asked what my next class was. I retrieved my schedule from my pocket.

I unfolded the paper and spoke, "Next is English with Misses Ligher."

She responded, "Oh. Goody. You have that class with Bella and I. Do you mind if I ask what class you have after?"

I thought about it for a second but what the hell? It couldn't do me any harm if I told her or not. So why not tell her? I looked at the name. Misses Murray? Hmm..

I told Jackie that I had Murray and she was even happier. She also said I had that class with her and Bella. I guess these classes would be a great way to get closer with Bella.

We walked in silence. The closer to the building we got, the more irritated I became. I pulled her to the side of an annexed building.

"Okay. Just tell me what you want. I feel your lust leaking from your pores. If you want to have sex with me that badly, just say so."

I could tell she was a bit frightened by the look in her eyes. She stared at my eyes too long. She knew who I was now. She was still scared out of her wits but she willingly gave in to her lust without me using my power. I felt her shoulders loosen and ease at my touch.

I transported us to my house I owned here in the city of Milwaukee. She was shocked and it felt nostalgic to me. Most of the women were always turned on whenever I transported us somewhere.

I could take Jane on by myself. There was no need for a threesome. I'd leave her satisfied and she wouldn't even know it. Signing up to sleep with the devil? What a mistake.

She undressed and just as I was about to unzip my trousers, her phone rang. It snapped her out of her daze.

"Hello," she answered. She stared at me while talking. I didn't even listen in on her conversation but I could tell the call was between either her douche boyfriend or Bella. I didn't even realize she'd finished her call.

"I have to go. Could we go back?" she asked.

"Sure," and then I snapped my fingers. We were back at the school. I erased her memory of me being the devil and let her carry on with her teenage life.

That call must have been important because she wasn't hanging onto me anymore. She ran off inside the main building and left me by my lonesome.

I followed suit and entered the building. What luck I have? I bumped into the stalker girl when I walked inside. Bella, was it? She looked so precious— ready to be deflowered.

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