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Part Two•


I thought we were done, but we were nowhere near it. Things were just getting started. But of course, I didn't know that and neither did he.

"Just like that?" I was stunned as I realized what had just happened. Our deal! "My parents, Luce! What about my parents?"

"I don't care," he glared at me, "I never cared. You say you aren't weak, so prove it. Protect your family. Protect yourself. Don't look for me to save you because I won't be there. Pray about it."

"I can't believe you," I was still. "I really hate you."

I stormed off with my lunch. It had started to rain. "Just my luck," I said under my breath. I walked under the awning until I couldn't anymore. My favorite tree welcomed me without asking any questions.

The rain turned into drizzle and I allowed myself to bask in its glory. Something about it just felt right. For some reason, the ground beneath the tree wasn't wet and so I sat down without a care in the world.

I ate the rest of my lunch silently. I inhaled the fresh air and listened to the sound of the leaves sway as the water dripped to the ground.

Soon after Belle left, I left behind her. I wasn't in the mood for the shoddy tomatoes in the salad. I tossed the mess into the bin before leaving the cafeteria.

Our friendship was over, but I felt like I should still take a peek at her. Just to see if she's okay..

I opened a portal and transported myself to wherever she was, even though deep down, I knew where she'd be. And sure enough, she was there— standing in the drizzle underneath her lunch tree with her head tilted backwards, letting the drizzle cascade onto her face. She looked glorious.

I watched her take a seat and eat her lunch quietly before a smile appeared upon my lips. She hates me, yet I detect no ounce of malice in her spirit.

I went home.

the next day

Alarm blaring, I rose from my bed with newfound energy. I enjoyed breakfast alone for the first time in a while before leaving home. The walk was brisk and I saw Noelle. She looked gorgeous today.

"No, hun. You're glowing. I think you look gorgeous," Noelle said.

"I just feel good for some reason," I shrugged with a smile.

Bursting into school full of smiles and energy, I half-sprinted to my locker to grab my things. This week, we were reading Victorian Era picks and I couldn't wait.

Right on time, Noelle walked up to my locker about five minutes later. This became our thing. We'd talk in the morning, she'd walk me to my locker and then go find Rick. Then, she'd come back close to five minutes later to resume our chat.

I was envious of Noelle and Rick, but I was also so proud. They were made for each other.

"Ooo," Noelle blabbed, "Hottie at your nine."

I looked over to my left and Mr. Spay was bringing a gorgeous blonde with hazel eyes right up to me.

"Here's your locker and this is your combination and schedule," Mr. Spay pat the locker. He spotted me, dragging the hottie along with him, "Oh, am I glad to see you, Isabelle. Could you kindly show our new student around? His name is Colton and I have a meeting in five minutes. Could you please?" He added a smile to bedazzle me.

"Fine," I shook my head.
"Thanks. You're a life saver," he gave me a flick of his fingers before dashing away.

"So, are you going to show me around or are we going to stand around and get to know each other?" Colton asked.

I nodded and packed my things before showing him all of his classes. Noelle and I made small talk with him while showing him around.

Colton asked bluntly, "Now that you've done that, do I get your name and number now? I mean, you are single, aren't you?"

"Oh wow, I know my cue to leave when I hear it," Noelle laughed. "See you later, girl."

"Uh.. I don't know if I should be offended or delighted," I laughed.

"Be delighted..?" He held on.
"Isabelle," I finished.
"Sounds like you're a princess. I like that name."

So we exchanged numbers before going our separate ways. I was headed to Library Linguistics while he went to Botany.

"Popular now, are we?"
"You really shouldn't sneak up on me, Jay," I said.

"Did he really hit you with the 'princess' line. That's so outdated, but then again, you'd have to be original with you," Jason held the door open for me before continuing, "So are you and Lucian not a thing anymore? Or is it just trouble in paradise?"

"We were never a thing to begin with," I rose a brow, "There was never a paradise and I liked the corny line. Furthermore, who doesn't like to be called a princess?"

"I could've sworn you two were a thing. That's what Jen said and I saw you two kissing with my own eyes. You two even ride together, so either my eyes have deceived me or I'm..just insane," he hesitated while looking at me, "Please don't tell me I'm insane."

"It's too early for your jokes, Jay," I giggled.
"I live to make you laugh," he bowed.
"If these were the olden days, you'd totally be a court jester."
"And I think you'd be someone's innocent queen or a very sought after concubine," Jason replied.

"What is with these comments today? Once again, I don't know if I should be delighted or offended."

"Be delighted. It's a very high compliment coming from someone like me. You'd make pretty babies," he shrugged.

"I would kill the king if that's the only reason he'd keep me around," I retorted.

"Well I'm glad these aren't the olden days. Would you two kindly take your seats now?" Miss Willow asked us.

"Sorry," we said in unison before escaping to our table.

"But seriously, you should give him a chance then. Don't miss out on a great man like you did with me," Jason joked with a wink.

"You wish," I playfully shoved his shoulder. "I'm happy for you and Jen. She's never talked about marriage before, like ever! Even as a kid, but she talks about having a future with you. I'm glad we didn't happen."

He nodded.

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