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Hello! WELCOME to today's counting lesson.

I didn't know that people didn't know how to count Roman numerals😭.. so I'll explain here. Yes I know it's late into the book but I thought we all grew up knowing about them. I was sorely mistaken so here we go class!

I- one ___________________
II- Two |>>this is the
III- three | General
IV- four | pattern of the
V-Five __________________ | Count

And this continues so on the further we go.

VI- six
We're gonna skip a few so you can get the gist. Just follow the pattern.
IX- nine
X- ten

If all else fails, just google it. This was my history lesson for the day. Thank you for joining me! ❤️ lol.

-Also, I used Roman numerals because they're different. I also wanted to try something different because I usually name my chapters but naming them for this book was just too difficult for me. A lot of title names appealed to me and I could never decide, even if I centered it on the major part of the chapter. So I decided to stick numerals. In my next book (The God of Wishes), I'll probably use numbers for chapters. Anyway, that's my rant. Goodnight! (Made this note on 9/15/2020 @ 2:13 am..)

I also added the title (& number) of chapters to help out because some readers were confused. Hope this helps you all out. Even tho you shouldn't worry about minor things like that .. just enjoy the book please .
(Added this note on 10/11/2020 @ 10:30 pm)

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