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I waited for Lucian to show; I was nervous and I couldn't stop wiggling my fingers. I paced back and forth mumbling many words to occupy myself.

"You look like you're trying to practice a valedictorian speech," his voice boomed in my ear. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "You had me worried."

He cocked a brow at me. "Can I not be worried?" I asked. 
"You're just an over thinker," he concluded. He took my hand into his with a firm, reassuring grip.

Just as he was about to say something, Jennifer burst from the parlor door. "Are you lovebirds going to come in? Or you can stand out there and hold hands forever, doesn't matter to me! Can I have your burger?"

I laughed to myself, "True Jennifer fashion." I shouted, "Go ahead!" She shrugged in retreat and I could tell what she was probably saying. Something along the lines of 'I'm going to make love to that burger' or something so entirely gross and slutty that I'd laugh my milkshake through my nostrils.

"You like this place?" Lucian asked me as if Jennifer didn't bother him.
"Yeah. What's wrong? You want to be alone?" I teased. "You miss me that much?"
"Get a hold of yourself," he replied, "I'm not denying it but that's not why I'm here."

I shushed him. "You're so serious all the time. Just go in, grab a bite with us. With me. Pleaseeee," I begged.

"I'm not going to tell you no. Let's go," he said.
"Yay. And tone down the devil thing. Be regular. Be a student."

"I was never a student." He stopped me dead in my tracks. "Never."
"Okay. So dramatic," I realized. "So you've just been in and out doing whatever? Wait does that mean you erase their memory every time you leave or do you hide your presence or am I the only that can see you sometimes? But that can't be because you beat those people up and I'm just rambling," I gathered myself with a breath. "You have.. I have so many questions for you to answer."

"I can see that," he kissed my forehead. "You're going to have wrinkles worrying about me. Do I intrigue you that much?"

"You just think you're so mysterious," I giggled. I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled myself to his chest. "Maybe you do, maybe you don't. Maybe I'm just so infatuated with you that my brain wonders about you constantly."

"Maybe it's the same for me," he replied.
"Maybe," I pulled away from his chest. I took a step away but he grabbed my hand.
"You think too much," he massaged my temples. "Did we not just make passionate love all night long?"

I could feel myself flushing in the cheeks. "That's so embarrassing. Shhh."
He cleared his voice and it rose an octave. "There's nothing embarrassing about us sha...mmm." That's all he could say before my hands flew to his mouth. "You'd better not!" I dared. "There are people are out here. Lucian I swear.."

He took my hands from his mouth, "Fine. But I'm not ashamed. And you shouldn't be either."
"It's out of wedlock," I commented.
"Who cares about that?" Lucian asked.
"I do," I admitted. "Always have. I did that for you. Well not for you, but you get what I'm saying."

A moment of silence.
"Are we really going to have this conversation here?" He asked in a irritable tone. Before I could respond, I was by his side while he teleported.

It took me a moment to recover and once I did, Lucian released his hold. We were in a bed room. A fancy ass bed room.

"I've never been in here before," I gawked.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now