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Part Two


Today was very unusual. When I arrived home, my parents were seated on the sofa watching television. I had to do a doubletake.

"What are you two doing home?" I asked.
"Oh, you know. Just enjoying some time off. Your dad is always busy and today was both a day off for us. Do you want to sit with us?"

"Yeah, kiddo. Have a seat and catch up with us," Dad suggested.
"No, thanks. I have something to do. Catch you later," I spun on my heel.

Halfway up the stairs, my mom shouted, "No sex, Izzy!"

What an embarrassment. I took a shower and shaved while I danced to the blasting music before running to my closet to find the perfect outfit. I know I shaved, but don't all girls when they're about to hang out with the boy they like? Yes, they do!

Throwing every piece of clothing that I deemed ugly or unworthy to the floor, I finally decided upon a pair of light-blue ripped jeans. I matched it with a black scrunch top that had brown buttons going down the middle and a pair of bejeweled black slide-in sandals. I looked at the clock and was shocked that I only had twenty minutes left before Colton arrived. I filled my brows in and dabbed a little makeup across my face before grabbing my jacket and my purse. I reached for my phone to look at the time, but there was a horn that blew outside. He was here.

I dashed down the stairs thinking about the clothes that I'd have to regretfully return to my closet later. I said bye to my parents and I swore, for a moment, a flash of light pierced my eyes and I saw people dancing. I shook my head and blinked a few times before running to Colton's car. He was such a gentleman, so he was already standing outside the passenger side door waiting for me. He kindly opened the door for me and then gave me a boyish grin before running around to his side and entering the car again.

"Hello, beautiful. Did you get all dolled up for me?" He teased.
"Ah.. this? You wish," I laughed.

"So what movie shall it be today?"
"Let's decide on it when we get there, hm?" I reached for the radio and turned it up as loud as I could and sang my heart out while he just laughed at me.

I was ashamed--maybe even a little scared-- to admit it to myself, but Colton made my stomach do somersaults. It was a feeling I'd only ever got once and I regretted it now, but this--right here-- I liked it and I didn't want to let it go.

He held my hand while he drove as they set above my thigh and he'd occasionally give my hand a squeeze with a smile. He drove to our spot: a secluded hill that wasn't too high and could barely be considered a hill. It was more of a hump to be honest. We planned to have a little picnic while watching a movie from the projector.

"Have you decided on a movie yet?"
"Yes. Let's watch Crybaby or Major Payne," I suggested, "Set it up and break out the snacks."

He did as I told him and soon enough, we were watching Major Payne having a fit of giggles and chuckles while choking on sandwiches and strawberries. The wind blew our hair carelessly about as a shiver ran down my back.

"Are you cold," Colton asked, "Here." He passed me the spare blanket and we cuddled underneath it together. The heat from his body made my hairs stand on end; a feat which was nearly impossible because all of my hair had been chunked, remember. He was gradually moving closer and I didn't mind. Instead, I sorta moved closer, too.

Our noses slightly brushed against each other's and my heart began to pump faster.
"You know, I think you're so beautiful and irresistable, and since they day I've laid my eyes on you, I've thought about making you mine. You have this sparkle in your eye when you laugh and you get this crease in your forehead whenever you're angry. I love how your nose twitches at the slightest inconvenience and how you blow a little breath out of your nose when Jennifer won't stop talking about herself. I just.. I'm always thinking about you. I can't get you out of my mind. It's like you're my favorite song and it's on repeat," He moved a stray hair behind my ear. "I don't want this to end, Bella."

The movie was on the scene of the little engine that could, but I couldn't hear a thing. I was focused on what was in front of me; rather a someone. Someone so close to me that I could feel the blood coursing throughout him. So close but I wanted him to be closer. So close, yet I couldn't hear a word coming from the gorgeous boy in front of me.

"Did you hear me, Bella?" He asked, snapping me from my daze.
"I'm sorry. I didn't hear a thing. Could you repeat that?"

Colton chuckled, "Nah, it's okay. It's getting late so we should head back. I don't want your parents to dislike me even more than they already do."

"Ah, don't worry about it. They don't dislike you. They just aren't fond of you nor the idea of me dating. Let alone going out on dates. It'll take some time to get used to," I rubbed his arm for support.

"It's fine. I understand, you know--with my reputation and all. But there's this one thing that's been on my mind all night. It's actaully been on my mind for a while now," He swallowed.

"And what's that?"

But in the distance, I spotted a shooting star. I gasped, "Colton, look!"
"Make a wish, beautiful."

And so I did. Well, I tried to anyway. I closed my eyes, but I couldn't think of anything to wish for. I just wished for happiness.

We packed up everything and drove back home. The radio was low as the breeze blew us by and the stars shone brighter than ever. The drive was quick and we stopped and parked the car by the park next to a Red Alder tree.

"I just can't hold out any longer," Colton said before gently pulling my face toward his and passionately kissing me. He took my breath away and the taste of spice ignited something in me.. something I couldn't explain.

He pried my mouth open and I darted my tongue inside of his mouth before he could invade mine. Boy, oh boy, it felt good. I heard him moan into the kiss before I pulled away to take some air.

"Mmm.. I should've done that sooner," Colton licked his lips at me. "Oh, how I loved it.. how you took the initiative. Finally! I've waited for that for some time now."

"I should get home. I'll see you tomorrow, won't I?"
"Of course. Have a good night."

I alighted from the vehicle and I watched him drive away. After, I heard booming footsteps coming from behind me. I knew those footsteps from anywhere. I didn't even have to turn around.

"What is it, Lucian? Why are you following me this time of night?"
"I have something to ask of you, but I didn't want to bother you. I made it just in time to see you and that low-life swapping saliva," Lucian snided.

"Go away if you're only going to spout insults."
"The council would like me to invite you to the annual Fire Ball. They've been dying to meet you. Do me a favor, please."

"I don't know, Lucian. Whenever we're around each other, stuff always turns ugly, you know."
"Just say yes for once dammit," Lucian sighed.
"On one condition: You must treat me every other weekend."

"Deal," he agreed, "The dance is tomorrow night. I'll get a dress suited for you. You only need to transport yourself with Yuhan. I'll see you then." He walked me home then bowed and disappeared.

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