⚫️II- VI⚫️

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Part Two


The day passed by slowly, as if I was in a trance, cursed to feel unnerved for one day because of my hurtful words.

Lucian wasn't here. I couldn't feel him. I couldn't smell him. I couldn't see him. He wasn't here.

The hurt on his face played in my mind like a broken record. I felt a pang in my chest, for I knew why, but I didn't actually know why. I mean— it was true, wasn't it? Wasn't this just for show? Wasn't this all just for a dam deal? Just so he could win?

That's right. I was being used. And I didn't want to be used. But what other choice did I have? My mom, my dad.. me. We wouldn't be able to survive if I didn't make a deal with Lucian.

I looked to my left. Empty as I felt.

My mind wandered to my dream, letting the words replay that were spoken from a twisted, angelic mouth.

"I like you. Maybe a bit more than I care to admit. Even though I just admitted it."

I smiled at the thought. I wish it was somehow true. Somehow, someway, somewhere, that Lucian could've actually said that to me.

Why did I want such a thing? I don't know. Did I like him? Was Noelle right? Nah, she couldn't be. It's only been two months and we've barely spoken about anything. I'm not his type.

"Don't call me. I'll be handling personal business. If you need to reach me, just pray to Father and maybe he'll save you," Lucian said before making a left turn at the light.

I scoffed, "I am not a damsel in distress. I'm not weak. I can save myself."

He laughed, "If you could save yourself from demons and other powerful beings just by having a smart mouth, then you should show me now. I'd love to see it."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, is he your type?" Lucian asked suddenly.
"What?" I was confused.

"You know," he motioned, "Jason. Is he your type? Do you like them like that? The ones that reel you in them do you dirty and sleep with your best friend all over again?"

He was such an asshole, but part of me just knew that he wasn't out to hurt my feelings. It felt like he was just curious. Curious? Yes. Why? I didn't know.

"If you must know, my type is someone who'll love me unconditionally with a beautiful brain and a kind heart that will allow him to see past my outer appearance and ease my mind by giving me peace and stability. I want him to be good with kids. I want him to be funny. I want him to know how I feel without me having to say anything and I want him to be my moon because I want to be his Sun."

We were at a red light when he asked this question, so he was looking at me directly. His eyes searched my face, almost as if he was looking for an ounce of leniency or withdrawal. He nodded slowly and pressed the gas lightly as the light turned green.

It was silent and I let the window down, letting my curls blow with the breeze.

"So what's your type?"
He laughed at me and turned the radio up. I cut the radio back down.

"You asked me, so why can't I ask you?"

"Fine," he gave in, "my type, eh? I don't know. I like the art of seduction. She has to be a seductress. Bold, beautiful, ambitious and carefree. Loyal til the world crumbles and I want her to look at me as if I'm the only person in the world. I want her to free me so we can both fly and travel with the clouds to parts unknown as we laugh and tell each other jokes then make love. I never want her to have kids; I'm a selfish bastard so I want all of her time. I want her to love me for me and not for what I am or what I have. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a little on the tall side, being the definition of sexy— that's my type."

I felt as if I shouldn't have asked because now I knew I wasn't his type, but whatever. It didn't matter. This would only last until I was no longer needed. Types don't matter when you don't have time.

The bell rang, snapping me from my thoughts, and I whisked away to lunch searching for my friends. I ate a chicken salad today while the rest of table's meals varied. Jason wasn't here today, so Jen decided that it was best if her and I sat at Lucian's table. I felt uneasy doing that, but it was the only table that was empty.

"Bunny, what's the deal? Where's your hottie?" Jen asked.

I retorted, "Where's yours?"

"Ugh. Don't get me started. But really, what's going on? I didn't know you had a thing for the bad boys. Honestly! I see the way he looks at you, the way he kisses you. You have him wrapped around your finger, you little maggot."

"It's not what you think. He's just playing around."

Her smile dropped. "Well you should tell him to quit if he's just egging you on. Take it from me. Don't be miserable like I was. Jason is such a sweetheart and to think that I would've missed out on an amazing guy because of my unreciprocated feelings with Brad. The nerve of him! To call me a slut while he cheated on me with multiple bitches here."

"You really know how to turn the conversation about you, but by all means, please continue," I snubbed.

"I'm sorry," Jen apologized. "We were talking about you and Lucian."

"Were you?" A voice from behind me made me shudder as my hairs stood on end. He was here now.

"Actually, yes we were. She was telling me that she likes you but you're just toying with her," Jen continued.

I gasped. "Jen!" I turned around to face Lucian. The look on his was stern, but I could discern that he wanted us to leave him be. I was.. hurt.

"Sorry about Jen. She was just having fun. It's a lie so don't listen to her. We'll leave your table," I said.

"No. She can leave, but you stay. We have things to talk about," Lucian walked to Jen's seat and sat himself elegantly, causing everyone to snap their attention to him. He had the air of a king surrounding him right now.

Jen nodded and wished me luck; I guess she could sense something.

Lucian unfolded his napkin and placed it onto his lap. "I'm not toying with you nor have I ever. And who told you to sit at my table? I didn't give you permission to do so."

"You're such an asshole. You weren't even here when we sat down. And I never said anything like that. Jen said those things on her own. I can't believe I was warming up to you. This was a mistake."

"Tuh. You're absolutely right. It was mistake to think that you would be brave, be bold, be ambitious, be smart about what you want to do with your life, but instead, you go and play nice with people who've caused you pain and broke your heart so subtly that I had to repair it. Not them, not your parents, but me! I gave you a shoulder to cry on, I gave you a story to listen to, I protected you. It was more than a mistake. I wish I never met you. Never set my eyes on you. Never bumped into you. Never saved you. You're stupidly worthless," Lucian shouted at me.

I was surprised no one was looking this way, but I forgot he could control a room. But that didn't bother me. What bothered me was what he'd just said.

"Then release me from the deal," I said.
"Fine. It's as you wish. The deal is done," the piece of paper I signed suddenly appeared in thin air and ripped itself into pieces before setting itself aflame.

We were done.

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