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"Why don't you have guards?" I asked while I walked around his well-furnished office, suspiciously glancing at everything I passed by.

"Because no one would dare to actually carelessly barge into my quarters," he replied.

"No one? Not even a bed-lady?" I rose an eye.
"No one except you," Lucian smirked, "Everyone knows there's a price to be paid if they disturb me."

I shrugged.
"By the way," he cleared his throat, "What's a bed-lady?"

I could tell he was holding in a powerful chuckle while he watched me blush at the embarrassing question.

"Well you know.." I stuttered, "one of those ladies that comes at night and gets in your bed.." I slowly crept to him.

"Yeah and what else?" He folded his hands together as his elbows sat on his desk.

"They do the only thing they know how," I stopped at the edge of his desk.
"Oh? Do tell, what do they do?" He smiled.
"They make your bed warm, of course," I winked.

Like I'd ever be embarrassed in front of that man. The sound of his laughter filled the room and it made the pit of my stomach tingle and a sudden rush of heat filled me. I shook it off and took a seat in the red plush-leather chair positioned in front of his desk.

"What brings you by?" He asked without looking up from his papers.
I led a stray coil behind my ear, "I don't know. I went where the wind blew me and it led me to here."

"Hmm. Is that so?"

"Hey, why don't you come to school anymore?" I pried without taking my eyes off him.
"Hm, good question."

If it was such a good question, why didn't he answer it? Well, whatever.

I pried more, "What business do you actually conduct when it comes to souls?"

"I send the souls of the annoying girls who constantly ask a busy, working man so many questions and knowingly disturbs him while he's working, directly to the most painful level of hell," he looked up at me with a deadly smile.

"And what about men who are very mean to the girls that are trying to help them even though the girl is basically a hostage and she ignores that & instead is still trying to get the man to open up and not be engaged in a weird-nonexistent relationship?"

He glared at me and I gave him my most charming smile.
"If you want attention, ask me nicely," he sat the papers down on his desk. "You never know, I may just give in," his eyes gleamed red.

"Beautiful," the word slipped from my tongue before I knew it. I covered my mouth my hands and shut my eyes tightly, wallowing for a second. But that second was quick.

"Your eyes.. they were red just then," I stared.
"State the obvious, can you?"

"Why are you always an ass? That's probably why you don't have a wife," I mumbled.

The air chilled like a fresh autumn morning and I was suddenly made aware of how rude my comment was. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

"You meant it. It's fine," he said as he gathered his papers and stuffed them in folders. He stamped the folders and began to do it all over again. I sat there in silence and watched him.

"Tell me about your wings."

Lucian retorted, "You already know too much. Why would you want to hear about my wings anyway? Aren't I a rude jerk who's never going to have a wife? Isn't that what you said?"

"It wouldn't hurt you to give in to me sometimes," I sighed. For some reason, the more time I spent in hell, the more I wanted to know about Lucian.

"Fine. I'll tell you anything you want to know later," he gave in.

He rushed me out of his office and the twins were outside the door waiting for me. "Dress her up nicely, will you?" He shut the door in our faces.

I banged on it and shouted, "That was rude!"

The twins led me to my room, pushing me every which way to get me dressed.

"I'm not getting dolled up for him," I demanded. Yet, they didn't listen. They were stronger than me & pulled me into the bath anyway. They scrubbed away at my skin and washed my hair. They even straightened it a bit. I didn't hate it at all once I looked in the mirror.

"You got skills, Cecilia," I admired her work.
"I know," Cecilia said proudly. 

Amelia ran up to us with dresses but this was one thing I refused. "I'm not wearing an expensive dress," I folded my arms.

They touched up my face and dressed me in a seductive, white night gown that held my tits perfectly.
"You look amazing," Amelia said as she marveled at the gown.
"Mhm," Cecilia agreed. She handed me a brand new pair of white slippers.

I followed them down the stairs and around many corners before I reached the balcony. There was a nice setup; a candle-lit table with a butler on standby and 2 white roses in a small vase in the middle of the golden tablecloth. The moon was bright and large; I felt as if I could almost touch it.

"Amazing," I heard Lucian say from behind.
"It really is," I said.

I finally turned my head to his direction once I heard his chair slide. "This was a bit fancy."

"Not really. I knew you wouldn't let them dress you up," he said.
"You didn't either," I marveled at his pajamas. Even his night attire outlined his toned muscles.
"I come prepared," Lucian said, "I don't want to make a girl feel weird or feel like they're in a nonexistent relationship."

I sighed, "I'm sorry, okay? I already apologized. I didn't mean it. You're just so cold to me sometimes for no reason. I've never done anything to make you treat me that way—at least I don't think I did."

He didn't say anything for a while. "Grilled cheese. How does that sound to you?"

"Sounds lovely," I beamed, "could you add light sugar on it for me?"

He nodded and the butler disappeared. I stared at the moon more. "Do you ever get tired of seeing this sight?" I asked.

"I don't think I ever could," Lucian responded.
I didn't feel like he was talking about the moon. We made small talk before he told me the short story about his wings.

After the story, our food arrived. We had two sandwiches each and a glass of wine.

I thought I could handle it so I sipped lightly with my sandwich. A thought invaded my mind.

"Can I see them now?" I asked with so much hope.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now