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This chapter is extremely long. This is the beginning of chapter nineteen.

Part One of Chapter 19: Devil's Corner
-⚠️ slight profanity

Isabelle's POV

The bell rang; I was saved yet again. Yes!

Wait a minute! Did he just say I have a scythe symbol on my neck? What the hell? Did the grim reaper mark me? What does that even mean? Why?

I ran through the halls, headed to the end by the Mr. Luis' classroom; I needed a mirror. I barged into the restroom and I can't say I'm surprised; it's the restroom that no one uses. I was thankful for that right now.

I moved my windbreaker away and sure enough, there was a symbol of a scythe embedded on the side of my neck. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want to cause any interruptions. Ugh, what the hell!

I grabbed a paper towel from the broken dispenser and dabbed it into a bit of water; I tried wholeheartedly to scrape the mark away with the paper towel. Of course, I knew it wouldn't work, but it was worth a shot. The only thing I accomplished was irritating the mark even further.

I sighed and covered the mark again, disposing of the paper towel and leaving for my locker. I went to my locker and retrieved my books for English; I was dreading going to that class. I hope no more fights would ensue. That shit is bad for my health.

I replaced the books in my bag with my literature books and closed the locker. Upon closing it, Jason walked up to me.

"Where'd you run off to?"
I answered, "Restroom."

He nodded and we walked together to Jen's locker. I guess people still couldn't believe that Jason & I were a thing; they were still giving us the deadly glares and shameful stares. They didn't even bother to whisper; they talked loud enough from the sidelines that I figured they spoke that way deliberately.

I sighed.

"It'll die down soon. You know, they only gossip for a few days at most. There's always something else that happens that'll take you away from the spotlight. Our school is full of drama and whispers. I thought you were used to it by now," Jason said.

I replied, "I know. I just hate it so much. They shouldn't be discussing us, much less inputting their opinion on our relationship. I'm pretty sure if you didn't want to go out with me, you wouldn't have asked. Right?"

He added, "You're absolutely right, but it's baseless. Just ignore them."

"It's kind of hard to do those things when they're speaking louder and louder. You'd think that they would whisper with us being so close."

"Ignore," he said.
"Easy for you to say," I mumbled.

I'm tired of ignoring them. I want to punch them and sell them to slave traders just for revenge, but I figured that was too extreme. These dark thoughts of mine absolutely have to stop. I shook my head at the miserable thoughts in my mind.

"Oh wow! You two finally decided to show up," said Jen as we approached.
I said, "Stop it."

I felt a tap from my right shoulder; I looked up to see Noelle.

"Noelle! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"With Rick, of course. I'm glad you're okay babe." She hugged me and left.

I received a death stare from Jennifer when I returned to the conversation at present.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

She pulled to the side, away from the boys, to express her feelings, "It's enough that you've replaced me with Jason, but Noelle, too? Since when were you two so close? Babe?? Really? Kill me now, please," she scoffed.

I replied, "So that's what this is about? You're jealous? You're not serious, Jen! You hang out with Tina and the entire cheer squad on the daily! You've ditched me multiple times for Brad and your other friends. You barely even come to visit me anymore. You don't even have a right to be jealous, right now."

She gasped, "Bunny, you're not serious. We've been best friends for forever and now you're saying that I've been abandoning you? How come you haven't said these things before? Anyway, that isn't the same! You know I have a passion for cheering. Like seriously! Come on! Tell me when's the last time I ditched you."

"You ditched me the other day Jen. You literally just ditched me this morning! Remember, you had to go meet someone."

"It's never the same," she said.

"Of course it is. You're a jealous hypocrite. I've never said anything because you were happy so let me be happy with my friends," I said.

She looked as if she was contemplating something; she nodded her head slowly and tapped her finger against her thigh.

She finally spoke in a low whisper; she inched toward me before speaking, "I slept with Jason back in April, Bunny."

I was stunned. You've gotta be kidding me!

"Say that's a lie. Take it back right now, Jen. Quit calling me Bunny."

She confessed again, "I'm not lying. This is the god honest truth. Remember when I was scared that I missed my period back in April and I took you with me to the pharmacy on the other side of town?"

"Yea, so what?"

She continued, "I bought a plan b. Not only did we have sex, it was unprotected. I'm sorry I should've told you sooner, but I didn't think that you two would become a thing. I was sure you were gay since you hate the opposite sex."

"I hate everyone, Jennifer. So that's why we ditched the pharmacy my mom worked. But I remember you giving me a shitty excuse for that. You're a liar, Jen. I can't believe you! You could've said all of this sooner. We've kissed already, multiple times might I add & I've even told him how I felt about my sacred fruit. I've divulged everything. Please tell me that you're lying, Jen."

She replied, "I'm not, Bunny. Sorry. If I had known you two were getting chummy, I would've confessed sooner."

I said, "But why didn't you tell me this anyway? Did you think that this was something you should've kept from me? We're best friends, Jen. For God's sake, you know you could've told me."

"I know and I'm extremely sorry."

"You should be!"

And with that, I stomped off but not before I received a burning tap from Lucian.

I spoke, "What? It's your locker, I get it. I was already moving."

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