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What the fuck does he even mean? I asked why he was in such a rush and he tells me I'm living life?? I racked my brain and I still couldn't determine how that was an answer.

Maybe he meant living life as in that was just a moment.

"Hey," Amelia snapped her fingers in front of me, "You've been dazed for the past three weeks."

"Sorry," I mumbled.
"What's on your mind?" Cecilia questioned.
"Wouldn't you both be curious to know?"

Cecilia inched closer by the second and it didn't bother me until she was at my neck, trying to suck out my breath and soul. Amelia dropped the needles and vials to pull her off of me.

"What's gotten into you?" I screamed at Cecilia.
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have. But you smell so good," Cecilia licked her lips. "Ugh," Cecilia groaned as she fought her greed. Amelia's hold on Cecilia was gorilla grip tight. "Get her out of here! Go! Now!"

Amelia rushed me outside, letting the other demon maids whisk me to places of boredom. They kept passing me off to each other. They must have been extremely busy. Every time I tried to get help from one of them, it led me to another dead corner. I just sat here on the bench for a while. I don't know how much time had passed. It had suddenly quieted down so I decided to go for a walk.

The halls were empty and void of any sign of life. Where'd all the maids go? No noise either. Circling many corners, I entered a golden hall lined with humongous portraits of one man.

He was beautiful.
He looked like an angel.
I ventured the fancy hall, admiring the plentiful and colorful portraits. The portraits depicted the angel's upbringing in his age; in every portrait, he got taller.

In every portrait, his wings grew bigger and wider. His shoulders grew strong. His muscles were buff. His dirty blonde hair was a mess by the time I reached him in what I assumed to be his teenage years. In every portrait, he never smiled. He kept a blank face at all times. He'd spread his wings with his left arm stretched & cross his feet then hold onto his staph with his right arm. He looked mighty. Like a god.

"Having a good tour?" Lucian breathed into my ear.
"Yeah, don't ruin it," I replied.
"Why are you here? No one comes on this hall. You should be in bed," he pressed.
"Oh, you haven't heard? Well that figures," I sighed.
"What are you talking about?"

At that moment, the twins rushed down the so called forbidden hall, looking for Lucian, their king. They both instantly kowtowed, pleading for mercy.

"What's going on? Somebody needs to explain right now & don't make me pick," Lucian threatened.

"Leave them alone," I urged.

His eyes glowed red when he spoke to me. "Quiet."
And for once, I did what I was told. This clearly meant 'don't fuck with me.'

I stood there in silence, heart racing— scared— scared for the twins who had once took care of me. There had to be some kind of explanation, right?

"Don't kill them please," I begged softly with a pout as I reached for his hand. I never expected him to take my hand though. He pulled me a little behind him but still to where I could see the twins.

"You may confess," He spoke.

Cecilia spoke slowly with her head never leaving the floor as her body shivered. "I'm sorry my lord. I will not beg for mercy because it was my fault."

"And what did you do?" Lucian questioned.

"I almost killed her, my lord," Cecilia replied. "The urge took over me. I hadn't felt like that in so long," she confessed with tears. "I just wanted a taste so badly. Please punish me."

The air in the hall was brisk. Lucian didn't speak a word.

I jumped from the scare of his sudden laughter. The twins hesitantly looked up at their king with puzzled eyes, jumping from one another then to Lucian and eventually me.

"Her blood," he said. "You may rise."
And so they did with their hands intertwined, giving their best complexed succubi eyes.

"All's forgiven. What you did was natural. You saw something delicious and you wanted to taste it. Nothing wrong with that," Lucian said, "but she's mine. You don't get to do anything to what's mine."

He stepped forward, and I tugged his suit by the arm a little. He gave me a blank stare and returned his attention to the twins.

"You were tempted by her blood first. You must have had a little on your tongue or finger. When you tasted her blood, your succubus desires kicked in. That taste was strong and it was enough for you to be enticed by her soul." Lucian explained slowly. "No reason to die. Just leave it to Amelia." He dismissed Cecilia after she thanked him for her life and promised to never do such a thing again.

She apologized to me and I accepted her apology, but I could tell by the look in her eyes she still felt guilty. Crazy that demons feel these things too. She fled the scene, leaving her twin with us.

"But my lord, what if the same thing happens to me?" Amelia questioned seriously.
"You're right," Lucian admitted. "You're dismissed." Amelia nodded, understanding to get out of his sight.

"You," Lucian said.


"What did I do?" I was baffled.
"Come with me," he motioned. I followed behind him. His stride was greater and more reserved than mine.
"You're walking too fast," I complained. "What's the hurry?"

He ceased his tracks, spinning to take my hand once more. "Is this better?" He asked trying to slow his steps for me. I nodded in return and for a moment, I thought we'd be normal.

Nothing is ever normal with Lucian.

He teleported us to his study. He made me take a seat and I waited on something that probably was downright & utterly crazy.

"I'll be taking your blood now," he enforced. He reached out to me, signaling me to give him my arm.

$hit is about to get spicy !!! I'm not gonna lie I've been waiting for this moment for a while. Vote & comment please ⭐️.

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