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Lucian's POV

And there she stood, stunning in my favorite color as her skin gleamed with a nature that made me want to caress her forearms so lightly. I watched her intently as she took a look around at the crowd below her. Her voluminous, brown tresses bounced lightly against her shoulders as she rounded the stairs.

Her breath hitched at the sight of the event and I watched as her chest heaved in & out. I felt a tingling sensation run throughout my body and in an instant, I knew she'd be the star of the night. I set my glass of champagne down on a tray as a prompt server passed by perfectly. I made my way to the base of the stairs with an outsretched hand for her to take and she took it gracefully and fell into my chest as she tripped over the last step.

"I shouldn't have come. This is so embarrassing," she whispered as she hid her face in my chest. The warmth of her round face against me sent a silent shiver through my spine and I shook it off quickly.

"There's no need to shy. Shall I introduce you to the council now or later?"

"Gee, I don't think now is a good time. What would I say? What would I need to do? I'm nervous, Lucian," she said as she twiddled her thumbs.

I nodded and a server appeared and I took a glass of champagne and swished it around in my hand before passing it to Isabelle.

"I don't drink," she shook her hands and head, "No thanks."

"Drink it. It's a cure for nervousness," I commented.

She took a hesitant glance at the glass and at me; for some reason, an image of a scared bird flashed my mind. She took the glass nonetheless and downed it in one swig. "Let's do this," and she took my hand, almost ready to lead me before she realized that she'd caught everyone's attention.

I mean, who wouldn't look? I smirked as she scooted closer to me, diamond bedazzling every woman here, making them envious and bringing out the true nature of the men. Yes, my date. Yes, the one.

"Flightless bird, are you?" I teased.

She pouted, "Maybe. What if they bite me? Or try to suck my blood? Or worse; what if they try to kill me?"

I chuckled at her wild imagination. Who would dare to tamper with my date? Grabbing her by the hand, we easily glided through the crowd of onlookers. I introduced her to my Generals and the members of the council before i received a call of urgent business.

"Excuse me. Yuhan will take good care of you, I promise," I said to her before vanishing into nothing. 

Isabelle's POV

I was too nervous for this event; I'd never been the type to attend these things. As more serves passed by, I drank more of the sweet liquid in the glasses until I couldn't remmeber or understand anything. Somehow, I found myself on a golden balcony admiring the stretch below me. It was amazing and I felt slightly energized as the wind blew against my face and my now-fallen curls.

"Amazing," I said in awe as I watched crowds of people maneuver underneath the kingdom's lights.

"Maybe I should take you on a tour then," a voice said.

I pivoted and Lucian was leaning agianst the door frame, watching me intently with a shy smirk.

"Don't sneak up on me," I said.

"Sorry. It's just my nature. So what's so amazing about seeing people walk?" He strode to the railing of the balcony next to me. I guess he wanted to answer his own question.

I gazed at him while he took in the crowd below. The sparkle in his eyes made me giddy and I couldn't determine if the reason was because of the juice or not.

"Is there something on my face?" Lucian asked.

"No, why? Should there be?" I answered.

"You're staring. I'd even say you're drooling," he teased with a low chuckle.

I was embarrassed that I turned my head to resume watching the crowd's snake-like movements.

Slowly, my vision blurred and I blank a few times to try and fix this.

"Luce, I don't think that was juice," I rubbed my temples, feeling the world spin made me queasy."

"For father's sake, why did Yuhan let you drink so much?" He took me in his arms just as I was about to fall.

"He wasn't there. Something about the border or an order or something.. can't really remember."

He carried me bridal style and we ended up in the a red & gold decorated room. He stood me up while he excused himself to get me a cold towel and medicine. I discarded my heels and fell into the comfortable bed, luxuriously hugging me like it missed me.

I felt sleepy and I could feel my eyelids getting heavy. I heard footsteps approaching but my body was too tired to move. Soon, there a knock and the approaching footsteps turned in the direction of the door. Opening the door, I heard a female's voice coming for outside. Shortly thereafter, there was gasp, and a few stomps, a wail and a cry, more stomps and a shout followed by a loud slam of the door. It was powerful enoguh to jolt me awake. I sat up in the bed to look at Lucian.

"So even you have a lover? You should take me home, hm?" I said through sleepy eyes.

"No, not at all." He fed me the medicine with water.

"I should go," I sugested.

"No,' he said with a stern voice.

I stood up in defiance and tripped against my heels. I fell directly against Lucian's lips and for some reason, I wanted more of his soft, luscious lips. I pulled my face back slighlty and pressed my finger against his lips. I looked up at him and his eyes were glowing red. He was watching me and I felt empowered to do more. He licked my finger and nibbled on it while I was still gazing into his eyes.

I smashed my lips against his and we began a passionate makeout session that led to me being in my undergown. I undid his tie and took his suit off. He dragged his tongue across my stomach and to my nipples then back down to my stomach before peppering it with kisses. He lifted my undergown and nibbled on my thighs before he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants.

"Wait! How bad is this going to hurt?" I asked.
He chuckled before he shook his head, "Not one bit."

I was readying myself for pain, but it never came. What did come was darkness and wind. That's all I remembered.. for now anyway.

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