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I was still shocked. I was stuck, gawking at the black and white images unfolding in my lap. I was still replaying the technician confirming my doubt.

"Are you okay?" Lucian asked.
"I'm two months," I said in shock.
"Lucian you're not even human. How can you have kids?"

"You're mine," Lucian said plainly.
"That doesn't .. huh." I gave up and slouched into the seat with a sigh.
"You're going to be okay." Lucian cooed.
"How am I going to be pregnant in my freshman year of college?" I was going crazy. "It's all just happening too fast."

"Calm down. I'm going to be there. For your every need," Lucian caressed my thigh. "It doesn't matter what it is, I will make it happen."

"What about class?"
"I'll come with you and we can sit in my barrier. That way you won't be cramped and you two will be comfortable."

"What about after school?" I asked.
"You worry too much," he kissed my temple. "Just move in."

"You heard me. Move in. We're basically husband and wife already," Lucian was serious. "It's better that way." He went on and on, explaining the advantages and he made it sound so good; it was like music to my ears the way the words danced off his lips.

"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive," Lucian declared.
"I'm sold," I agreed. "As long as I can accomplish my goals."

"Okay," Lucian smiled.
"Okay," I nodded my head. "We're having a baby and I'm moving in. No big deal."

"That's right," Lucian chuckled.

It indeed was a very big deal. "A baby needs so many things." I wobbled through the store.

"Well, it's better to have it than to not," my mom scolded me. "Honey, you look ready to pop."

"The doctor says any day now," I rubbed my belly.
"You should sit," my mom suggested, "any more walking and the baby might slide right out."

"I wish," I laughed, "I've been big and ugly long enough."
"Don't say that," Lucian's arm snaked around my waist. "You're beautiful." He tapped my nose lightly. He addressed my mom, "I purchased the car seat and everything else on the list."

"Clothes are the last thing," my mom stated. "I'm sure you two will be fine on your own. I have to go to work." She hugged me. "Be careful not to move around too much." She kissed my cheek. "Bye."

"Shall we?" Lucian hummed.
I ran my hands across the soft, colorful, exquisite designs on the baby clothes. "So cute," I mumbled.

"We can get them all," Lucian shrugged. I had no energy to fight Lucian.

"Lucian, look," I spied a wall of furry onesies.
"Take it easy," Lucian said. "I'll get them in every color."

"And this," I scooched to the section where the baby toys were.
"Good thinking," Lucian bent down in my steed and thumbed through the toys. "How about this?" Something not too noisy was perfect.

"Perfect. And we can hang it up so the baby can watch it spin at night." I touched Lucian's arm. "What is it?" He creased his brows. I moved in to kiss him. "I think my water broke," The liquid running down my legs dripped onto the floor. I clutched my stomach as Lucian's face went through a series of expressions, "Well let's go. We have to get you to the doctor." He was fighting the urge to panic.

The pain coursing through my body was minimally bearable. The waves of immense pain intensified, spasming closer and closer.

I had to go through the motions of labor and delivery. I was in the hospital for what felt like days, but it was only a few hours. I was thankful for the nurses and delivery team.

"Time to push," my doctor instructed. Her pink scrubs comforted me and I pushed. "Fuck," the pain searing through me was too much. "I want this to be over."

"You're crowning!" The doctor announced "Push hun."

Lucian's hand intertwined with mine and I squeezed it hard as I pushed. "There's a head.. andddd there's a baby," the doctor held up my baby boy. He was whining and wailing and I felt so full of joy at the sight of him.

"Beautiful," I breathed through my fatigue.
"I'm so tired," I mouthed.

Lucian traced circles on my palm, "you did so good. Just rest now."

I had no qualms about Lucian being on his own, so I did.

We were now in the nursery. I was in awe of the tiny bundle of joy, our son. He had a head full of dark hair and chubby cheeks. A warmth filled my heart that I had never felt before.

Lucian looked at me with tears in his eyes, "We made a perfect little human." He was overwhelmed with emotion. We both were.

Lucian and I had spent the last few months preparing for our son's arrival. We had bought the crib, the clothes, the diapers, and the toys.

The nurse came in and checked on us. "How are you? And the little one?" Nurse Emily asked.

"We're fine." The corners of my mouth turned upwards.
"I can see," nurse Emily said. She was referring to the sleeping man on the couch. Lucian had been watching our son nonstop, letting me get all the rest and healing I needed.
"And I have good news. You're going home tomorrow. You and the little fella are completely healthy."
"Thank you," I wished I could give her a present or something.
"What's his name?" Emily asked.
"Ares," I said proudly.

After the nurse checked to see everything was okay, she left us alone. The tv was low and the images dancing across the screen were unentertaining.

"Lucian," I called. "Wake up." Ares wiggled and he soon began to cry. I shouldn't have been so loud. Lucian's eyes fluttered open; his rasp was godly and I almost melted. "Stop crying," he soothed Ares by patting him on the stomach. Ares resumed his sleep soon after.

"You're so good," I marveled at his skill. Lucian moved to my bed. He planted a kiss to my cheek.
He wrapped his arms around me, trailing hot kisses down from my face to my neck.

"We had a baby," my heart swelled.
"We sure did," Lucian's deep, husky voice set my skin afire.
"The nurse said we're going home tomorrow," I shared.
"Good," Lucian was still continuing his kisses, he was now making his down my arm to my hand. "I'm proud of you. I really am. Thank you for having my child."
"Ares," I sung my baby's name.
"Thank you for birthing our beautiful little boy, Ares," he corrected himself.
"No thank you," I kissed him tenderly.

Lucian had been my rock throughout everything. Anything I needed, he accommodated.

"Let's go home," I was happy to leave the doctor's. Lucian transported us home.

When we returned home, the first thing Lucian did was hang the mobile above the crib. Ares would spend his nights watching the stars and moons dance above him. I knew that this mobile would bring him comfort and peace. The mobile was a reminder of the joy and love we felt when our son was born. It was a symbol of our commitment to him and our desire to provide him with a safe and secure environment.

The birth of a child is a miraculous and life-changing experience.

I was still exhausted from labor and delivery. I was in awe of Ares and the warmth I felt from having him.

"I'll never forget this," I hugged lucian. I will never forget the moment when we brought our son home. It was a moment of pure bliss and love. We were both overwhelmed with emotion and the realization that we had created a perfect little human.

"He might not be entirely human," lucian added. "You never know." He shrugged.

"I don't care. Lucian how about a meal and a bath? I'm starving," the soft growls from my tummy echoed.

Ares' little cries joined the commotion. Lucian was grinning, showing his set of pearly white teeth. "I guess It's time for me to feed you both."

I giggled, "I guess so."

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