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The council of angels convened to reprimand me for my past transgressions. I stood before them, impassive and unafraid, though I was slightly amused by their haughty expressions and sparkling wings. I could hear their naughty whispers, which seemed to be a combination of disapproval and bemusement. I was ready to accept whatever punishment they deemed fit.

The triad of angels governed from behind the wooden podium bench in their assigned choirs, conversing and giving me the evil eye as I paid no attention to them, fancied by the stone golems they'd turned into guardians.

The angels conferred amongst themselves for what seemed like an eternity before finally delivering their opening argument.

"You have been charged with many crimes, the major crime being that you defied God and led a war against him, endangering humans and breaking the heavenly rules. You are also charged with 100 counts of murder, 1 count of kidnapping, 20 counts of unsolicited visiting to the human world, & 5 counts of Blasphemy. How do you plead?"

The world of angels is often seen as a place of divine beauty, serenity, and protection. However, behind the scenes, the true power of these supernatural beings lies in their ability to govern and control the realms of existence. The intensity of their gaze made it clear that I was to pay attention to them and not the stone guardians.

The angels were surrounded by a number of stone golems, which they had transformed into guardians of the cathedral. These golems stood guard over the angels and ensured that no one was able to enter without their permission and that everyone would be well-behaved. It was clear to me that the angels were in charge, and the golems provided a physical representation of their power.

The angels' presence in the cathedral was self-inspiring at best, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for him. I knew that I was in the presence of something greater—like myself, and it was an experience I humbly wanted to forget.

The triad of angels I encountered were a reminder of the power and authority angels possess. They may appear to be peaceful and serene, but their true strength lies in their ability to command the forces of nature and protect us from harm while serving God almighty.

If I am charged with the crimes of defying God and leading a war against him, endangering humans, breaking the heavenly rules, 100 counts of murder, 1 count of kidnapping, 20 counts of unsolicited visiting to the human world, and 5 counts of blasphemy, then I plead not guilty to all charges.

"I plead not guilty," I answered. "I understand the severity of these charges, and the implications of a guilty plea. However, I must assert my innocence due to lack of evidence and the nature of the charges.

I do not deny that I have visited the human world, but I did so in order to protect humans from the dangers of the world and to help them in times of need. I have never committed any of the other crimes I am accused of, and I do not believe I have broken any of the heavenly rules.

Furthermore, I do not believe that I have defied God. I have always respected and followed the laws of the divine, and I have never acted in a way that would be considered disrespectful. I do in fact take pride in bringing a war to Heaven, not God.

In conclusion, I must plead not guilty to all charges, as I believe I have not committed any of the crimes I am accused of. I believe that I am innocent and that I have acted in accordance with the laws of the divine."

My brother, Michael, didn't care for my argument. His brooding face was full of malice, hating my presence, hating my eloquence and fluidity and pride in my words. He grimaced, knowing I had a way with words, knowing there was a possibility that I could talk my way out of anything.

"Silence!" Michael shouted by extending an arm from his blue shroud before giving a Throne the floor.

Flaming, rotating rings covered with eyes were the characteristics of a Throne. It was a sight that could make any ordinary person quiver in fear. But when these rings spoke, there was no choice but to listen. Even I could give little resistance.

When the Throne spoke, its voice was like thunder. "Our Creator is a loving God and he has decided to Grace you. We, however cannot. We cannot have you going wherever doing whatever you want."

The Throne then proceeded to explain that I was to be bound by certain laws and regulations. I was to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Throne or else I would be punished. I had no choice but to agree.

To ensure that I stayed on the path of righteousness, I was to be given a chance to prove my worth.

The Throne then gave me a final warning. "If you do not abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the Throne, then you will be punished."

The power of the Throne was undeniable.
"I will abide to the best of my abilities," a shiver ran through me as soon as the words left my lips.
"Then you have set yourself at a high standard. As such, we will take some of that power," the Throne announced.

"Wait a minute," I met the statement with some resilience. "No way."

"If you don't want your power taken away, then you shall leave the human girl alone in her own world and we shall steal those memories from her again until all traces of you have been erased from her mind. That's a fair trade, is it not?" The throne tested me.

I balled my fists. "It isn't. If so, I shall only allow you to take fifteen percent of my strength."

The throne wasn't amused with my reply. "Allow whom? fifteen percent you say? Then what about the disruption you've caused? The rifts from entering as you please?"

"I don't want to hear it. So I shall sentence you to a power reduction, the choice to either marry or kill the human girl, and the decision to give God an apology. This meeting is hereby dismissed so long as the defendant understands his charges and his sentence. If defendant doesn't have anything to show within a year, the second triad shall rectify your situation without your approval. Council dismissed," Throne said.

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